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Koozie's Powertech PvP Pyrotech Guide


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I get what you mean about Flame Sweep, but it costs 21 heat - as its cost is reduced in said box. You could also couple it will Thermal Sensor Override, and DoT/snare a group with it, simultaneously making them more susceptible to your damage. Pyrotech isn't a resource-starved spec, by any means.


Simply put it's a waste of two talent points that could be put in more useful locations. Everyone advocating Flame Sweep AoE CGC and 50% snare is forgetting the main reason why it's not effective in Warzones and Arena. The dot breaks CC.


Yes you can snare 5 people in one go with Flame Sweep, now those 5 people might as well have full resolve because they aren't going to be hit with any significant CC outside of stuns for the duration of CGC, especially since the ones using it are making it a primary in their rotation.


Flame sweep CGC is fluff damage, that global is better spent doing single target DPS. That's what Pyrotechs do better than any other class. Yes it can be good to have on the rare occasion, but that moment when you're saying "It's good on Voidstar to slow them from stopping the bridge cap", wouldn't it make more sense to hit those same players with an AoE CC like flashbang, grenade or intimidating roar, hell even carbonize. If any of them trinket you still have the 50% snare attached to flame burst which you can spam on people and lets be honest here, your entire team shouldn't put their weight on your shoulders to AoE snare kids by yourself.


In the end a flame sweep AoE dot is more detrimental to your team than beneficial, good teams will use the proper abilities to AoE snare/CC over that. You have 20 seconds after a bomb is planted to say "Hey, lets hit them with stuns/grenades/snares while you sprint/roll to get the bridge cap."


Could you imagine how quick you'd get removed from a serious 4v4 team when your Operative said, "Right gonna flashbang their DPS so I can get away/peel/cc healer/etc..." then can't because you have CGC on all of them? In Warzones it's only marginally better due to the fact you have 4 uncoordinated players on your team. If the snare was 70% I probably wouldn't argue with you.


I know everyone wants to be a hero and think outside of the box, but unless Flame Sweep snare gets buffed to 70% or the Dot doesn't break CC's then I'll forever disagree with it's usefulness.



TLDR version:

Flame sweep dot is a ridiculous waste of talent points for something that breaks AoE CC and is only marginally useful in Regular warzones against terrible players while your own team is too uncoordinated to use AoE CC properly.

Edited by Megatfx
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Regarding the bit about combatting Juggernauts by priming Explosive Dart and Thermal Detonator right as they hit Saber Reflect, it's not accurate vs tanks with the additional 2 seconds on their reflect.


You are correct. It also not accurate against tank sins as they get additional 2s on shroud. It is easy to overcome though -

Juggs tanks - initially cast an aoe on them (why are we attacking the jugg tank again??) Such as death from above or flamethrower which ignores saber reflect because they r not direct damage attacks. When the channel is over use td on the target.

Sin tanks - use unload or rapid shots on the target and then railshot if cgc procs or td.




If it is not a duel just swap targets plz but unless 4 v 4 prob shouldn't be attacking a tank.

Edited by Kooziejr
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Simply put it's a waste of two talent points that could be put in more useful locations. Everyone advocating Flame Sweep AoE CGC and 50% snare is forgetting the main reason why it's not effective in Warzones and Arena. The dot breaks CC.


Yes you can snare 5 people in one go with Flame Sweep, now those 5 people might as well have full resolve because they aren't going to be hit with any significant CC outside of stuns for the duration of CGC, especially since the ones using it are making it a primary in their rotation.


Flame sweep CGC is fluff damage, that global is better spent doing single target DPS. That's what Pyrotechs do better than any other class. Yes it can be good to have on the rare occasion, but that moment when you're saying "It's good on Voidstar to slow them from stopping the bridge cap", wouldn't it make more sense to hit those same players with an AoE CC like flashbang, grenade or intimidating roar, hell even carbonize. If any of them trinket you still have the 50% snare attached to flame burst which you can spam on people and lets be honest here, your entire team shouldn't put their weight on your shoulders to AoE snare kids by yourself.


In the end a flame sweep AoE dot is more detrimental to your team than beneficial, good teams will use the proper abilities to AoE snare/CC over that. You have 20 seconds after a bomb is planted to say "Hey, lets hit them with stuns/grenades/snares while you sprint/roll to get the bridge cap."


Could you imagine how quick you'd get removed from a serious 4v4 team when your Operative said, "Right gonna flashbang their DPS so I can get away/peel/cc healer/etc..." then can't because you have CGC on all of them? In Warzones it's only marginally better due to the fact you have 4 uncoordinated players on your team. If the snare was 70% I probably wouldn't argue with you.


I know everyone wants to be a hero and think outside of the box, but unless Flame Sweep snare gets buffed to 70% or the Dot doesn't break CC's then I'll forever disagree with it's usefulness.



TLDR version:

Flame sweep dot is a ridiculous waste of talent points for something that breaks AoE CC and is only marginally useful in Regular warzones against terrible players while your own team is too uncoordinated to use AoE CC properly.


Yeah. It really is just an absolutely terrible waste of points for all the reasons mentioned above....if u play in premades and they let the pyro do the snaring u need to find a new guild haha

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Yeah. It really is just an absolutely terrible waste of points for all the reasons mentioned above....if u play in premades and they let the pyro do the snaring u need to find a new guild haha


Most of the time I'm pugging it, or running with one friend tops.


I'm trying your spec out, I haven't noticed much of a difference with pyro shield, but **** the prototype cylinder change is huge. It boosts tech crit up to about 30% buffed, and that's insane . It was hard to let go of 100 AIM, but definitely worth it when nearly a third of TD's, DOTS, and flame bursts crit.


I've also been playing around with a no-TD spec for 4v4, and so far it's been working out. In a 4v4, you don't need to vent heat so much, and a 15 second CD attack is less useful than say, stacking flame burst damage to hit for 4- 4.5 K crits on every shot.

Edited by Brunner_Venda
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I ran with igniter again last night, and then remembered the number one reason to use it.


Vengeance juggs and saber reflect.


You see reflect go up, sweep then to keep CGC up and hit them with explosive dart and thermal det. I saved HO for his shiny new root and got out of dodge.


It lets you keep the DPS up, while denying them the chance to reflect a rail shot back in your face. I absolutely destroyed the guy, and capped his door a second before help came.


It's situational, and I'm curious to see why pyro shield is better. It does what, 600 damage to an attacker once per second (GCD spreads attacks out further than that) for a few seconds?


I could maybe see infrared sensors for fighting assassins..


What would you suggest instead?

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I ran with igniter again last night, and then remembered the number one reason to use it.


Vengeance juggs and saber reflect.


You see reflect go up, sweep then to keep CGC up and hit them with explosive dart and thermal det. I saved HO for his shiny new root and got out of dodge.


It lets you keep the DPS up, while denying them the chance to reflect a rail shot back in your face. I absolutely destroyed the guy, and capped his door a second before help came.


It's situational, and I'm curious to see why pyro shield is better. It does what, 600 damage to an attacker once per second (GCD spreads attacks out further than that) for a few seconds?


I could maybe see infrared sensors for fighting assassins..


What would you suggest instead?


600 x 15 = lots of dmg in 1v1. Probs not that great in 4 v 4. Tbh dude I dont think any of them are that great out of shield, igniter, sensors, cardio. But I think the shield is the best for me because I never use flame sweep and I prefer to get hit by sin initially and stealth detect when he disappears. Up to u in the end bro.

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600 x 15 = lots of dmg in 1v1. Probs not that great in 4 v 4. Tbh dude I dont think any of them are that great out of shield, igniter, sensors, cardio. But I think the shield is the best for me because I never use flame sweep and I prefer to get hit by sin initially and stealth detect when he disappears. Up to u in the end bro.


I know, your video taught me how to fight sins.


Only the really insanely good ones can take down my assault VG. They were a lot harder with tactics for some reason though.


What used to be a major threat and thorn in my side, is now something barely worth worrying about. They can't cleanse the DOTS as fast as we can apply three or four of them.

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Did you consider 3/3 Steely Resolve for 9% Aim and 1/2 Rail Loader? Think it is the highest DPS possible for a full Pyro.




Hey we addressed this earlier in the thread. It is not about highest dps in pvp - that is a pve mentality. Have a look at the earlier posts. I prefer the spec with max railshot dmg because I love burst damage in pvp and I think you do more damage with rail loaders than steely resolve anyways.

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I know, your video taught me how to fight sins.


Only the really insanely good ones can take down my assault VG. They were a lot harder with tactics for some reason though.


What used to be a major threat and thorn in my side, is now something barely worth worrying about. They can't cleanse the DOTS as fast as we can apply three or four of them.


Yeah PT is so powerful in one v one atm. Once you learn a few tricks you just dont lose 1 v 1s when your cooldowns r available. Of course against those amazing players you can have such epic duels that are decided by a single crit.

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Did you consider 3/3 Steely Resolve for 9% Aim and 1/2 Rail Loader? Think it is the highest DPS possible for a full Pyro.




6% aim is good enough. The other 3% turns out to be about 100. 100 aim doesn't do anything.


So I had to say good bye to the perfect 3150 aim. It looks good , but 3000 something is just as good.


Besides, you get 650 from the mainstat relic most of the fight anyways, the stupid thing is bugged.


The rail loaders helps with burst on your one best attack and heat vent, so I stuck with that. Healers need to die and only burst can take them out.

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Simply put it's a waste of two talent points that could be put in more useful locations. Everyone advocating Flame Sweep AoE CGC and 50% snare is forgetting the main reason why it's not effective in Warzones and Arena. The dot breaks CC.


Yes you can snare 5 people in one go with Flame Sweep, now those 5 people might as well have full resolve because they aren't going to be hit with any significant CC outside of stuns for the duration of CGC, especially since the ones using it are making it a primary in their rotation.


Flame sweep CGC is fluff damage, that global is better spent doing single target DPS. That's what Pyrotechs do better than any other class. Yes it can be good to have on the rare occasion, but that moment when you're saying "It's good on Voidstar to slow them from stopping the bridge cap", wouldn't it make more sense to hit those same players with an AoE CC like flashbang, grenade or intimidating roar, hell even carbonize. If any of them trinket you still have the 50% snare attached to flame burst which you can spam on people and lets be honest here, your entire team shouldn't put their weight on your shoulders to AoE snare kids by yourself.


In the end a flame sweep AoE dot is more detrimental to your team than beneficial, good teams will use the proper abilities to AoE snare/CC over that. You have 20 seconds after a bomb is planted to say "Hey, lets hit them with stuns/grenades/snares while you sprint/roll to get the bridge cap."


Could you imagine how quick you'd get removed from a serious 4v4 team when your Operative said, "Right gonna flashbang their DPS so I can get away/peel/cc healer/etc..." then can't because you have CGC on all of them? In Warzones it's only marginally better due to the fact you have 4 uncoordinated players on your team. If the snare was 70% I probably wouldn't argue with you.


I know everyone wants to be a hero and think outside of the box, but unless Flame Sweep snare gets buffed to 70% or the Dot doesn't break CC's then I'll forever disagree with it's usefulness.



TLDR version:

Flame sweep dot is a ridiculous waste of talent points for something that breaks AoE CC and is only marginally useful in Regular warzones against terrible players while your own team is too uncoordinated to use AoE CC properly.


40% snare :p

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  • 2 weeks later...
How important is the 30% AE dmg reduction and how much of a handy cap is it for pyro not to have it?


If you are used to aoe dmg reduct then it is a bit scary getting smashed for 9k the first time. But PTs heal on aoe dmg taken so they get a passive heal of about 10% of a big smash. Pyro does not have to be close to the action so you shouldnt eat smashes unless the person is particularly targeting you. You should never really eat flamer throwers because of HO and your stuns.


Pyro is just as good as AP. Kolto overload in pyro more than makes up for it. Truly is so OP.

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My 1v1 builds

Possibility 1: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#301GMoMzZrsZfGMrzRbf.3 High Defense (Strong against high burst classes excluding DPS Operatives and Assassins)

Possibility 2: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#301hMhZMsZfGMrzRbfcb.3 (Strong against classes with executes and DPS operatives)


Healer Killer: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#301bMZMsZfIrrkRbcfzz.3

DPS Assassin: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#301bMZMsZfhrrzRbffdz.3

Tank Buster: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#301ZrsrMobRMZfGrrzobM.3



Go nuts: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#301GMhZMsMZfGMrzRbcc.3


I personally use #2 or DPS Assassin, but these are counters to most classes.

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My 1v1 builds

Possibility 1: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#301GMoMzZrsZfGMrzRbf.3 High Defense (Strong against high burst classes excluding DPS Operatives and Assassins)

Possibility 2: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#301hMhZMsZfGMrzRbfcb.3 (Strong against classes with executes and DPS operatives)


Healer Killer: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#301bMZMsZfIrrkRbcfzz.3

DPS Assassin: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#301bMZMsZfhrrzRbffdz.3

Tank Buster: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#301ZrsrMobRMZfGrrzobM.3



Go nuts: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#301GMhZMsMZfGMrzRbcc.3


I personally use #2 or DPS Assassin, but these are counters to most classes.


Some nice 1v1 specs there.

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Koozie, you decide yet whether to go mainstat + power over crit relic? Even if the mainstat no longer 2x procs (if they fix that), what do you think?


I run the mainstat and power relic on all of my toons atm. I am certainly not against running the crit one for pyro though gives a very solid crit boost and when times correctly is like a mini explosive fuel.

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Koozie, you say you run with 210 crit...is that an exact number? Because w/ Obroan Mods, I get this math:


Nimble 29: + 49 crit

Nimble 29: + 49 Crit

Battle 29: +44 Crit

Battle 29: +44 Crit


Two crit mods and two crit enhancements gives me 186 crit rating. Do you use a Nimble 29A (+27 crit) then (which gives you a total of 213 crit), or do you go with another Nimble 29 (+49 crit) and have 235 crit rating?

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Koozie, you say you run with 210 crit...is that an exact number? Because w/ Obroan Mods, I get this math:


Nimble 29: + 49 crit

Nimble 29: + 49 Crit

Battle 29: +44 Crit

Battle 29: +44 Crit


Two crit mods and two crit enhancements gives me 186 crit rating. Do you use a Nimble 29A (+27 crit) then (which gives you a total of 213 crit), or do you go with another Nimble 29 (+49 crit) and have 235 crit rating?


I have 209 crit but just tell people to get mods for ease. I have:

Medic Mk-2 Implant - 72 crit

Nimble Mod 29x - 49 crit

2 x Battle enhancement 29x 44 crit



It doesn't matter if u have 200 or 240. just get a few bits of crit - player skill is so much more important than exact gear.

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For PvP, why dont you take Volatile Igniter? It's great to help stop capping with the reduced heat cost on Flame Sweep, and the garunteed CGC proc is nice for when bad RNG on Flame Burst happens or your RP is on CD, and as you were saying, CGC can deal 2100 over the 6 seconds, and deals 30% more damage on targets under 30% HP, So what you can do with that is, flame sweep a big group, then Flamethrower them and deal massive damage, coupled with any other incoming damage!


I think that a buff to Pyro that would not be a Nerf is, making Explosive Dart grant 10 Stacks of Combustable Fuel, which makes your next 10 DoT ticks deal 10% more damage, ED is already part of your opener, so why not make it do something other than fluff damage.

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For PvP, why dont you take Volatile Igniter? It's great to help stop capping with the reduced heat cost on Flame Sweep, and the garunteed CGC proc is nice for when bad RNG on Flame Burst happens or your RP is on CD, and as you were saying, CGC can deal 2100 over the 6 seconds, and deals 30% more damage on targets under 30% HP, So what you can do with that is, flame sweep a big group, then Flamethrower them and deal massive damage, coupled with any other incoming damage!


I think that a buff to Pyro that would not be a Nerf is, making Explosive Dart grant 10 Stacks of Combustable Fuel, which makes your next 10 DoT ticks deal 10% more damage, ED is already part of your opener, so why not make it do something other than fluff damage.


Because Flame Sweep + CGC is fluff damage. If you're stopping caps using Flame Sweep, that's fine, but it's a last ditch move that means that you're probably the last guy standing for your team. You're going to die anyway. I would not use Flame Sweep to proc CGC on a single target. What happens if your Operative flashbangs a group, and you want to use Flame Sweep to proc your CGC? You're screwing your team over by breaking the mezz.


At the end of the day, it's fluff damage. that 2100 over 6 seconds is not going to kill anyone. The 6 seconds of 25% defense is more beneficial than most give it credit for.

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Mega I saw your gearing for AP but not pyro. I may have missed it but can you link your gear for pyro. Thanks for all the info Koozie and Mega.


Pyro is probably the hardest to gear up for PVP, because we use the Obroan eliminator set.


Basically, that's merc armor, and it's loaded with mods like accuracy and alacrity that we just can't use.


What I do, is start with mainhand/offhand, since that gives the biggest boost. Then I get the combat tech chest plate (power/surge) and get four other eliminator pieces first. That way I can switch out three armorings for the combat tech set bonus if I want to switch to AP. Once I get full Obroan eliminator, I pick up three more combat tech pieces and swap in the power surge mods that I need. Last, I switch the AX with X mods, and swap out the last alacrity and accuracy enhancements for more surge.


For the mh/oh I use power and surge. I think the combat medic generator and the eliminator blaster do this?


Combat tech implants (the first one?) for power/surge, and AIM augments everywhere.


I stack 250 or so crit, and run prototype cylinders because I dropped the crit relic, and for relics I run the power and mainstat.


Once you hit full min max Obroan, PT pyro is absolutely wicked.

Edited by Brunner_Venda
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