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Get Rid of Arena


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They are so f*ucking usless. You get no exp and most of the time your stuck 4v3 or 4v2. Please just fix them, make it 5 rounds and gives us more exp and fair teams. You already have been worse enough since launch just get the dam pvp correct.
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They are so f*ucking usless. You get no exp and most of the time your stuck 4v3 or 4v2.


they are not that bad, if they are removed people who did like them will complain, contrary to popular belief some people actually like them. As for no xp, that's pretty much the same for regular warzones too. And its not most of the time, its just sometimes where someone leaves not most of the time. I just think of arenas as both a fast way to get comms and finish a daily, I tolerate them for that reason. Next time, do not let anger go into writing a post, it weakens your point and smokescreens over your reason.

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We'll dear OP, so you suggest to cut all the fun for people who play currently ranked war zones, have their teams, proud of their achievements and constantly put their time and passion to improve at arenas ( and it's not only leaderboards top, but more common folk like me for example ) only because you don't like it?


So thoughtful of you.. :confused:


You know I don't play operations, cause I don't understand how it relates to Star Wars lore at all, and fighting big robots or attacking some animals *** isn't fun for me, should BW remove them too because of my wish and bail on pveers, how do think?

Edited by helloder
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I have posted in several threads about this very same topic.(yes there have been several) I too hate these lame *** arenas and quit every one the second I load in. Now for double xp weekend I tried to play a few but noticed even when winning an arena with double xp AND a 25% boost going, the max xp gained was about 8.3k. So I'm back to basics and quitting them again. This is what you're going to have to do in order not to play them as BW will most likely never get rid of them. If they ever increase the amount of xp gained from these things, it may be worth it to play them. But for now, in reg wz, they are worthless.
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Unless BW implements a roll matching system into regular arenas, they will continue to be unbalanced and useless wastes of time.


We'll dear OP, so you suggest to cut all the fun for people who play currently ranked war zones, have their teams, proud of their achievements and constantly put their time and passion to improve at arenas ( and it's not only leaderboards top, but more common folk like me for example ) only because you don't like it?




Well dear helloder. Thank your for not reading the original post. It is obvious that the OP is talking about regular arenas (more specifically in the <55 brackets) and not ranked arenas because of his experience comments. Congratulations on being a geniOus!

Edited by ForsakenKing
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For the record, I despise 4x4 arenas, and refuse to do them. I drop immediately upon zoning in, and leave Bread & Circuses to those who like such things.


Having said that, do NOT remove them. That would be a bad idea. It lets the gladiator types work out their brutal desires, and lets the rest of us spend our time in 8x8. I WOULD, however, like to see a way of disabling arenas as an option in the WZ queue for each player. Keep them as an option, or...not. Play if you like them, deselect if you don't. Simple.

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Well, I personally love arenas. Learn the strategies, guys. No, going to the top level in Orbital Station when the enemy team has three mercenaries is not a good idea. No, mindlessly charging the enemy team which has two snipers fully aware of your presence is not a good idea. No, running out to challenge that vanguard who is going to pull you into his entire team for a 4-on-1 beatdown is not a good idea.


I'm only speaking from my own experiences, but it seems like most people who whine about arena are just really bad at them. They're probably the people I effortlessly slay in like 3 out of 4 arena matches. So sorry about your low play level.

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Unless BW implements a roll matching system into regular arenas, they will continue to be unbalanced and useless wastes of time.




Well dear helloder. Thank your for not reading the original post. It is obvious that the OP is talking about regular arenas (more specifically in the <55 brackets) and not ranked arenas because of his experience comments. Congratulations on being a geniOus!


Busted hehe :)

And what about new players or great minds :rolleyes::D:o like you and OP do not consider them?

Remove arenas - cant assess this awesome feature at all + no experience how to play them till they ding 55?

Again - matchmaking, and you slow don't they leveling + BW have to implement it and gets distracted from making pets for CM :eek:

So thoughtful of you :rolleyes:

Edited by helloder
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They are so f*ucking usless. You get no exp and most of the time your stuck 4v3 or 4v2. Please just fix them, make it 5 rounds and gives us more exp and fair teams. You already have been worse enough since launch just get the dam pvp correct.


You silly dumb people. The reason you don't get very much xp is because u lose in the first 30s. All WZ xp gains are based on how long you are in the warzone. Next time you lose a huttball in 2min jus look and see how much xp u get.

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I recently transfered all my chars to a PvE server and I don't know how to queue system works but with less people queueing on said server it feels like I get Arenas way more often. So i would assume that it automatically becomes an arena if less than 10 or so people queue for X amount of time.


I cannot express how much I HATE Arena and how this is ruining warzones for me. I'd rather wait an hour for a few more people than to get a pop and be disappointed by that failure of a gametype. I used to think it was somewhat "ok", never fun but atleast acceptable once in a while, on scoundrel but I've now reached the point where I'll insta-drop on that class too. And from the look of backfills and people insta-dropping before the game has started, the latter more or less never happening in 8 vs 8, I'd say that I'm not the only one feeling this way regarding Arenas.


But hey, if they wanted to destroy a good deal of peoples will to queue and frustrate those who actually want to play it by mixing them with people who will leave then; MISSION ACCOMPLISHED


Atleast they're consistent in never being able to execute.


Additionally, it's not like the ability to choose between arenas and 8 vs 8 would kill PvP more than it already has. Just allow us to queue for one or both. Sometimes it's not popping anyway on low-PvP servers but at primetime there's more than enough people online to support games of both types to be played simoultaniesly. I mean, no one expects to be able to pug an operation at 6 AM on a PvP server so why is it that we have to screw over the system for the sake of shorter queue times in PvP?


Or how about this, why are Arena even on Pve servers? There's no to very little OW-PvP going on in this game, regardless of server type, so let Arenas be the thing that distinguishes PvP servers. Ranked is pretty much dead on PvE servers anyway and the interest it for it is low so let those who are intersted enough in that type of warzones transfer to PvP servers, where more hardcore gametypes like last man standing belong.

Edited by MidichIorian
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Busted hehe :)

And what about new players or great minds :rolleyes::D:o like you and OP do not consider them?

Remove arenas - cant assess this awesome feature at all + no experience how to play them till they ding 55?

Again - matchmaking, and you slow don't they leveling + BW have to implement it and gets distracted from making pets for CM :eek:

So thoughtful of you :rolleyes:


Yeah exactly! And what about new players and Operations, flashpoints and other highlevel PvE content!? How thoughtful of them to exclude new players from those awesome features! And they cant get any experice how to play them until they ding 55!?




Please explain to me why it would be wrong to have pvp content that is exclusive for endgame pvp? Arenas has absolutly nothing to do in the regular warzone queue and should be made exclusive (and optional) endgame content.


There is absolutley no reason at all why all PvP content should be accessable while leveling. But hey, if you "instant gratification" players are so concerned about new players not having access to content - i will go ahead and assume you're all vouching for PvE Bolster too? In fact, maybe they should give players the option to just chose levels by clicking mobs in PvE so those poor level 5's can access world bosses and stuff?


How thoughtful of you :rolleyes:

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make it 5 rounds


Please, no!


Even if matchups & class balance were addressed, a lot of people don't like that format and never will. Then there's the issue of new players (in other Warzones they can kinda learn as as they go.... 4v4 on the other hand isn't forgiving). It's not the end of the world right now because the games are short. But if you add more rounds, it'll only serve to frustrate more players.


If EXP is the issue... I'd rather see them bump up the rewards for participating in the match.

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I play arenas only because I don't like quitting. Don't enjoy them at all.

Match making is great - have been teamed up as dps with 3 healers against a team of 4 tanks - imagine how long this lasted, 3 mercs and a sorc all undergeared against a top geared premade from the same guild..this at least went fast...and similar jokes.

If they could at least give proper rewards, but no - when I win I get > 8 medals, when I loose - 1-3.

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You get no exp


yeah, this definitely annoyed me for double xp weekend, spent more time in the loading screens than in the matches most of the time and had little to no xp to show for it...


12k xp.....and that was doubled? =/


You can get more xp killing a few random elites while questing on planets in less time and no loading screen.


not even going to get into the actual matches in terms of balance....3 LOLAPTanks and an op healer vs 1 dps sorc, a madness sin, dps op, and a sniper? yeah, gg, bioware.

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Yeah exactly! And what about new players and Operations, flashpoints and other highlevel PvE content!? How thoughtful of them to exclude new players from those awesome features! And they cant get any experice how to play them until they ding 55!?




Please explain to me why it would be wrong to have pvp content that is exclusive for endgame pvp? Arenas has absolutly nothing to do in the regular warzone queue and should be made exclusive (and optional) endgame content.


There is absolutley no reason at all why all PvP content should be accessable while leveling. But hey, if you "instant gratification" players are so concerned about new players not having access to content - i will go ahead and assume you're all vouching for PvE Bolster too? In fact, maybe they should give players the option to just chose levels by clicking mobs in PvE so those poor level 5's can access world bosses and stuff?


How thoughtful of you :rolleyes:


All games made for profit, so attracting new players always will be priority it's a fact, not some rage whiny screams.

Arena will be lowbie thing forever, cause it's another future, that should lure players here.

Do you honestly believe BW doesn't know that 3 tanks and dps will lose to 1 healer 1 tank and 2 dps?

Ofc they know ;) but there simply not enough population to implement fair matchmaking.


Learn to deal with facts, for now you are at stage 2 anger, but BW will take your sweaty hand and follow you with your subscription through next 3 pretty soon :rolleyes:


That's how things work in MMO, I'm sorry that I have to tell you :o


P.S. Monez is da powah..

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All games made for profit, so attracting new players always will be priority it's a fact, not some rage whiny screams.

Arena will be lowbie thing forever, cause it's another future, that should lure players here.


Allright. Please explain to me how being -forced- into a deathmatch situation that in 95% of the times is either utter failure or complete roflstomp, will make players wanna stay and pay.


Do you honestly believe BW doesn't know that 3 tanks and dps will lose to 1 healer 1 tank and 2 dps?

Ofc they know ;) but there simply not enough population to implement fair matchmaking.


Based on Biowares pvp trackrecord i wouldn't be so sure they "know" their pvp as good as you seem to believe. But sure, i'll bite and respond: I don't think "luring new players" is the agenda at all, i think it was pushed into regs only to make it available to PvErs and those who doesn't wish to partake in ranked.


To make profit you need to attract people to stay longer then a month, and if they are F2P's they need to use the cartel market if BW is gonna make any cash from them. So far i haven't seen or heard -anyone- coming to SWTOR becuase they heard how awesome lowbie Arenas are. I must have missed all that feedback...


Learn to deal with facts, for now you are at stage 2 anger, but BW will take your sweaty hand and follow you with your subscription through next 3 pretty soon :rolleyes:


That's how things work in MMO, I'm sorry that I have to tell you :o


P.S. Monez is da powah..


You know nothing about facts and i am not angry. I don't mind playing arenas at lowbies and i have the option to leave, but what you call "facts" are simply your own delusional oppinions.


If you wanna earn money in the MMO industry, you have to not only attract players to "try it" - you need to get them to stay. Now explain to me how Arenas in lowbie brackets ever made someone decide to stay or spend money in SWTOR. Go on.

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Allright. Please explain to me how being -forced- into a deathmatch situation that in 95% of the times is either utter failure or complete roflstomp, will make players wanna stay and pay.

Alternative to wz battle ground ( ops war zones ofc :D) where you are forced to play by objective to win. Here you can win simply by eliminating the other team. Not intended to be failure or roflstomp, but not enough population for proper matchmaking but too much efforts spend to remove it, cause someone might enjoy death match others like you can leave :) ( but how your team members who stayed will remember you is another topic :D)


Based on Biowares pvp trackrecord i wouldn't be so sure they "know" their pvp as good as you seem to believe. But sure, i'll bite and respond: I don't think "luring new players" is the agenda at all, i think it was pushed into regs only to make it available to PvErs and those who doesn't wish to partake in ranked.

Well that's your opinion rather than fact, I'm sure multinational company like EA have all the feedback available cause they are making money here it's their business. Again I would say your anger speaks through you rather clear head and logic.


To make profit you need to attract people to stay longer then a month, and if they are F2P's they need to use the cartel market if BW is gonna make any cash from them. So far i haven't seen or heard -anyone- coming to SWTOR becuase they heard how awesome lowbie Arenas are. I must have missed all that feedback...

You are speaking about sustainable income from loyal customers, but in this game most people quit and comeback rather that stay with BW through all the game and to reattract them you need to throw out something new. Some people were waiting 2.4 to come back ( like me ) and payed subscription to see new features.


You know nothing about facts
so mature response, no comments :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: Edited by helloder
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Alternative to wz battle ground ( ops war zones ofc :D) where you are forced to play by objective to win. Here you can win simply by eliminating the other team. Not intended to be failure or roflstomp, but not enough population for proper matchmaking but too much efforts spend to remove it, cause someone might enjoy death match others like you can leave :) ( but how your team members who stayed will remember you is another topic :D)


Again i ask: Explain how Arenas are making any new player stay in SWTOR and spend money.

(And for the record i dont usually leave matches but i have the option and so it doesnt bother me, unless its Hypergates which i sometimes leave instantly since i hate the map. Why would anyone have a problem with that when someone takes my spot before the game even starts)



Well that's your opinion rather than fact, I'm sure multinational company like EA have all the feedback available cause they are making money here it's their business. Again I would say your anger speaks through you rather clear head and logic.


Unlike you i never claimed my oppinion to be a fact, so whats the problem? And how do i come about as angry? -Can't i think they made this move for PvErs and casuals sake and not be angry? Just because I think you are wrong, doesn't equal me thinking you are worth getting upset over. Try to wrap your head around that.


And well, you can have all the faith in EA and BW you want - but here is an actual fact for you: Many gamers don't.


You are speaking about sustainable income from loyal customers, but in this game most people quit and comeback rather that stay with BW through all the game and to reattract them you need to throw out something new. Some people were waiting 2.4 to come back ( like me ) and payed subscription to see new features.


Yes, i am aware. And how many of those have ever returned to SWTOR because they heard there are lowbie Arenas? Do you think it's a significant number?


so mature response, no comments :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:


How is it immature to point out that what you call "facts" are indeed not facts, but your own oppinions. I said that you know nothing about facts, and you don't. You have NO clue what the real reason behind this is, and neither do I. But unlike you i never claimed my belief to be fact.

Edited by Twin
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Arenas belong in Xboxes....not MMOs. Since Blizzard arrived on the scene many suns ago, the open world is only meant for leveling and farming mats for the most part. Think old skool and put some effort back out in the open in respect to pvp....Ilum and Gree were just lazy excuses. Reinventing the old skool pvp wheel will seem very innovative to many. There was a day where BGs and arenas were meant to hone skills for open endgame pvp.


I for one refuse to do arenas. The WFs barely keep me subbed as it is. Until a new gen finally brings back open pvp that works and isnt broken, I will pew pew my pistols in SWTOR. I would even put up with gnomes if it means real (open) pvp is put back on the map....Camelot Unchained maybe? With Jacobs going Indy.... maybe nerfing publisher pressure is the way to go for MMOs in there future, especially for pvp. Lets hope. Publishers are still trying to milk everything out of the Blizzard model still.


I had a dream.

Edited by Josewales
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