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I am terrible at GS.


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I suck horrible at it, and I'm sure I killed myself more than I got killed, but it's pretty much all I did when I got home last night. I couldn't stop messing around with the ships. I played a couple games on a few of my characters. I thought I'd like the scout most, turns out I really like that long range attacker thingy ship. I would sit behind an asteroid or docking bay and be just in range of a contention point and blast away at people. I wound up with almost 35 medals when I was done playing :)


Not bad for someone that flies into asteroids and can't PvP very well.

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First 2 matches were rough, but then started being in top 3 on every fight. Played all games in x-wing franchise and there are some similarities. Some tips: Use W A S D. S makes you more maneuverable since your turn radius is smaller by going slower (turn speed is also faster due to inertia) W along with boost keeps you in range. A and D help also with turn radius.

Switch targets often (Use E to get the red circle, don't use tab often try to target by sight).

Assists are just as good with kills and if you are defending or trying to cap, getting someone to run is a win.

Gunships are best when attacking wounded enemies or engaged enemies.

If someone does not know you are attacking, don't try a lock on; start hitting them with lasers then after they boost, get behind then lock on.

Similarly if you are getting attacked do not burst off in one direction, break line of sight by flying near things

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