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Who (and why) is your favorite SW Character


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Well, I'm quite sure this question has been elaborated many times, but I still would like to get it started one more time. I was following the "A vs. B" threads recently and there is a lot of good knowledge and insights found. But these threads are by nature focussed on combat ability and/or force power and so to speak "******-ness" of a character, but that does not necessarily mean the mightiest character is also the most favored (I couldn't care less for Luke e.g. who is considered the mighties Jedi ever ..).


So here we go, with my all time favourite SW Character who is ... Obi-Wan Kenobi!

What do I like about him?


First he _is_ ****** and can stand his own in most fights. We do see him defeated a few times, but he is certainly a force to be reckoned with on any battlefield. He is a recognized swordsman and an admired (or feared) tactician as a General. But this is only part of his battlefield prowess, I think what Obi-Wan shows us very well is that you should choose your battles carefully. What impresses me most of him as a warrior is that he knows when to retreat. He does not ever let his emotions get the better of him in battle and I think he uses his best weapon most effectively: his wit.


But being a warrior is only part of what makes Obi-Wan great. Because he is not only a warrior, he is truly a Knight. A defender of the weak. A shield to his allies. One that cares for the people he swore to protect. He doesn't fight for his own reasons, he doesn't do battle because he likes to compete or because he likes the feel of adrenalin in his veins. He fights to protect. If there is one noble warrior in Star Wars, it is Obi-Wan.


But being a knight is also only part of Obi-Wan. He is also a monk. The way I see him, he is spiritually very attached to the Jedi Order and he draws great strength from it. He devoted his life to the Jedi and he is content with it. On a logical level he has many doubts and problems with decisions the Order makes (and voices his disagreement), but spiritually he is really at home with the Jedi. It is the foundation where his beliefs rest and this gives him strength. If there is one Jedi I could never see falling to the Dark Side, it is Obi-Wan. He radiates commitment and dedication and this is the feat I admire mostly of him.


Obi-Wan is shown to be a person that found his place in life, and is in balance with himself. He shows us what great strength can be taken from such an inner balance. And this is why he is my favorite SW character.


So, now that you have read my fanboi rant about Obi-Wan, I am curious to here about your favorite.

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Mine is still Obi-Wan Kenobi. I don't know if I'm fully capable of articulating the reasons behind that choice, and I was never much one for hagiography in the first place. If the next couple of paragraphs seem a little boilerplate, well, that's why.


I suppose it's enough to repeat Matthew Stover's description of him from Revenge of the Sith: he is, and was, the ultimate Jedi. He struck the right balance in a lot of ways: warrior and negotiator, teacher and student, a serious man who never lost his touch for just the right amount of light humor. As a duelist, he had no holes; as an (albeit unwilling) pilot, he was one of the best in the galaxy. He wasn't the most powerful Force-user of his time, or the most experienced, but being a Jedi wasn't just about power. Lifestyle and personality also mattered, and in those respects, Obi-Wan embodied an ideal that any Jedi, before or since, would look up to and venerate.


Of all the good Obi-Wan Kenobi stories - and there are many, like Revenge of the Sith, Kenobi, Obsession, and Hate and Fear - I think the best is Labyrinth of Evil. It's not just for the story about why exactly Cato Neimoidia "doesn't count", but for showing Obi-Wan in his element, running the gamut of his best qualities. He storms Nute Gunray's stronghold in one chapter and then goes bar-hopping with Anakin on Naos III in another. He shows off the investigative prowess that Attack of the Clones only hinted at and the negotiating instincts that Grievous only alluded to. It's really a tour de force.

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Plo Koon and then Obi-Wan.

PK because I like playing him in the "Jedi Power Battle" on the playstation game. And then I became curious about his species the Kel Dor. I loved it! And I'm waiting to play one as a Gardian!


Obi Wan because he is the perfect Jedi, simple as that =)

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The Anakin Skywalker in The Clone Wars CGI series.


He's the best Jedi in my opinion...and he's the type of Jedi I envision my JK to be.


He doesn't follow strictly to the Jedi code but for all the right reasons, in my opinion.


When Plo Koon goes missing and the rest of the council just tell Anakin not to go looking for him. Anakin goes, finds him, and saves him.


When Ahsoka and Bariss are trapped under rubble. Luminara quickly gives up and says there is nothing they can or should do. Anakin keeps going and they find them.


There are countless more examples of situations like these in the show.


When someone is in danger, he goes to help. It's as simple as that. No and ifs or buts.


Sure, there are sometimes when he could use more patience...but in reality...he is the most selfless and heroic Jedi shown in that show.

Edited by VitalityPrime
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TCW did a lot to redeem Anakin as a character for me. I also like him a lot in that show. I still cringe during scenes where he and Padme are on screen together, but ok :p


It does not really belong in this thread, but on that note I think they lost such a great opportunity when they failed to fully portray the fall of Anakin Skywalker (imho). The setup was ok, and the steps and reasons why he fell were believable, but the execution (in the movies) was really, really poor. If they would have delivered on this, maybe Anakin might be a favorite character for me too. As it stands he is just "meh" for me, which has a lot to do with the actors they chose for him (and the directing) in the movies ..

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TCW did a lot to redeem Anakin as a character for me. I also like him a lot in that show. I still cringe during scenes where he and Padme are on screen together, but ok :p


It does not really belong in this thread, but on that note I think they lost such a great opportunity when they failed to fully portray the fall of Anakin Skywalker (imho). The setup was ok, and the steps and reasons why he fell were believable, but the execution (in the movies) was really, really poor. If they would have delivered on this, maybe Anakin might be a favorite character for me too. As it stands he is just "meh" for me, which has a lot to do with the actors they chose for him (and the directing) in the movies ..


Yeah, I always make a point to say "the Anakin from the TCW CGI series" why I list my favorite SW character...because he is such a different character than the Anakin from the movies.

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Kreia, simply the best Star Wars character and probably the best video game character ever created.


Care to elaborate? I think it is very interesting to know why people like a certain character. It always sheds some light on facets that may have been hidden before.

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Darth Bane and Yoda are probably my two favorites. I'll just elaborate on Yoda for now.


Yoda to me is the embodiment of the saying we've all heard since we were young kids, "never judge a book by its cover". Yoda is less than 2 feet tall, 800-900 years old, and upon first appearance is an odd looking alien (note in the OT all other Force Users we see are human so that's the context I mean). Then we see him being extremely knowledgeable, has ridiculous TK feats, then in the PT after Dooku rolls over Obi-Wan and Anakin in ATOC we all know what Yoda does next. Yoda revealing his awesome fighting skills for the first time is still my favorite moment of my movie-seeing life! Like I said before, "Yoda: Big things can come in small packages".


Edit: Oops just checked, Yoda is .66 meters ie not less than 2 feet as I said. Close enough?? :)

Edited by sell-dog
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Obi-Wan is a no-brainer, but I also happen to like Ganner. A lot. His valour and devotion elevated him to godhood. Post-mortem, but I'm pretty sure he doesn't care much, being one with the Force and being worshipped by those who once were his mortal enemies. His sacrifice is the very definition of what it means to be Jedi. Edited by Helig
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Kreia, simply the best Star Wars character and probably the best video game character ever created.


You and me are going to get along great....


As for why? She taught the deeper mysteries of the force, she knew the boundaries of obscurity and the power in not setting yourself down one path. She saw great things others could not, and it have her a type of curious wisdom... She was also... Well, a total ******.

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I'm sure my Kreia fandom at this point needs no explanation, so I'll be brief. But one the main reasons I suppose is because she espouses a philosophy I can actually agree with (to an extent) and is a nice relief from the twisted righteousness and hypocrisy of the Jedi and the purposeless and self destructive pursuit of power of the Sith. Edited by Beniboybling
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Wedge Antilles because he is the epitome of working up the military ladder:


He goes from being Luke's wingman at the Battle of Yavin, to taking out the first AT-AT on Hoth, to leading Rogue Squadron in the Battle of Endor, to morphing Rogue Squadron into an elite fighter squadron with covert operations ability, to creating Wraith Squadron: a covert operations team with starfighter piloting ability, to (reluctantly) taking a promotion to General and commanding a New Republic fleet.


And ALL of this without a shred of Force ability.

Edited by psandak
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Wedge Antilles because he is the epitome of working up the military ladder:


He goes from being Luke's wingman at the Battle of Yavin, to taking out the first AT-AT on Hoth, to leading Rogue Squadron in the Battle of Endor, to morphing Rogue Squadron into an elite fighter squadron with covert operations ability, to creating Wraith Squadron: a covert operations team with starfighter piloting ability, to (reluctantly) taking a promotion to General and commanding a New Republic fleet.


And ALL of this without a shred of Force ability.

Thrawn. While being a subhuman in the Empire, too.

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Well, I'm quite sure this question has been elaborated many times, but I still would like to get it started one more time. I was following the "A vs. B" threads recently and there is a lot of good knowledge and insights found. But these threads are by nature focussed on combat ability and/or force power and so to speak "******-ness" of a character, but that does not necessarily mean the mightiest character is also the most favored (I couldn't care less for Luke e.g. who is considered the mighties Jedi ever ..).


So here we go, with my all time favourite SW Character who is ... Obi-Wan Kenobi!

What do I like about him?


First he _is_ ****** and can stand his own in most fights. We do see him defeated a few times, but he is certainly a force to be reckoned with on any battlefield. He is a recognized swordsman and an admired (or feared) tactician as a General. But this is only part of his battlefield prowess, I think what Obi-Wan shows us very well is that you should choose your battles carefully. What impresses me most of him as a warrior is that he knows when to retreat. He does not ever let his emotions get the better of him in battle and I think he uses his best weapon most effectively: his wit.


But being a warrior is only part of what makes Obi-Wan great. Because he is not only a warrior, he is truly a Knight. A defender of the weak. A shield to his allies. One that cares for the people he swore to protect. He doesn't fight for his own reasons, he doesn't do battle because he likes to compete or because he likes the feel of adrenalin in his veins. He fights to protect. If there is one noble warrior in Star Wars, it is Obi-Wan.


But being a knight is also only part of Obi-Wan. He is also a monk. The way I see him, he is spiritually very attached to the Jedi Order and he draws great strength from it. He devoted his life to the Jedi and he is content with it. On a logical level he has many doubts and problems with decisions the Order makes (and voices his disagreement), but spiritually he is really at home with the Jedi. It is the foundation where his beliefs rest and this gives him strength. If there is one Jedi I could never see falling to the Dark Side, it is Obi-Wan. He radiates commitment and dedication and this is the feat I admire mostly of him.


Obi-Wan is shown to be a person that found his place in life, and is in balance with himself. He shows us what great strength can be taken from such an inner balance. And this is why he is my favorite SW character.


So, now that you have read my fanboi rant about Obi-Wan, I am curious to here about your favorite.


I have a few favorites, Vader (OT), Mace Windu, Revan (hate all you want), Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon, and Jango Fett, but narrowing it down I'd still say Qui-Gon and Jango.


While I agree with everything you said about Obi-Wan, I think Qui-Gon is the true definition of a Jedi Knight. He cared more about living beings than Obi-Wan, (Jar-Jar and Anakin in TPM), and was much more in tune with the Force than Obi-Wan. To me Qui-Gon is the real knight.


You mentioned about Obi-Wan being pure and never using the dark side, but he did give in to his anger and attacked Maul in rage after he killed Qui-Gon. Not discrediting Obi-Wan, as he has always been a favorite (favorite Obi is TPM), just like Qui-Gon better. Besides, where do you think Obi-Wan got it all from? ;)


As for Jango, he held his own against one of the best Jedi the Order had at that time, maybe one of the best ever. Plus he was the template for the Clones, which I like more than the Stormtroopers (I've always had an obsession with all the troopers lol).

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It does not really belong in this thread, but on that note I think they lost such a great opportunity when they failed to fully portray the fall of Anakin Skywalker (imho). The setup was ok, and the steps and reasons why he fell were believable, but the execution (in the movies) was really, really poor. If they would have delivered on this, maybe Anakin might be a favorite character for me too. As it stands he is just "meh" for me, which has a lot to do with the actors they chose for him (and the directing) in the movies ..

Did you ever read the Revenge of the Sith novel?

Obi-Wan is a no-brainer, but I also happen to like Ganner. A lot. His valour and devotion elevated him to godhood. Post-mortem, but I'm pretty sure he doesn't care much, being one with the Force and being worshipped by those who once were his mortal enemies. His sacrifice is the very definition of what it means to be Jedi.

"There are thousands of warriors out here. You are only one man!"


"I am only one Jedi."


"You're insane!"


"No. I am Ganner."

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Although I've got plenty of favorites myself, the biggest would have to be Revan.


Now I know people have been giving him a bad rep lately but 2 things,


1. He's got probably the coolest armor set in the franchise (and now I've finally got it too!)


2. This guy's the original Jedi hero! Who else uses both light and dark side powers like him? Almost any Jedi (except maybe Galen Marek) has NOTHING on him.


And as for his 'death' I'll say this.. no body, no death.


That's right. You don't survive what he did and die *snap* just like that.


Anyway.. that's my two cents.

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Although I've got plenty of favorites myself, the biggest would have to be Revan.


Now I know people have been giving him a bad rep lately but 2 things,


1. He's got probably the coolest armor set in the franchise (and now I've finally got it too!)


2. This guy's the original Jedi hero! Who else uses both light and dark side powers like him? Almost any Jedi (except maybe Galen Marek) has NOTHING on him.


And as for his 'death' I'll say this.. no body, no death.


That's right. You don't survive what he did and die *snap* just like that.


Anyway.. that's my two cents.


I agree with pretty much everything you said. Revan is definitely my favorite Jedi along with Qui-Gon Jinn. Too many people hate on him and I don't get it. My girlfriend is getting me a hardcover Revan book for xmas and I am so excited to read it I can't sit still.

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Just overall best line delivery in the entire Saga IMO, I also love the Darth Plageus book.


He was just such a bad dude and said such awesome darkside stuff.


I used to be a Boba Fett guy, and he is stll cool...but once he became a clone of Jango, he just comes off as a stormtrooper in better armor. A bit cooler in the books and stuff, but movie wise...meh.

Edited by kirorx
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Did you ever read the Revenge of the Sith novel?


No, I didn't read the novels. And as I said in my post, they major factor that puts me off Anakin in the PT is the actor they chose for him and the way the movie is directed. I am really sad about this, because it is such a wasted opportunity. When I was waiting for the PT to come out, the thing I wanted to see most was the fall of Anakin Skywalker, and I can not even tell how big my disappointment was :(

Now, Anakin is really lost to me as a cool and likeable character because the first thing that pops into my mind about him is a picture of the slimy guy that played him in the movies with his poor puppy eyes drooling over Padme.

(nothing wrong with drooling over Padme, but it should be done in style :D)


Anyway this just brings me back to Obi-Wan, which I thing was exceptionally well played by Ewan McGregor, which is certainly a contributing factor to why he is my all time favorite (Alec Guiness has to be mentioned here too!)

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No, I didn't read the novels. And as I said in my post, they major factor that puts me off Anakin in the PT is the actor they chose for him and the way the movie is directed. I am really sad about this, because it is such a wasted opportunity. When I was waiting for the PT to come out, the thing I wanted to see most was the fall of Anakin Skywalker, and I can not even tell how big my disappointment was :(

Now, Anakin is really lost to me as a cool and likeable character because the first thing that pops into my mind about him is a picture of the slimy guy that played him in the movies with his poor puppy eyes drooling over Padme.

(nothing wrong with drooling over Padme, but it should be done in style :D)


Anyway this just brings me back to Obi-Wan, which I thing was exceptionally well played by Ewan McGregor, which is certainly a contributing factor to why he is my all time favorite (Alec Guiness has to be mentioned here too!)


How could you not see the fall in Anakin throughout the movies?

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