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Who (and why) is your favorite SW Character


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How could you not see the fall in Anakin throughout the movies?


I did see it, but I did not believe it.

As I said in my first post about this topic, the setup was there. The story was there. The reasons where there. But the execution did not deliver.

This is ofc. highly opinionated, but I was deeply disappointed because the PT never made me believe that Anakin becomes the feared Darth Vader later on. I didn't see the Dark Side growing in him. All I did see was some inconsequential teenager angst.

It's not the story I am bitter about, it is the way this story has been told. And I specifically talk about the story of Anakins fall, many other story arcs in the PT I did greatly enjoy.

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Qui-Gon, because he was an embodiment of the patience, humility and compassion of a dedicated Jedi, yet he was willing to question the 'wisdom of the Council'.




Dooku, but I was torn between him and Plagueis. Mainly because he wasn't a typical raging reckless Sith but turned more for political reasons. He's kind of an ambiguous character since he was almost brought back into the Jedi by Yoda even near the end of the Clone Wars. He's also pretty damn good with a lightsaber!

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I did see it, but I did not believe it.

As I said in my first post about this topic, the setup was there. The story was there. The reasons where there. But the execution did not deliver.

This is ofc. highly opinionated, but I was deeply disappointed because the PT never made me believe that Anakin becomes the feared Darth Vader later on. I didn't see the Dark Side growing in him. All I did see was some inconsequential teenager angst.

It's not the story I am bitter about, it is the way this story has been told. And I specifically talk about the story of Anakins fall, many other story arcs in the PT I did greatly enjoy.


Alright fair enough, your opinion after all.

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I have always liked Wedge.

Great character and backstory and love his attitude towards things.


My fav though has to be Coran Horn.

It was fun to see his progression from a Corsec officer to a Rogue and then finding out his affinity for the Force.

Plus the fact that he is flawed. Sure he can use the Force, just not completely.

And Whistler has to be one of the best astromech droids in the series (sorry R2).


I would love to see him represented in the new trilogy, but doubt that will happen.

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I would have to say Embo from TWC as my favorite character. He is just plain out awesome for his acrobatics and fighting abalities. Plus he was able to survive the box and survive a fistfight with Savage Opress. He is also awesome because he is able to use a hat as a weapon. My second favorite would have to be Jace Malcom for how he was almost able to defeat Malgus.
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No, I didn't read the novels. And as I said in my post, they major factor that puts me off Anakin in the PT is the actor they chose for him and the way the movie is directed. I am really sad about this, because it is such a wasted opportunity. When I was waiting for the PT to come out, the thing I wanted to see most was the fall of Anakin Skywalker, and I can not even tell how big my disappointment was :(

Now, Anakin is really lost to me as a cool and likeable character because the first thing that pops into my mind about him is a picture of the slimy guy that played him in the movies with his poor puppy eyes drooling over Padme.

(nothing wrong with drooling over Padme, but it should be done in style :D)


Anyway this just brings me back to Obi-Wan, which I thing was exceptionally well played by Ewan McGregor, which is certainly a contributing factor to why he is my all time favorite (Alec Guiness has to be mentioned here too!)

Well, what I was getting at is that I think you'd really enjoy the novel. Anakin's fall...and so many other things...make a lot more sense in that book than they do in the movie. You still have Lucas' basic idea, which is very good, but instead of Lucas, McCallum, Christiansen, Portman, and all the other contributors to the movie's mediocrity, you have Matt Stover's writing, which is fantastic.


And yeah, I agree about McGregor, who was one of the bright spots in the prequels. I actually think he was a much better Kenobi than Guinness was. Guinness phoned in his role and shunted all of Obi-Wan's good lines over to Yoda; we didn't exactly get the guy from The Bridge on the River Kwai. McGregor, on the other hand, was both invested in his role and competent. He really did seem to care about his performance. I remember watching the bonus material on the Attack of the Clones DVDs, which included an interview with McGregor about the clone plotline. He was effusively talking about how fun it was to play Dick Tracy and show the audience another side of the Jedi. Unfortunately, most of those detective-type scenes were cut out of the movie. Instead, we got a little bit of detective work and a lot of Anakin and Padmé. Sigh.


Without McGregor's performance, I wouldn't like Obi-Wan as much as I do now, and he definitely wouldn't be my favorite Star Wars character.

2. This guy's the original Jedi hero! Who else uses both light and dark side powers like him? Almost any Jedi (except maybe Galen Marek) has NOTHING on him.


And as for his 'death' I'll say this.. no body, no death.


That's right. You don't survive what he did and die *snap* just like that.

The cancer that is killing Star Wars...:p

My fav though has to be Coran Horn.

It was fun to see his progression from a Corsec officer to a Rogue and then finding out his affinity for the Force.

Plus the fact that he is flawed. Sure he can use the Force, just not completely.

And Whistler has to be one of the best astromech droids in the series (sorry R2).


I would love to see him represented in the new trilogy, but doubt that will happen.

I thought Corran was an awful and obnoxious Mary Sue in the first several X-Wing books. If I'd actually started reading the series with Rogue Squadron, it probably would've turned me off of all the rest of the books simply because of how much of a jerk he was. But he matured into a quality character later on, especially in I, Jedi. By the Dark Tide books, I thought he was much better than he used to be, and is now one of my favorite Jedi from that era.

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Although I've got plenty of favorites myself, the biggest would have to be Revan.


Now I know people have been giving him a bad rep lately but 2 things,


1. He's got probably the coolest armor set in the franchise (and now I've finally got it too!)


2. This guy's the original Jedi hero! Who else uses both light and dark side powers like him? Almost any Jedi (except maybe Galen Marek) has NOTHING on him.


And as for his 'death' I'll say this.. no body, no death.


That's right. You don't survive what he did and die *snap* just like that.


Anyway.. that's my two cents.


Everyones entitled to their opinion but you point out exactly why people hate on him so much.


1.) Youre basing your interest in him on his fashion sense. Cool armor is cool but its a rather poor example of who Revan is.


2.) Revan was set up to be the ultimate Jedi because you the player was going to control him. Make all the decisions. This meant they had to go overboard with him and give him one too many pros and not enough cons. Hes your A-Typical Black and White Hero that has very little in the way of shortcomings and way too many strongpoints.


People want believable characters and Revan..while cool to play as in a SW setting. Is not a believable character to most. And most who do attach themselves to him are likely remembering THEIR time playing as him versus the actual character thats recorded in the history of the EU. Revan was portrayed as much more powerful then even Anakin which doesnt make sense since Anakin is the embodiment of the Force. He was supposed to be the Christ figure of the Force...So does it make much sense that Revan be more powerful then him? To be honest, Im rather glad the SWTOR book named after him made him so much weaker and easily defeatable as they did. Gave him some serious flaws and made it seem like all the nostaglia about him was nothing more then what everyone does to Legends and Heroes...Make them more then what they really were.


Personally my favorite character is Qui Gon. I know we dont get to see much of him because of his demise. But he was very dark for a Jedi. He didnt follow the rules and constantly did his own thing even at the expense of climbing that ladder to the Council. Qui Gon had a more realistic attitude and personality when it came to the job he performed. He had obviously seen some stuff and it greatly affected him even though we're all lead to believe the Jedi are a bunch of automatons. Qui Gon was also quite brutally honest which came off as being mean or uncaring. But there were moments when you saw his genuine concern for other beings. You could see a lot of Dooku in Qui Gon. And Dookus comment about Qui Gon to Obi Wan in AotC in my opinion was a pretty honest opinion of Qui Gon. The Jedi blindly followed the Republic into war even though it was obvious that someone within the Republic used a Jedi's identity to build a Clone Army..Had Qui Gon been around. Would him and Obi Wan have blindly followed as well?

Edited by Foxtrotmikelima
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And yeah, I agree about McGregor, who was one of the bright spots in the prequels. I actually think he was a much better Kenobi than Guinness was.


I also agree with others in that McGregor delivered the best acting performance in the prequel trilogy.


As for the topic itself, I am not sure I can pinpoint one character from so many cool characters.. I won't name Obi-Wan though since I prefer villains.


ps. I hate Revan because he is a prime example of absolutely generic character based on what he was supposed to do rather than his personality or other traits. He was a Mary Sue of the highest order. Lets mash all ingredients together, Im sure that tastes well. Also about people who have used both dark and light sides of the force, there is Cade Skywalker from SW: Legacy, who may not be as epic but is a much more believable character with actual human faults. (Theres even Luke if it comes to that but I don't like him. Although at least Luke wasn't supposed to be everything at the same time like Revan.)

Edited by Karkais
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0/10. Bad troll is bad :p


At least, I hope to god you're trolling.


Also, Reply to my PM >.>

I'm not, particularly in the exchanges between then Hayden just comes across as more... genuine. And while Kenobi's performance is definitely great he comes across as somewhat wooden perhaps (I mean that in the lightest of senses), not excessively so, but just enough for him to feel like he's detached from the character, almost as if he's doing a voice over. Whereas Hayden, while given some rather unattractive lines (which he pulled off quite well all things considered) seemed more authentic, I really did feel like he was the cocky, testy, volatile (and later power-mad) teen that ironically everyone accuses him of being. Altogether though, I think there both great, and lapses are always brief.
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I'm not, particularly in the exchanges between then Hayden just comes across as more... genuine. And while Kenobi's performance is definitely great he comes across as somewhat wooden perhaps (I mean that in the lightest of senses), not excessively so, but just enough for him to feel like he's detached from the character, almost as if he's doing a voice over. Whereas Hayden, while given some rather unattractive lines (which he pulled off quite well all things considered) seemed more authentic, I really did feel like he was the cocky, testy, volatile (and later power-mad) teen that ironically everyone accuses him of being. Altogether though, I think there both great, and lapses are always brief.


To each his own, I guess I always admired McGregors performance as astounding, not just in the way you could really imagine him being the perfect Jedi, but in the way he managed to Imitate Alec Guinness's performance as Kenobi in episode 4... The subtle nuances were very easy to notice, the stroking of his beard, "the look" among many other things... Whilst I agree Hayden is a good actor, I just always thought McGregor was.... better.

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To each his own, I guess I always admired McGregors performance as astounding, not just in the way you could really imagine him being the perfect Jedi, but in the way he managed to Imitate Alec Guinness's performance as Kenobi in episode 4... The subtle nuances were very easy to notice, the stroking of his beard, "the look" among many other things... Whilst I agree Hayden is a good actor, I just always thought McGregor was.... better.
Well I agree that Ewan was excellent, and did a better job than Alec.


My favourite will of course always be Ian McDiarmid.

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Okay so Obi-Wan is like everyone's favorite. But lesbionist, codename: Starkiller. He was light, he was dark, his storyline was one of the best I've ever seen, the Rogue Shadow is my second favorite starship of all time (second to Sentinel Prime's escape starship in the beginning of TF3), he kisses one of the hottest CGI girls, and then dives down into the Death Star to get pretty far in battles against two of the most powerful dark lords ever, Palpatine being "the greatest'... which he ended up severly wounding Vader to the point where the Emperor almost cast him aside for being a failure. Starkiller in his Sith Stalker armor is jaw dropping in my opinion. They should implement that type of look somewhat for a new legion of Sith inside this SW:TOR Empire, that would be awesome.

Durge is also awesome, Gen'Dai all the way!!

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There are many different characters from Star Wars that I like for various reasons - Revan, Darth Malgus, Obi Wan Kenobi, Boba Fett, Barriss Offee, R2D2 (!) - but, my favorite above all is Kal Skirata from the Karen Traviss novels.


I am quite fond of the Mando'ade (the Mandalorians) and their various story arcs. I am also fond of stories about troopers - be they Clone Troopers, Imperial Troopers, or even Republic Troopers from the Old Republic era. That Kal'buir is both a Mando'a and a trooper are two things going for him right out of the gate.


In addition to that, he is a unwaveringly devoted father, and as a father myself this is something I can identify with and admire. He is also a bit of a rebellious and stubborn individual, only cooperating with authority when it also can suit his own ends and purposes. This proud, independent streak is also something I identify with.


Being both Mando'a and a trooper, Kal'buir is, of course, a complete bad-arse physically, tactically, and strategically. Sadly, my sorry self cannot claim anything in common with that. Still, I admire that, and think physical prowess is certainly an admirable quality, and even more admirable is his keen intellect and wit.


Finally, Kal'buir is both tragic and triumphantly enduring. Many hardships and sorrowful losses plague his life - mostly involving trying to protect and care for his 'children' and sometimes failing to do so. Every family loss is a deep scar on this man who has a great capacity for familial love and compassion despite his combative, roguish, often violent, and often criminal nature. And yet, despite bitter losses, he carries on. He just does not quit or give up - EVER! He does not stop fighting and caring for his extended family.


THAT is perhaps the thing I find most endearing about Kal'buir and why he is easily my favorite Star Wars character: No matter what, he endures and soldiers on, never holding back from doing everything he can for the welfare of his family no matter the cost or effort required. He is the bedrock of his family.

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Picking one was difficult because there are so many that I really like but I am going to have to go with Mitth'raw'nuruodo, better known as Thrawn. The Thrawn triology was my first experience with the EU and it just stuck. There are many reasons Thrawn is my favorite so I will keep it short to avoid a huge wall of text, just give broad stuff, no specific examples.


Firstly he is brilliant, just utterly brilliant and a master tactician. He is able to come up with amazing tactics that just confuse and dominates his enemies. His ability to predict an enemies tactics based on their art alone is an amazing skill (although some may call it a gimmick). He his not incredibly evil or power hungry like Palpatine was, he just believed in what the Empire stood for and tried to uphold it, a unique kind of "villian", one that I actually wanted to see win.


Also I must mention that he is Chiss (which happens to be my favorite species). The fact that a non-human was able to climb the Imperial military ladder to become a Grand Admiral should prove how skilled he is. I was actually sad when Ruhk killed him even if it was so "artistically done". In the end he was able to make many great strides for the Empire against the New Republic despite working with remnants. Oh and he was not a force-user, which is a plus for me I prefer non force users, but a non-force user that was able to outsmart most of his enemies including Jedi.


Glory to the Empire!

Edited by BardaTheHobo
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Do player characters count? If so, I'll nominate Darth Imperius.



If not, I nominate HK-47. Great wit, evades complete destruction throughout several millenia, and is great at what he does. Not even R2-D2 can compete with him.


Well this thread is about your opinion, so everything counts. What would be interesting to know is, why you like Darth Imperius? What's about their story that intrigued you?


As for HK-47 he is definitely a cool one. Do I like him more than R2? I don't know, with R2 I find it amazing how much emotion is transported with him having no speech and no mimics or gestures at all. But with his little jumping and beeping he can tell a lot. It's interesting to see that such a "handicapped" character is still one of the most liked and iconic figures of Star Wars.

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