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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Smuggler v Agents Melee ish moves.


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I have been goin back, and forth playing the agent, and the smuggler, using there various close range moves,and as far as I can tell the smugglers moves seem way slower in comp to the agent because of the animation that the smuggler has v the agent.


For instance a rotation a may use on the smuggler would b..... kick to the nuts, pull out scatter gun, pistol face slap, punch to the face which is an animation clutter fest in comp to the agent.


Where as the agent is dagger, dagger, dagger, dagger.


If it is not obvious why I am complaining yet its cause I like the smuggler better, but that class feels, and may b way more slow, and clunky v the agent cause of the time it takes to perform the various different smuggler animations.


Has any 1 else noticed this also?

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I no longer play my scoundrel because of the cluncky smuggler animations, which ironically is something I never thought would bother me.


I'm mainly a sawbones scoundrel but even there the animations are just terrible.

From the way the smuggler moves when my pistol is drawn to the Slow-Release Medpack animation and sound, everything is subpar compared to the agent. Such a shame.


And the worst part is that this has been in the known issues since God knows when, so don't expect it to get fixed anytime soon

Edited by TheNahash
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In general I prefer the Operative moves. Only thing I find clunkier with Operatives is Corrosive Dart tends to require more forward positioning or else it will just sort keep clicking.


Dirty Kick and Surrender are always fun to see, though. :p

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I really want to play a scoundrel, but the punching animations look so bad. Why am I punching people when I've got this awesome scattergun to shoot people in the face with. I understand what they were going with when it comes to the fist-fighting, I just think the execution was really bad. It just doesn't hold up to any of the other melee characters. The guardian interrupt looks better than most of the scoundrel animations.
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I'm actually the reverse. I like the Scoundrel animations. the agent/smuggler was one of the last toons i leveled, and the only reason i got one to 55 was i enjoyed how the scoundrel moved.


IMO the stabby stabby is boring. I enjoy the varations with the scoundrel, and as long as the damage is applied consistently, and im not losing any time outside of GCD, I'm just fine with the animations.


I second the vote for more cool shotgun effects, but I'm also OK with the way it is now. Although...an animation to replace suckerpunch that made the scoundrel whip out his shotgun, spin it around, and smack them with the butt (like a club) could be cool lookin too.

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