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I was watching some old videos of SWTOR. I stumbled across a review that was published on November 1st 2013. However, it is easy to see that it was just an old video that was uploaded two years after the fact. Looking at the UI from the video there was no Cartel Market or Group Finder.


The video itself got me thinking of when I first bought the game. I had a blast with the Jedi Knight story line. I remember the challenge of early flashpoints and how every planet was so fresh. I remember my wife buying me this B.S. guide to the game that had the locations of all the datacrons. Imagine my surprise when this "guide" did not explain the jump puzzles at all.


I did not ding 50 until after the Rakghoul Plague event. I remember scrambling the final day finishing the questline for the red raklings. I also recall logging into the game on my lunch breaks just to stand by the PvP terminal so I could get infected and explode (which sounds extremely dirty btw). With the two year anniversary coming up, does anyone have any memories they would like to share about the game?

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I remember getting into the end of open beta and playing one of the weekend stress tests. I picked a Sith Inquisitor and managed to make it to the point I got my ship before the end of the weekend.


When the game launched, I did it again and was still in awe of the voiced quests and the feel of the game.


I just finished the Warrior story line, my last of the 8, and found it to be one of the best even if the finish felt a little weak compared to, say the Knight finish.


I still enjoy the story aspects of the quest lines, even through Makeb and Oricon as it gives a feeling of actually being involved in events in a major way.

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I remember going on the tatooine jawa baloon and thinking "wow, I could just float around here all day and look at the people playing".


Still do that sometimes :)


I also remember getting my first starship (as a bounty hunter). That was an awesome moment :D


And then I also remember that I restarted my characters at least 30 times... deleting my character and making a new one because I wasn't happy with the way it looked or the choices I had made.

The highest level I deleted back then was a lvl 28 BH.

And the frustration of not being able to make my characters look cool from the start... having to go through the progression of outfits, looking like a clone of everyone else most of the time (especially on the starter planets)...

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