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Who the @#$%! designed the space map? It's broken and unbalanced...favored to repubs!


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My question is: Why are you following them that close to their capitol ship? If you chase them off, there's no way they can hang far back enough to get protection from their capitol ship and also snipe people defending/attacking the satellite. Part of strategy is knowing when to run. Part of strategy is knowing when not to chase someone. If they want to sit by their ship and be of no benefit to their team, let them... instead of letting them kill you and keep you tied down.


I see this suggestion a lot but the problem is that they are back getting kills in seconds and you just spent all your time not getting a kill and removing your self from the sat. if you sit there and wait then your target #1 for all the spawning fighters and respawned gunships. a gunship whos being chased or forced to leave is only slightly delayed from farming kills


...not a viable tactic

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Look...I'm TERRIBLE at pvp....like, bloody awful at it. I haven't pvp'd once in SWTOR as an actual toon, but I have been playing GSF pvp since last night, and I can tell you why it feels like balance is off. Imps go for the throat, while repubs tend to go tactical. That's it. What I mean is, I have noted more of my imp buddies just going for the kill, rather than being smart and tactical and taking the A, B, C points on the map. Watch the queue before launch...imps almost always start off with primarily scouts and strikeships, whereas if you watch the repubs, they almost always roll out a few gunships. So they camp the gunships at the A & B map points while imps ALWAYS race for C, and then tear us to shreds when we roll in to try and take the map points.


When you see more tactical fighting done on the imp side, rather than all out destruction, then you might see some better balance. In my opinion, I could care less...I'm having fun each match regardless of whether I win or lose. I always score points...almost always one of the folks to take at least one map point and hold it, and I'm starting to get good at dogfights. Win, lose...as long as I get to blow crap up I'm a happy camper.


I can agree to that - and it works the other way round, too.

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