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Koozie's Powertech PvP Pyrotech Guide


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It's shoulder cannon. I got sick of clicking the button. The red error spam is because I always forget to turn it off and its spamming nothing. meh. It's no secret you can see it in my abilities bar being spammed.


Hey Koozie, thanks for the guide


How do you set it up so that you do not have to click shoulder cannon?

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Hey Koozie, thanks for the guide


How do you set it up so that you do not have to click shoulder cannon?


Buy a gaming mouse and set up a macro. Some bioware fanboys will tell you its not allowed but don't worry about those idiots no one will ever know you have it set up and it doesn't affect gameplay that much just the RSI you get in your fingers especially when playing AP. I don't use the macro anymore because I haven't played PT in a while.

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Hey Koozie,

in 1 v 1 tounaments/ battles do you suggest AP over pyro? i'm pretty sure you used to be for that, but now with the pyro buffs i didn't know if you had a change of mind.


Play what you like. Both are good against different types of opponents.

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Hey Koozie



First of all thx for the great guide !


I've been altering my UI layout ingame but still not satisfied.


Could you tell me how exactly you altered yours, is it with somekind of UI addon ?


I keep having the original skill rows but i'm not able to place them in a more cube form like you did.


Thx in advance.

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Hey Koozie



First of all thx for the great guide !


I've been altering my UI layout ingame but still not satisfied.


Could you tell me how exactly you altered yours, is it with somekind of UI addon ?


I keep having the original skill rows but i'm not able to place them in a more cube form like you did.


Thx in advance.


Just go to interface editor click the row ur trying to edit and adjust it accordingly with number of slots and slots per row.

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Koozie are you still advocating taking 210 crit? Because I'm fairly certain that's why too much crit.


Sweet spot is....134 I think. Whatever one enhancement and one implant or earpiece add up to. 216 puts you over 25% ranged crit and you have absolutely no stopping power in ranked. My setup you still have almost 24% (23.71%) crit but you're over 900 bonus dmg (910 exactly).


I've spent way too many ranked comms figuring this out. Aetrus has so many different earpieces and implants and enhancements its dumb.



EDIT: If you're doing regs then Koozie's setup is still fine. It'll get you just as high or higher numbers. But burst is king in ranked, and you just don't have the kill pressure sitting at 880 bonus dmg.

Edited by Aetrus
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Mathematically, at 106% bonus surge, critic provides more damage than power. RP and TD are not on the surge bonus, but everything else is. I am not sure where is the exact break point is, but I do remember that someone tested out through PvE parsing and it came out somewhere between 200-300 critic rating, and that was pre 2.7.


IMO, pyro plays more as a burst not a pressure spec. Most of my kills in presence of competent healers occur on consecutive critics. Critic rating defiantly helps burst.

Edited by Ottoattack
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Mathematically, at 106% bonus surge, critic provides more damage than power. RP and TD are not on the surge bonus, but everything else is. I am not sure where is the exact break point is, but I do remember that someone tested out through PvE parsing and it came out somewhere between 200-300 critic rating, and that was pre 2.7.


IMO, pyro plays more as a burst not a pressure spec. Most of my kills in presence of competent healers occur on consecutive critics. Critic rating defiantly helps burst.


Actually, TD is on the surge bonus.


However, the maths post 2.8 for arkanian gear with PvP relics in PvE was at about 134 crit rating, and this is backed up by Aetrus doing extensive testing in the real world, so 134 sounds like the sweet spot.


/starts spamming replacements of 300 of his crit rating and the set bonus because 50% RP crit rate is fun

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EDIT: If you're doing regs then Koozie's setup is still fine. It'll get you just as high or higher numbers. But burst is king in ranked, and you just don't have the kill pressure sitting at 880 bonus dmg.


tbh I was running full power except for a crit mod because I was too lazy to change it out. I was talking to nadja awhile back and she was advocating a high power build but nothing specific.


Although how are you getting 910 bonus damage with the two crit enhancements? I have full power except that mod and I only have a couple armorings and a enhancements left to shift to brut, and I sit and 901 bonus damage, so I'm not sure how you are getting 910 with crit enhancements.

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Actually, I don't play PT anymore for numerous reasons so I don't know what the best gear is currently (my guy has zero brut pieces that's how long it has been). This guide is aimed at people trying to learn how to play PT and give them a base and working knowledge of the class/spec and how it fares against others in a very succinct way. It is a little beyond the scope of the Guide to update min/maxing of gear as it is aimed at actualy class play with a touch on how to min/max but not necessarily THE most efficient DPS min/max in the game based off the latest parse in the latest update. That being said I was told by some of the better players in the game that 140 is pretty close to the sweet spot for pyrotech. Edited by Kooziejr
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why did you stop playing the PT, and just curious, what are you playing now?


I stopped playing PT because pyro is not challenging for me especially when I have a pocket healer - I actually find its faceroll and easiness boring. AP is weak in regs due to lack of constant survivability and the massive influx of madness/vengeance and Shield Tech is only worth it in Ranked 4s which I don't do that often. I play MM/Engi Sniper and Sorc Heals (I did 3180HPS in ranked the other day over a 5 minute round woot! :D). I love the gameplay of MM sniper and enjoy hitting people for 27k in 1 GCD (Ambush, Probe, Followthrough Triple Crit). I have a video of me killing an undergeared 26k sorc in 1gcd somewhere I will try to find haha.


That being said I have all the classes and still log them all occasionally. just 95% of the time im on sorc or sniper.

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I also play sniper, I found mm to not do as well as lethality due to the guards and bubbles of sorcs on constantly. If you ever had the time or interest do you think you could make a mm pvp thread? I've found your pvp PT threads to make me a better player in both pvp and pve. I used to not cycle CDs, stuns, and not kite, which I still have a problem with kiting since I like being up and close. But I would find a mm thread helpful. Thanks for the PT threads as well. Also I don't know if this is something to be embarrassed about or not but I don't know how to jump and roll in place, how does one accomplish that? Edited by NateSoGross
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I also play sniper, I found mm to not do as well as lethality due to the guards and bubbles of sorcs on constantly. If you ever had the time or interest do you think you could make a mm pvp thread? I've found your pvp PT threads to make me a better player in both pvp and pve. I used to not cycle CDs, stuns, and not kite, which I still have a problem with kiting since I like being up and close. But I would find a mm thread helpful. Thanks for the PT threads as well. Also I don't know if this is something to be embarrassed about or not but I don't know how to jump and roll in place, how does one accomplish that?


I did this 8 or so months ago when I first started playing it. I like to think I am much better now with better gear haha. But the basics are all there. E.g., rolling TD, AoE dmg reduction, Beginner Rotation, Positioning, Peeling, etc. Definitely add shatter shot to the beginner of most rotations though as all your moves need to penetrate armor


Gear was partisan :-(


Yes lethality does more damage but a lot of it is fluff damage when a healer is around. MM sniper has insane global potential and still can get +1700DPS in reasonable games. Whereas lethality is pushing past 2k

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Do you have to entrench in order not to take smash damage or is it something in the tree? What is the priority order of defensive CDs?


Ask questions in the comments on youtube. People will get pissed off if we talk too much much about sniper here lol.


Entrench in MM = 60% less AoE dmg. Priority of CDs depends on opponent and would take a long time to explain. In short, it is situational. Jump + Roll for rollbang has been removed from the game it was a glitch/exploit apparently.

Edited by Kooziejr
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tbh I was running full power except for a crit mod because I was too lazy to change it out. I was talking to nadja awhile back and she was advocating a high power build but nothing specific.

Yeah Nadja used to play AP though, and AP runs less crit because your Railshot is autocrit. I've run full power/surge. IMO, it's less "good" than my setup (which is 124 crit rating, not 134, my bad.)


Although how are you getting 910 bonus damage with the two crit enhancements? I have full power except that mod and I only have a couple armorings and a enhancements left to shift to brut, and I sit and 901 bonus damage, so I'm not sure how you are getting 910 with crit enhancements.

With an earpiece or implant and an enhancement (124 crit rating) you should have 905 bonus dmg with a reusable stim, 910 with a blue one...assuming you have your datacrons/fleet datacron. And that you're in full Brutalizer.


@Koozie I always had an easy time as AP vs Vengeance. But I agree with you, I don't like that spec for anything besides group ranked and that's only if we're not running a hard-switch comp. Too squishy.

Edited by Aetrus
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@Koozie I always had an easy time as AP vs Vengeance. But I agree with you, I don't like that spec for anything besides group ranked and that's only if we're not running a hard-switch comp. Too squishy.


An easy time vs vengeance? With those cooldowns? Jesus Christ. I must be doing something seriously wrong. And yes it is very squish now that the game meta has moved away from AoE. Vs Vengeance in 4s its fine. In regs and other it is not fine. They are actually Beyond insanely OP against AP its not funny.

Edited by Kooziejr
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I stopped playing PT because pyro is not challenging for me especially when I have a pocket healer - I actually find its faceroll and easiness boring. AP is weak in regs due to lack of constant survivability and the massive influx of madness/vengeance and Shield Tech is only worth it in Ranked 4s which I don't do that often. I play MM/Engi Sniper and Sorc Heals (I did 3180HPS in ranked the other day over a 5 minute round woot! :D). I love the gameplay of MM sniper and enjoy hitting people for 27k in 1 GCD (Ambush, Probe, Followthrough Triple Crit). I have a video of me killing an undergeared 26k sorc in 1gcd somewhere I will try to find haha.


That being said I have all the classes and still log them all occasionally. just 95% of the time im on sorc or sniper.


Ironically, I am not playing PT as much cuz I find pyro have lost two-three steps in 2.7. There was no direct changes, but uping the damage in PvP have reduced the value of armor. For a spec that rely heavily on armor outside of 2 massive DCDs, it was hit the most in survivability. Getting globaled now happens 1-2 per WZ. Pre 2.7 maybe one every 20 WZs. It is still great in WZs with good healers and has great burst.


AP is useless now. You will be dotted to death.


Right now is the inquisitor era. It is an era of "madness." Deception is also very strong with recent buffs.

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I was recently in a match with a tank and healer. The tank guarded the healer and i had a hard time downing it. Therefore do i want to take the tank down first, but that would leave up the healer healing it, or still go with the tank so i can destroy the healer? i dunno if that is a baddie question but i just thought of it and couldn't answer my own question.
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I was recently in a match with a tank and healer. The tank guarded the healer and i had a hard time downing it. Therefore do i want to take the tank down first, but that would leave up the healer healing it, or still go with the tank so i can destroy the healer? i dunno if that is a baddie question but i just thought of it and couldn't answer my own question.


In regs just kill the DPS if there is a tank and a healer. and CC the healer. If every other player is on the healer than get on them too. I know I can definitely face tank 2 players with guard when I am healing so that is not enough to kill a decent healer through guard. You can tunnel the tank if they are hybrid or if you are doing ranked 4s as a plan with your DPS if you CC the healer but as a general rule in regs trying to kill the tank is pretty stupid. hope that helps.


If I was solo at a node with a decent tank and healer vs me as a DPS I would just leave because you can't kill them. It isn't and shouldn't be possible.

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