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Do people hate or love Galactic Starfighter?


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I tried it, its just a pvp shooter. As I have no interest in pvp it didnt really appeal to me.


Considering that a minority are pvpers and a majority are pve'ers it doesnt really make much sense to me that they release an off the rails space game that EVERYONE was wanting and then make it only appealing for the minority. Missed opportunity.

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It has the shiny new toy effect but that will wear off within a couple weeks. GS is basically a separate mini-game within SWTOR. There is no connection to character progression which makes this a pretty lame expansion. This has to be the worst expansion I have ever seen put out in any mmorpg.
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It is a shiny toy and I agree and the sheen will wear off soon. But given that it really is simple and only as time consuming as you make it, I think it will do well over time.


I'm loving it for a number of reasons but mainly because it is fun.

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I'm okay with it. I used to be a lot more enthusiastic about it before the launch. The design in itself is great but the implementation has several letdowns for me, like having to upgrade each ship individually. I really don't get that one.


If i unlock a rocket or a blaster for my NovaDive, which is a Scout, why do I have to pay everything all over again to unlock the same weapon for my Flashfire, which is basically the same ship type? It seems to me that they're just artificially trying to halt progression, so that less seems more in comparison. I really was looking forward to a legacy hangar and to playing on multiple characters but apparently I'm only going to have one dedicated pilot. Also the complexity of the user inteface can be very overwhelming first, which might or might not scare new people away.


I'd say sensisitivity is a bit too high, sometimes it's just impossible for me to follow targets, but otherwise it's an interesting new addition.

Edited by CommanderKeeva
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I'm okay with it. I used to be a lot more enthusiastic about it before the launch. The design in itself is great but the implementation has several letdowns for me, like having to upgrade each ship individually. I really don't get that one.


I also don't get why the Hangar isn't, at least, faction-wide, if not Legacy-wide. Wouldn't mind upgrades being more grindy, if it meant that my entire Legacy had access to the same ships and upgrades.

Edited by Helig
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As someone who used to play X-Wing, Tie fighter etc back in the day on a pc which had even less power than my smart phone.. I was looking forward to this.


Don't hate it , but can't say I love it either. sure it's a lot of fun and a break from the normal day to day stuff spent a few hours ,messing about with it last night I don't do world / WZ pvp so this is as far as my pvp goes but then it still doesn't feel like pvp. more of a free for all if it's moving shot it and hope for the best.


I do however really like the look of the areas, the ships and the UI for all the ship stuff, so overall i like what I see and feel that BW have done a good job, but at the same time I do wonder if all the time, effort, and money might off been put into something else not sure what.


But I get the feeling that this might just be a "Ohhh that's nice and new" then in a week or twos time ppl will have had their fill and it will be sitting in the background of their game as something else to do..


But its free it has lot in it so maybe it will hold ppl's interest a lot longer than it might hold mine. for what it is it's done very well and looks nice and plays ok but lacking some depth is what i guess I'm trying to say.

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I love it myself, fun addictive way to spend time, Obviously it has its downfalls, like 2 maps and 1 gamemode..I'm sure I'm not the only person here who wants to be escorting ships while other team tries to take them out, or getting involved in large fleet battles with capital ships, or having to take out installations that could involve some skillful flying between the super structure ( I'm thinking of you Falcon Vs Under construction Deathstar )


So yea, I'm hoping that they expand on it, hoping we see different tiers of ships as well as just different play styles ( I mean there should be advanced fighters that have to be EARNED through play, I mean a Tie Fighter was just flat out outclassed by a Tie Advanced or the even more powerful Tie Defender ) And well..you know...cockpits please! It's a great place to start from, but it better be just the start! ;)


PS, I know it's a small thing, but when using quad cannons and firing other weapons in a strike craft can you make it use every hard point, and not just 2, so rapid fire would cycle through every point instead of just bottom 2 hardpoints ;)

Edited by Falcanaar
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Originally I was miffed about the lack of PvE. But having tried it last night, I love the PvP here, so much more than the ground.


Here's a few things I don't get about the complaints in here though. "Turn Fights"... If you're hitting the throttle all the way, the entire fight, and don't use your controls to turn the ships orientation on the X, Y and Z axis, you're gonna get blown up. If you can't catch someone because you're both going around in circles, throttle back and let the opponent get back into your sights. You'll still be in range.


Capture, don't just kill. You can't win by chasing the enemy around the map for 15mins. You have to capture and hold the stations. I know this is a no brainer, but some groups I was in, everyone was chasing the enemy, and letting them grab the objectives. Good way to lose, and quick.


Wingmen. If you partner up with a second pilot, one of you can lead the charge while the other one protects their 6. Most people I played with were like ADD kids on pixie sticks. All over the place. Form up, and play smart. It's the equivalent of people button mashing in FPSs and wondering why they keep getting ganked. In a case where it's a PUG and there's zero comm chatter between teammates, take the initiative to play wingman to an ally, and be his cover. Clusters of 2-3 pilots can be much more effective than chaotic attacks on any and all red dots.


I think GS is an amazing addition to the game. If it keeps improving (fingers crossed on eventual PvE flashpoints), I don't see any other MMO on the market being able to match its uniqueness.

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If it would be PVE, I'd say it's great.


However as it is PVP, I just did a few rounds with a dump char, as I don't want my main in a pvp scenario.


Looks good, and I really would like to fly around more, do some missions, explore the environment... but absolutely impossible while people shoot at you all the time.


So I'll give it a try again, when PVE content is added.

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If it would be PVE, I'd say it's great.


However as it is PVP, I just did a few rounds with a dump char, as I don't want my main in a pvp scenario.


Looks good, and I really would like to fly around more, do some missions, explore the environment... but absolutely impossible while people shoot at you all the time.


So I'll give it a try again, when PVE content is added.

In PvE, you'll have NPCs trying to shoot you all the time :)

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Middle. The fun is heavily distorted by faction imbalance here.

Even although people on my server tell me that there just isn't any faction imbalance, I can tell you that out of 15 games I (as a Republic player) have won 3 or 4. The others were won by the imperial faction to 3/4 with all 3 sattelites captured.


Yesterday I lost only two gameS and won around six. Aside from that its really cool and I love it.

Edited by Cordarn
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I'm loving it. Loving it loving it loving it! :)


I just love having a nice competitive PvP space game added to my favourite MMO, so this is awesome for me.


Furthermore, I rather like how they've done things in the hangar, with ship customization and progression, it is very well done, and I am looking forward to the new content coming down the pipeline.

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I have played a number of matches, and I have to say I like it. It was difficult at first because I had no idea of what I was doing, but I have started to get the hang of it. Some of the controls seem a little too sensitive (the mouse), but I feel like they will be able to do something about it within a few weeks. As I have seen on other posts, there just need to be a few things ironed out and then I think it will be pretty solid. So overall, I do like GSF.
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Thats because republic players dont understand the concept of objectives. They think they can just go around killing random players and win.


On Harbinger as Republic, I must have won over 3/4 of the battles I was in. One battle the Republic won 1000/2 in points, took and held all 3 satellites right from go... Likely varies by server.

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Hate it. Nice flight system, but it's imposible for a casual player like me to compete. I don't PvP and can't play much so I am at a severe disadvantage against the core Pvp community. I think it's ******** that all things aren't equal in evey match. It will take me a month to do what most seem to do in a couple of days. It's not fair that they totally excluded non pvp players from the new space mechanics.
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hated it from day 1 the reinvented wheel on flight controls makes it feel like i am playing a facebook game.


1.The targeting and turning tied to the same piece of hardware crap design.

2. Lack of joystick control in a 2013 mmo for space failing hard.

3. Booster are great but making you use booster to turn faster fail

4. Shall i go on with this garbage.


Honestly not sure where all the hate about the controls are coming from.... I've played many flight sims and games from Chuck Yeager's, to Afterburner, to X wing vs Tie fighter, and others, and there is nothing wrong with these controls. Most of the GS key binds can be remaped, and one can choose to use either key board, mouse, Belkin keypads, etc. Personally, I'd like a little better turning radius, but I've also only played it one day and am likely to improve, as will others.

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Hate it. Nice flight system, but it's imposible for a casual player like me to compete. I don't PvP and can't play much so I am at a severe disadvantage against the core Pvp community. I think it's ******** that all things aren't equal in evey match. It will take me a month to do what most seem to do in a couple of days. It's not fair that they totally excluded non pvp players from the new space mechanics.


Each new level boost offers only a small percentage boost to anything you choose to modify. Take a close look at the numbers. Even with things maxed, they are only small percentages, and nothing that will be game breaking. Honestly these ship boosts will not help bad players excel at GS, the same way that player gear can help bad players in regular character PvP.

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Hate it. Nice flight system, but it's imposible for a casual player like me to compete. I don't PvP and can't play much so I am at a severe disadvantage against the core Pvp community. I think it's ******** that all things aren't equal in evey match. It will take me a month to do what most seem to do in a couple of days. It's not fair that they totally excluded non pvp players from the new space mechanics.

Negative thinking much? You can still beat a fully upgraded ship on a stock one, or, at the very least, survive a fight with it, if you employ some common sense and tactical thinking.

Each new level boost offers only a small percentage boost to anything you choose to modify. Take a close look at the numbers. Even with things maxed, they are only small percentages, and nothing that will be game breaking. Honestly these ship boosts will not help bad players excel at GS, the same way that player gear can help bad players in regular character PvP.

Absolutely. Next to player skill, ship class/upgrades have much less impact than gear (at least in OW), classes and specs on the ground.

Edited by Helig
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Not a fan. It's a mini game with no tie in to the rest of the game. Controls are bad and twitchy, multi monitor set up with mouse out of game window is an annoyance. I get disoriented easily with the interface. I've got targeting boxes of enemy ships that I can't tell if they are behind or in front of an asteroid or tower. There is no immersion of a space ship - atmospheric flight, take off, docking, etc. It's a free movement on axis shooter that's basically rails.


All in all, its meh. I was expecting/hoping they add more from beta to live. Glad I didn't have to shell out extra coin for it.


They should have done something along the lines of Evochron Mercenary or X3 Rebirth. Counting the days for Star Citizen.

Edited by Size-Matters-Not
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