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New Planet Idea....PVP PLANET.


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Im suggesting this so us who want to get 100% achievement completion can actually get ti done..otherwise what are the odds of getting 50,000 kills on section x???

For 100% achievement completion, you need PvP kills on all contested planets. As I am one of the completionitsts, I know that this is almost impossible to get on a non-pvp server.


And how does adding another pvp-planet help with getting pvp awards for alderaan, quesh and the others?

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Ilum was not a PvP planet…it had a PvP area that you battled for and it had no reward…..


I agree with for the most part but the above is incorrect. There were rewards attained by collecting the crates. The fiasco being that in the main, reps and imps just ignored each other in order to collect them. At this time, you also were awarded an alternate pvp comm for killing someone outside of a warzone, which I cannot recall the name of now, and people rarely fought each other to get them. You had to question what was in the devs minds when they added the walkers you shot missiles at, all that was utterly a dead duck.


I personally do not think there is an answer to this issue. People will not fight over a measly 5 WZ comms either, we need something massively different to make people go there, but I don't think this is the game for any further enhancements to pvp. Actually scrap that, I mean any enhancements at all, as in my opinion, we are in a worse state than the game was after 6 months (not launch as it was a mess) with only really a couple of extra warzones added and the arenas to appease the duellists.

Edited by ThorgrimLutgen
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For 100% achievement completion, you need PvP kills on all contested planets. As I am one of the completionitsts, I know that this is almost impossible to get on a non-pvp server.


And how does adding another pvp-planet help with getting pvp awards for alderaan, quesh and the others?


OMG dude read what i posted in the OP…i said remove the achievements from the current planets and place them on the PvP planet lol

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I agree with for the most part but the above is incorrect. There were rewards attained by collecting the crates. The fiasco being that in the main, reps and imps just ignored each other in order to collect them. At this time, you also were awarded an alternate pvp comm for killing someone outside of a warzone, which I cannot recall the name of now, and people rarely fought each other to get them. You had to question what was in the devs minds when they added the walkers you shot missiles at, all that was utterly a dead duck.


well finally an unbiased poster debating instead of a single minded person with no real input opposing the idea lol thank you lol


I dont remember their being an award for killing anyone nor capturing all 3 areas…it was just a kill all and no ACHIEVEMENT. lol I do however remember the walkers and how annoying those were and trying to avoid them by running in the tunnels…but see there was a huge issue with that whole PvP thing…it wasn't a pvp area you still had to manually switch the flag on. I remember a Jedi sentinel was playing lookout and all of a sudden a swarm of republic toons came either from the tunnel or from behind the broken tank thing…but anyway getting back to the point there was no reward and i do think that 5WZ coms wouldn't be enough that was just a random number w/o it being too high to give the people that don't PvP another reason to cry and say, "this won't work bc people would just farm each other for wz coms waaaaaaaa go to a PvP server waaaaaaaaaa"

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Agreed. I have a hard time grasping why dedicated PVP-ers don't just play on PVP servers. That would seem to be the most equitable solution for all involved.


What if a player is a dedicated PvPer, but the friends he came to the game with are PvErs or RPers? What is he simply has achievement OCD like the OP? What if he wanted to try out PvP, but is too lazy to level another character and doesn't want to risk transferring and not liking it?


There are plenty of reasons to want want PvP on a PvE serer.

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I dont remember their being an award for killing anyone nor capturing all 3 areas…it was just a kill all and no ACHIEVEMENT.

The reward for having 2 or three of the bases was a bonus in the mission rewards. There was no achievement for the whole ilum PvP, cause there was no achievement system at all :rolleyes:


it wasn't a pvp area you still had to manually switch the flag on.

Actually when I went to western shelf, I was prompted for entering a PvP zone and was auto-flagged. Granted, not the entire planet was auto-flag, but the whole zone was. There was no way to stay in that zone unflagged.


Old Ilum PvP was removed because the rewards were abused... how can you say, there were no rewards?! Even today there is the occasional forum post complaining about players who "cheated" their way to maximum valor back in those days.


A compromise might be to keep the western shelf open and the gree pvp missions active all the time, not only during the (rare) Gree event times. And yes, removing the PvP-achievements from all other planets would be a nice touch... or at least all move them into the PvP category, so that you got a chance to reach 100% on the planets without needing to abuse the PvP mechanic by trading kills for hours.

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A compromise might be to keep the western shelf open and the gree pvp missions active all the time, not only during the (rare) Gree event times. And yes, removing the PvP-achievements from all other planets would be a nice touch... or at least all move them into the PvP category, so that you got a chance to reach 100% on the planets without needing to abuse the PvP mechanic by trading kills for hours.



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The reward for having 2 or three of the bases was a bonus in the mission rewards. There was no achievement for the whole ilum PvP, cause there was no achievement system at all :rolleyes:


By reward i mean something as a benefit to the PvPers or achievement completion. WZ coms and achievements. who the F*** cares about valor outside of PvP? it doesn't effect combat with NPCs, raids, and it no longer lets you put on gear that requires 2000Valor. so the "old reward" was crap to PvEers and ooo a bonus mission on Ilum…you have to be at lv 47-50 to even go to that planet and get exp for any mission and most people under 50 wouldn't walk in the PvP zone because they'd get flattened in 3 sec. so a bonus mission is really pointless. if I got WZ/Ranked coms for each kill say 50 of both per kill id touch down on planet and start a banking spree….now i may be killed but in the off chance i get some kills in i would gladly go to that planet.


so lets put a realistic number to the WZ/Ranked coms shall we…. Lets say 50 WZ coms per kill, 100 Ranked coms for solo kills (to encourage actual skill), and "if" someone just got out of a fight and they're at less than 100% hp and get ganked the killer only gets 20 WZ coms for an assisted kill (pretty much saying this is all you get for trying to steal an easy kill). (if you didn't catch on I'm treating the PvP planet like call of duty as these are the point values in a free for all match or team death match)

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I've made some similar suggestions in the past.


Update to World PvP - http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=530312

Update to Space (Inludes 'World PvP) - http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=530325


May want to give those a review and bump them if you like some of the ideas as well. Like my reply puts yours up top as well. Helps visibility of the ideas.

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I've made some similar suggestions in the past.

May want to give those a review and bump them if you like some of the ideas as well. Like my reply puts yours up top as well. Helps visibility of the ideas.


I looked over it and I do like most of it, I don't think end game is boring its just when I'm doing dailies id like to que for a FP and at the same time if i could get achievements done that would be great. Also most people when the objective is more than kill xxxxx amount of players people tend to get blind sighted and completely ignore objectives and all they want to do is kill people and get into pissing contests with the DPS when the healer is 30m behind him healing. so i do agree with a lot of what your linked thread has to offer i just don't want another Ilum i just want a planet Arena…..touch down kill thats it…not got to this planet do planet quests and oh heres this area its PvP but its only but so big and the PvEers wing trek inside it only the stealth gankers and a back up team are waiting inside. because thats all Outlaws Den and Gree even PvP area is…Assassins that can hit people for 21k in 1 maul wait in there…I don't have an issue with a planet of that bc they wouldn't be confined to 1 small area and there would be more of them out there waiting for them lol

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I've made some similar suggestions in the past.


Update to World PvP - http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=530312

Update to Space (Inludes 'World PvP) - http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=530325


May want to give those a review and bump them if you like some of the ideas as well. Like my reply puts yours up top as well. Helps visibility of the ideas.


I don't have anything positive to say about Space missions or space combat and id rather not post anything bias on your thread about Space combat/Missions. Im one of the few people that has the decency of, if my opinion isn't unbiased and in a debating manner I won't post unless to inform others of me not doing so as a curtesy so i don't offend anyone by not supporting their threat because if i don't like the subject i take the neutral route which most people should do.

Edited by Jamalzero
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I'm not a dedicated PvPer I just want a planet to move all the PvP achievements to. This way the OCD people like myself on a PvE server wanting to get 100% achievement completion can actually get it done…do you have any idea how hard it is getting 50000 player kills on section x???? I literally have to have a fully geared assassin sitting in the base waiting for someone to walk in flagged just to get the kill and that happens once every two weeks to a month just to get 1 kill because after i rape them in 3 sec flat they sit there dead for 5 mins to remove the flag…I'm not a dedicated PvPer i just like getting achievements done…and having a PvP planet this would enable people like myself to go there and get that done in an environment where we can kill each other to get all PvP achievements done….


So....why not play on a PvP server then? It's cheaper than designing a new planet. It's easier to do operations on a PvP server for PvE achievements than trying to kill thousands of flagged players on PvE servers. So if you had known in advance that you were aiming for 100% achievement completion, you should have considered, which server to move to. And now that the paid server transfers are available, at any point you can transfer your characters to a PvP server and bring your entire legacy and achievement system with you.


If you have an FFA PvP area with rewards for player kills, guess what, people will call in their friends. And they will start making ops groups again. And the faction with the most players will eradicate the opposing one. As I have said many many many times in the past, large-scale FFA open-world battles are not feasible in this game for three reasons.


1. Hero Engine is simply unable to handle massive battles. Even the 8v8 warzones are sometimes stretching the engine to the limit. 1.1.5 Ilum clearly proved this. Or don't you remember the pretty slideshows we were getting when 50 sorcerers were casting force lightning on the same spot? It was a massive, laggy zergfest.


2. Faction imbalance is still a problem in FFA battles. Remeber the why the Fray Landing Memorial was erected on Ilum? How the Republic was massively outnumbered by Imperial players? I still remember that we barely managed to scrape one ops group together and the Imperials had 4-5 groups running at the same time. Fighting 20 vs 200 was not really fun for either side.


3. Melee DPS and Tanks are useless in such a situation. The two teams form two giant mobs and the ranged DPS exchange fire while the melee stand around and do nothing. If they charge in, they get slaughtered.


The developers know this as well, this was the reason why the central area in the Gree event was not FFA. Any attempt to revive the old Ilum will meet the same techical, gameplay and mechanical issues.


EDIT: The PvP player kill achievements however could be consolidated into one category, so that kills on all planets advance them. It really isn't possible to get hundreds of kills on Quesh for example, where only 3-4 people are playing at peak hours.

Edited by CommanderKeeva
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So....why not play on a PvP server then? It's cheaper than designing a new planet. It's easier to do operations on a PvP server for PvE achievements than trying to kill thousands of flagged players on PvE servers. So if you had known in advance that you were aiming for 100% achievement completion, you should have considered, which server to move to. And now that the paid server transfers are available, at any point you can transfer your characters to a PvP server and bring your entire legacy and achievement system with you.


ok only ready half of this i can tell you didn't read my posts at all…and by read i mean take what i posted and actually understood it…


If you have an FFA PvP area with rewards for player kills, guess what, people will call in their friends. And they will start making ops groups again. And the faction with the most players will eradicate the opposing one. As I have said many many many times in the past, large-scale FFA open-world battles are not feasible in this game for three reasons.

1st off I have been playing since launch…at the time there were no achievements and me not being the biggest PvPer like i mentioned before i went to Ilum to try it out but i never really was into it because there was no real reward for doing it…


2nd you're just like the rest of the people that have no REAL input and you're just shooting the idea down…keep your opinions to yourself if y'all you're going to do is "ne say" with a bias single minded opinion with no REAL input


1. Hero Engine is simply unable to handle massive battles. Even the 8v8 warzones are sometimes stretching the engine to the limit. 1.1.5 Ilum clearly proved this.


you obviously haven't started a war in the Gree event or on section x the system can handle full blown full faction battles pushing the imps back to their base and the same to the republic…there was a 50 vs 50 battle about a year ago on the Shadowlands, Section X.


Or don't you remember the pretty slideshows we were getting when 50 sorcerers were casting force lightning on the same spot? It was a massive, laggy zergfest.


and that is a graphics card issue not the system…get a better graphics card buddy. lol


2. Faction imbalance is still a problem in FFA battles. Remeber the why the Fray Landing Memorial was erected on Ilum? How the Republic was massively outnumbered by Imperial players? I still remember that we barely managed to scrape one ops group together and the Imperials had 4-5 groups running at the same time. Fighting 20 vs 200 was not really fun for either side.


AGAIN it shows you didn't read my post at all i said same faction could attack same faction…this planet would be a free for all so everyone can be attacked the moment you leave the shelter of the base that would be only accessible by elevator much like the Makeb home base.


3. Melee DPS and Tanks are useless in such a situation. The two teams form two giant mobs and the ranged DPS exchange fire while the melee stand around and do nothing. If they charge in, they get slaughtered.


if you're the melee DPS then you should delete your toon and reroll NOW…Melee DPS are face rollers Ive seen Assassins hit people for 21k with a maul then follow up with a 19k maul insta killing and a rage jug and wipe entire mobs like its nothing…here is a link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=16TiZ4f8uWY watch this and tell me what you think about Melee DPS until then sit down and be quiet until you learn how to play your class properly lol that jug has no issues with 1 healer against tons of pubs trying to kill him.



The developers know this as well, this was the reason why the central area in the Gree event was not FFA. Any attempt to revive the old Ilum will meet the same techical, gameplay and mechanical issues.




To add to this here is an assassin link

now you tell me how useless melee DPS and tanks are in PvP and if you pay attention you'll notice this is on Secion X and both videos are from my server and its a PvE server so some people actually engage in open world PvP on the fly i just want a planet of this instead of waiting for a flag to swap. The Gree event should not be the end all be cause that only attracts the griefers to stop you from capping the pylon on Ilum and getting quests done…thats all PvP servers are for really...people that want to grief other people when theyre trying to get quests done...


EDIT: The PvP player kill achievements however could be consolidated into one category, so that kills on all planets advance them. It really isn't possible to get hundreds of kills on Quesh for example, where only 3-4 people are playing at peak hours.



I agree to this part of your no nonsense post and this part only…



**Off Subject**

Ive seen tons of video on youtube where a lv 20-28 toon on Tatooine is doing a quest either solo or in a group and a 55 comes out of no where and 1 shot kills them and then they go stealth and camp the area waiting for them to come back if they didnt rez immediately and they kill them again. I want no part in that thats just mean and can make people not want to play the game...and the reason people think its not gonna work on a PvE server is because they are so close minded on the idea of a Planet PvP. they want to do quests I get that but this planet wont have any quests and their should be a disclaimer thatr says, "warning you are about to fly to a PvP planet once you leave your ship you will be flagge for PvP" before you touch down. This way no matter what you will always know what youre getting yourself into and as soon as you leave the base, for example, If youre empire: Republic and Empire toons can kill you and vice versa...on the republic side it would work the same way.


**Continuing subject**

This needs to be a planet and not a 3-4 kills on one planet because even now i wait for weeks/months to see a flag on a planet that requires a player kill and people just won't do it because they don't want to be ganked...and in the off chance i finally find someone thats flagged what happens 9/10 is they stun or root me and take off running into a heroic area and they get killed by NPCs and i dont get the kill but if there was a planet that the only purpose was attacking imps/pubs then i think people would go to it…I know on the republic side not a lot of people like each other and the same goes for imperial side...I know on my server whenever anyone i know sees <WOOK>, <WOOK jr>, <Afghanistanimation>, <Kungfu Tretchery>, <Nexangles>, <Galactic Duct Tape>, or <Xacit> they focus fire them in PvP or if theyre flagged they die on the spot...me personally i dont have any beef with the whole guilds lol But the only time to get them is during the Gree event because no one is gonna go in the Outlaws Den…to get ganked 3 sec after you walk in the center...the planet I'm talking about would be a full on free for all or an 8 man max team... NO 9+ GROUPING of any kind! 8 man group max…yes you can get an assisted kills and solo kills when feasible but it would require actual skill and competency in your class to get a solo kill. which most of the people opposing this idea arent up to that challenge because they have no confidence in their skills.



It shows you don't PvP when you say Melee DPS and Tanks stand around and do nothing lol maybe thats what you do but i go in and rip people a new one… on my Operative, Assassin, Jug, and Mara I could get you to 30% within 4 seconds and leave you panicking and wanting to turn tail and run just like the guys in the 2 videos i posted. I Have 3 assassins all different trees, 2 marauders, 1 jug, 1 sentinel, 1 guardian, 2 shadows, 1 scoundrel and 2 Operatives and i love running up on someone and DPSing them so bad they don't wanna fight anymore and run…to be fair on my maras if I'm not paying attention a "sniper" will F*** me up pretty bad but if i know the sniper is there he's the 1st to go then i kill the healer…I only go forthem 1st bc they're normally no where near the action is and its easy to pick them off especially if they're in marksman spec lol marks is a Joke compared to the other 2 trees for a sniper.

Edited by Jamalzero
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This video here proves that Assassin Dps is great considering in a 1 v 1 and in some cases 3 v 1 Suji just obliterated the RDPS, Tank and Healer with no issues.


As a matter of fact, after I watched this vidoe, I modled Sylar-x after Suji so i could do the same in any 1 v 1 and in some cases a 2 v 1.

Edited by Jamalzero
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