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Does the Inquisitor story have different endings?


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Does the Inquisitor story have different endings? I'm trying to decide to level a Inquis or Agent.


I've already done both their stories, but I want to do one of them again.


I've heard the Agent story has several different endings based on DS/LS choices.

The Inquisitor I don't know if there are different endings. I think there's a DS/LS ending at the end, but that's about it.


Should I replay the Agent story, or the Inquisitor story? I'm leaning to Agent story, that probably has the most replayability.

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there is barely any difference in the inquisitors story, you might manage to squeeze a somewhat different ending but compared to the choices you have at the agent choice it is no challenge


And remember in the agent's story your choices from the end of chapter 2 can have an incredibly different result at the end of act 3

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Does the Inquisitor story have different endings? I'm trying to decide to level a Inquis or Agent.


I've already done both their stories, but I want to do one of them again.


I've heard the Agent story has several different endings based on DS/LS choices.

The Inquisitor I don't know if there are different endings. I think there's a DS/LS ending at the end, but that's about it.


Should I replay the Agent story, or the Inquisitor story? I'm leaning to Agent story, that probably has the most replayability.


Inq. story will end up the same way, but you will only have different looking final scene depending on your dark/light side. After you kill the big Mushroom, Marr will give you a different title, depending on your dark/light side. Also, depending on dark/light side your final scene will be different and might have some new NPCs in the quest:



Scene with setting the ghosts free



Agent story outcome will be the same, but depending on your choice, will you kill the big Mushroom or not, the girl agent might like you more or less (Watcher something).

Also at the end you can choose:



to help the sith with the cube, take it for yourself or give to Imperial Intelligence but whatever you do, you cannot prevent it from being disbanded



If I had to give you an advice, I would say play Agent story because you can see the difference sooner than on Inq. and I have played both stories two times.


At least, this was my experience. I noticed the difference with Agent story after I decided to kill/not to kill the big Mushroom, while on my Sirh, at the ending. Whatever you choose, I think both stories are a w e s o m e and worth to be played more than once :D.

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The ending you choose for your Agent will be the deciding factor in how Darth Marr first talks to you when he contacts you about Makeb. There's at least two versions that I know of because I recorded them, not sure if there's a third for the third option or if that dialogue is the same as one of the other two but I thought I'd mention it.
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Alright thanks guys, I'm going to level the Agent.


The 'different' endings for the Agent just boil down to different dialogue. Nothing really changes for your character and nothing in the game changes. The Inquisitor light side ending is really nice, although the dark and neutral endings aren't much different.

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The 'different' endings for the Agent just boil down to different dialogue. Nothing really changes for your character and nothing in the game changes.


Not the ending but one of the choices kind of early in the game determines whether or not you miss out on some quests (and story/lore) and it also determines who provides The Tenebrous (which that part is just dialogue).

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Depending on your decisions at the end of chapter 2 in the agent storyline, there are two different groups of people you will encounter, you will only get one or the other depending on that choice, along with the "neutral" option which you can make either way.
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Inq. story will end up the same way, but you will only have different looking final scene depending on your dark/light side. After you kill the big Mushroom, Marr will give you a different title, depending on your dark/light side. Also, depending on dark/light side your final scene will be different and might have some new NPCs in the quest:



Scene with setting the ghosts free



Agent story outcome will be the same, but depending on your choice, will you kill the big Mushroom or not, the girl agent might like you more or less (Watcher something).

Also at the end you can choose:



to help the sith with the cube, take it for yourself or give to Imperial Intelligence but whatever you do, you cannot prevent it from being disbanded



If I had to give you an advice, I would say play Agent story because you can see the difference sooner than on Inq. and I have played both stories two times.


At least, this was my experience. I noticed the difference with Agent story after I decided to kill/not to kill the big Mushroom, while on my Sirh, at the ending. Whatever you choose, I think both stories are a w e s o m e and worth to be played more than once :D.

where is this ending


Where u save your republic team and not kill them(also let them helpu near act 3), give the codex to Kothe and choose to become a double agent for the republic


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so far i play IA light side i only can say alot of things gone be a twist for you


it seems if you atack/kill jadus the sith brain wash you its a commen thing the same they did to wacther X

if you no his story to even if you kill X he stil helps you in your mind but you can stil ignore him ore press difrent ansers and the story gone be a plot of secrets to you


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Can you tell me about Sith Warrior , Jedi Consular and Jedi Knight story endings? Is there a LS/DS difference?


only i can tell about DS. Consular is that your are not welcome ad the highest rank of jedi

member of the counsel


you wil be in the front lines of the REP so far i no the story of CON

and thats about it if your light side you wil be a member :)

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Can you tell me about Sith Warrior , Jedi Consular and Jedi Knight story endings? Is there a LS/DS difference?

Satele tells the DS Knight that he's not ready to become a Master, that she feels his anger, etc. But you still get the title in your title dropbox. DS fatality for the Big Bad is awesome, though.


LS Knight gets a pat on the back and gets called Master, that's it.


Warrior - nothing really changes, except the fate of your arch-enemy. You can run him through with the lightsaber, or you can exile him. NPCs that you saved/killed during the storyline just greet you in the hall - they don't affect/participate in the final scene in any way.

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