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2 Years of sub... where is the box sized expansion?


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Anyone asking for a "box" expansion is still living in 2004.


You can ask for a larger digital expansion, something with a ton of meat on it, but asking for a box to go along with it is quite pointless in today's age.


Stop confusing the "box" for meaning "large expansion". Boxed discs were only done in the past because of download and bandwidth limitations.

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Anyone asking for a "box" expansion is still living in 2004.


You can ask for a larger digital expansion, something with a ton of meat on it, but asking for a box to go along with it is quite pointless in today's age.


Stop confusing the "box" for meaning "large expansion". Boxed discs were only done in the past because of download and bandwidth limitations.


That's not entirely true. The companies who cared used the box as a vehicle to encourage sales and deter the "copy that floppy" mentality by supplementing the game with cloth maps, story journals, extra music, art, add-on booklets, jewelry/figurines, etc. It's probably one of the better deterrents to piracy, was giving the customer something they wanted to buy. The boxes themselves used to be really elaborate tombstones or tablet-like, with great art and folding elements that made them worth keeping too.


It's a lost art to actually care about the consumer anymore. :(

Edited by ImpactHound
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Anyone asking for a "box" expansion is still living in 2004.


You can ask for a larger digital expansion, something with a ton of meat on it, but asking for a box to go along with it is quite pointless in today's age.


Stop confusing the "box" for meaning "large expansion". Boxed discs were only done in the past because of download and bandwidth limitations.


Tell that to WoW and all their profits. They announced not only one but more expansions coming in the future.

What have we got for SWTOR? Faith? Small updates every 2 months? Will that really be enough for you? Also box sized expansion doesnt have to be only boxed. Digital download sales are a reality on all MMO's today.


Besides that i dont care for semantics wars. If you dont like the term "box sized expansion" come up with your own and pretend thats what is in the title of the thread. Actually i edited the title of the thread (or tried to, but doesnt seem to work) cause im sick of people wasting everyones time with semantics. Debate the topic, not the interpretation of the terms.

Edited by Nemmar
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Odd, because EA has announced quarter over quarter profits from SWTOR worthy of them bragging about as part of the earnings calls. So I think the revenue and profit end of things is doing quite well in 2013.


Why not just be honest about this and state that you personally want large boxed expacs (like you started the thread with) and stop trying to create the appearance of caring about revenue and profits for EA?


We get it. You are a big expac (boxed preferred) player. And in fairness to the discussion in this thread you need to get it -------> they have made it clear they are going with the smaller more frequent digital expac approach. AND most players are OK with this as they prefer a steady stream rather then long droughts between expacs.


I'm not arguing that they are making money. I'm arguing that this model wont last long term. There isnt enough new content to keep players engaged. The investment and additional revenue from a boxed sized expansion is necessary to keep up with player content demands, so the model is viable on the long term and not a slow death.


Also, i am making it clear to them that we need a bigger expansion. :)

Of course, they can do whatever they want. I just wish i could play this game more, but when theres nothing more to play, theres not much that can be done.

Edited by Nemmar
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Um, yes. Yes, that will be enough. As long as new content is being introduced, I won't complain about lack of expansions.


I cant help but sigh. What exactly is your beef with wanting more content? You actually want less content? Do you even bother to make sense?

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I cant help but sigh. What exactly is your beef with wanting more content? You actually want less content? Do you even bother to make sense?


Are you blind? Did you miss the part (half of my post) that states that I'm happy AS LONG AS THEY ARE INTRODUCING NEW CONTENT?


What about that makes you think that I don't want more content? :t_rolleyes:

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Are you blind? Did you miss the part (half of my post) that states that I'm happy AS LONG AS THEY ARE INTRODUCING NEW CONTENT?


What about that makes you think that I don't want more content? :t_rolleyes:


I'm not saying they should stop delivering content so i dont understand your interpretation. I am sugesting that we have need for a large expansion that adds more content to the game than just the regular updates. I am not saying they should do away with them, unless they promise to make it up to us with a large expansion that deliver more than the sum of the patches missed.


Basically i want to know if anyone has a good reason as to why this isnt good for all parties involved.

Edited by Nemmar
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I'm not saying they should stop delivering content so i dont understand your interpretation. I am sugesting that we have need for a large expansion that adds more content to the game than just the regular updates. I am not saying they should do away with them, unless they promise to make it up to us with a large expansion that deliver more than the sum of the patches missed.


Basically i want to know if anyone has a good reason as to why this isnt good for all parties involved.


I think I get what your point is. Yeah, sure, fine... give us another box to go spend money on. Great. I'm sure I would buy it. I wouldn't complain about getting that in addition to what we already get.


My point is, I AM satisfied with the rate of new content. Sorry that's not your opinion, but it is mine.

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Tell that to WoW and all their profits. They announced not only one but more expansions coming in the future.

What have we got for SWTOR? Faith? Small updates every 2 months? Will that really be enough for you? Also box sized expansion doesnt have to be only boxed. Digital download sales are a reality on all MMO's today.


Besides that i dont care for semantics wars. If you dont like the term "box sized expansion" come up with your own and pretend thats what is in the title of the thread. Actually i edited the title of the thread (or tried to, but doesnt seem to work) cause im sick of people wasting everyones time with semantics. Debate the topic, not the interpretation of the terms.


It would have gotten off to a better start if you have been living in 2013 and simply stated you wanted a LARGE expansion that includes several gigabytes of content and new systems.


See how I did that?

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That's not entirely true. The companies who cared used the box as a vehicle to encourage sales and deter the "copy that floppy" mentality by supplementing the game with cloth maps, story journals, extra music, art, add-on booklets, jewelry/figurines, etc. It's probably one of the better deterrents to piracy, was giving the customer something they wanted to buy. The boxes themselves used to be really elaborate tombstones or tablet-like, with great art and folding elements that made them worth keeping too.


It's a lost art to actually care about the consumer anymore. :(


Sorry, that kind of thought process pretty much sums up living in the past.


I "hate" going to the store to pick up a hard copy of something I can download digitally. I don't care if its 7 gigs of data, let me download it.


If people want shiny extras they can be sent easily by mail order. For those people with bandwidth restrictions the company can provide a special order DVD.

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I'm not arguing that they are making money. I'm arguing that this model wont last long term. There isnt enough new content to keep players engaged. The investment and additional revenue from a boxed sized expansion is necessary to keep up with player content demands, so the model is viable on the long term and not a slow death.


It's lasted 2 years already, with the last year being up up up across the board for them.


Your timing here is all wrong. You need to try to prosecute your doom and gloom when the game is actually on a downward spiral (like WoW is).


As for revenue.. they make just as much revenue selling several smaller expacs in the time it takes for other companies to produce and sell one. Plus.. digital means almost total profit.. whereas boxed units are low margin for game publishers by comparison.


Also, i am making it clear to them that we need a bigger expansion. :)


You mean.... YOU need a bigger expansion. You are about the only person in this thread arguing for larger expansions.

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If a boxed expansion would mean no real update for 9 (or more) months which is what can happen in that case then i think im more for the regular 6-8 week updates with a big update/digital expansion once a year or so then a boxed expansion.


Not that i woundt want a boxed expansion and the huge ammount of content it usually adds and i do think considering the current state of the game that this has (and most likely will) be considered in the nearby future but if i have choose (and we cant have both:p) i just prefer the current situation more of 6-8 week updates with a big update/dig expansion every 9-12 months.

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I dont mean this with arrogance. I love playing this game, i merely want more.


It's been 2 years now and i made the math. Its above 300 euros i have payed Bioware for this game and the ability to play it. I'm sure others payed even more with all the cartel shop stuff.

Now in comparison, i spend 50/60 euros on a mass effect game and maybe another 30 for the DLC totalling in about 80 euros, and i get a new Mass effect every 2 years.


So, this is simple. I have payed triple for this game, and still theres no box sized expansion announced. This wont do at all Bioware. We the players who love your games are here supporting you and paying, but were not getting nearly enough for what we are paying.

An expansion with 1 planet (wich btw i payed for aswell), a space mini-game and a couple of daily areas and raids do not account for all the money we're forking out.


Its time to support us back. Announce that expansion already! Both your fans and the game need it!


You have absolutely no clue how anything works.


I don't know if it's your arrogance, entitlement, or ignorance (or a combination of the three) that makes you this way.


You don't see where the money goes because you either choose not to, or don't know how MMOs work, although you act as if you do.


So, please explain this to me. What money are they (Bioware/EA) using to


1) Pay their server fees?


2) Pay the employees who actively work on the game?


3) Generate new content?


Whether it's through the cartel market or subs, alot of that money goes back into the game. You act as if they have an infinite supply of money to throw at this game, when they clearly don't.


Why can something like WoW do it but TOR can't? Do you think that it has anything to do with the fact that WoW almost pulls in a billion dollars each year all on it's own? What other MMO has been able to operate on the same level WoW does? Oh that's right, NONE of them, because none of them generate that type of money, but yet people like you expect all MMOs to be equal regardless of their success.


The bottom line is that TOR doesn't generate the kind of money to do what you're asking for.

Edited by Darth-Obvious
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The above poster is completely blinded so im not even gonna bother.


It's lasted 2 years already, with the last year being up up up across the board for them.


Your timing here is all wrong. You need to try to prosecute your doom and gloom when the game is actually on a downward spiral (like WoW is).


As for revenue.. they make just as much revenue selling several smaller expacs in the time it takes for other companies to produce and sell one. Plus.. digital means almost total profit.. whereas boxed units are low margin for game publishers by comparison.


You mean.... YOU need a bigger expansion. You are about the only person in this thread arguing for larger expansions.


I am saddened to see fans like this on this game. Do you know why? Cause its that poisonous way of thinking that will lead to the downfall of this game.

No its not I need, its WE need. You are deluding yourself if you think the game can go on for much longer without a huge PvE content patch. The market is full of alternatives and with Wildstar and the elder scrolls online coming out, both of wich compete with SWTOR over science fiction genre and visual style how is SWTOR gonna keep on going?


Hey newflash to you, i love this game. I want to play this game. But there is NOTHING to do. I have leveled up 8 characters and i have finished all OP's. I got cool looking armor sets on all my characters and i dont even play like i used to. Nowadays i havent even logged in for more than once a week on saturdays for an OP's evening.

How on earth dont you think this game needs more content? Dont come tell me how in 2 years you havent already leveld a handful of characters, cause it really isnt very time consuming.


| will tell you something. I played FFXIV: ARR at launch. I had playd on beta aswell. I always said the combat is too slow and the long global cooldown makes it unbearable. If you tried it you know what im talking about. If you go to the forums and say this, the legions of FF fans will tell you how that is on purpose so the combat is more "tactical".

I'm sure its clear to you, wich play SWTOR that they are in denial and are sinking their MMO into oblivion because of fanboyism.


At this point your behaviour is not very different from theirs. I am not pointing out any wrong with this game, that surely exist, but i can live with them. What i cant live without is no more content to play (mind you this is not something that started now, but has been dragging for a long time, with only Makeb fighting that problem a bit). At that point i am forced to find an alternative. Its what im feeling like atm. I want to play SWTOR, but theres no more SWTOR to play. So im beeing forced to ponder trying or subbing to another MMO that might please me. Not cause i want to leave, but cause im beeing given no choice but to leave.

Reminds me of when SEGA stopped supporting the Saturn and everyone was forced to get a Playstation instead. Its not that fans didnt want more games, its that SEGA stopped providing them.

Edited by Nemmar
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The above poster is completely blinded so im not even gonna bother.


In other words I provided examples and/or facts that you can't argue against.


What a surprise that you're not even going to bother. I mean honestly how could you? You look like an ignorant fool at this point, so how could you dig yourself out of this trench or dispute any of what I posted? Oh that's right, you can't so you're just going to ignore it.


"Oh here's someone that clearly knows more than me about this stuff so I'm not even going to try because then I'd look worse than I already do."

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In other words I provided examples and/or facts that you can't argue against.


What a surprise that you're not even going to bother. I mean honestly how could you? You look like an ignorant fool at this point, so how could you dig yourself out of this trench or dispute any of what I posted? Oh that's right, you can't so you're just going to ignore it.


"Oh here's someone that clearly knows more than me about this stuff so I'm not even going to try because then I'd look worse than I already do."


You are still blinded and beyond help. There is nothing enlightened about what you say. You are trying to lower the level of the conversation to playing-dumb levels. Its a waste of time to follow that line of thought.

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The above poster is completely blinded so im not even gonna bother.




I am saddened to see fans like this on this game. Do you know why? Cause its that poisonous way of thinking that will lead to the downfall of this game.

No its not I need, its WE need. You are deluding yourself if you think the game can go on for much longer without a huge PvE content patch. The market is full of alternatives and with Wildstar and the elder scrolls online coming out, both of wich compete with SWTOR over science fiction genre and visual style how is SWTOR gonna keep on going?


Hey newflash to you, i love this game. I want to play this game. But there is NOTHING to do. I have leveled up 8 characters and i have finished all OP's. I got cool looking armor sets on all my characters and i dont even play like i used to. Nowadays i havent even logged in for more than once a week on saturdays for an OP's evening.

How on earth dont you think this game needs more content? Dont come tell me how in 2 years you havent already leveld a handful of characters, cause it really isnt very time consuming.


| will tell you something. I played FFXIV: ARR at launch. I had playd on beta aswell. I always said the combat is too slow and the long global cooldown makes it unbearable. If you tried it you know what im talking about. If you go to the forums and say this, the legions of FF fans will tell you how that is on purpose so the combat is more "tactical".

I'm sure its clear to you, wich play SWTOR that they are in denial and are sinking their MMO into oblivion because of fanboyism.


At this point your behaviour is not very different from theirs. I am not pointing out any wrong with this game, that surely exist, but i can live with them. What i cant live without is no more content to play (mind you this is not something that started now, but has been dragging for a long time, with only Makeb fighting that problem a bit). At that point i am forced to find an alternative. Its what im feeling like atm. I want to play SWTOR, but theres no more SWTOR to play. So im beeing forced to ponder trying or subbing to another MMO that might please me. Not cause i want to leave, but cause im beeing given no choice but to leave.

Reminds me of when SEGA stopped supporting the Saturn and everyone was forced to get a Playstation instead. Its not that fans didnt want more games, its that SEGA stopped providing them.


We get it... YOU need more. Ok, that's fine. I'm not arguing against more content. I'm stating that current pace is fine for ME. If YOU can't live with it, then YOU need to decide what to do.

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You are still blinded and beyond help. There is nothing enlightened about what you say. You are trying to lower the level of the conversation to playing-dumb levels. Its a waste of time to follow that line of thought.


A well reasoned form of debate. Sticking your fingers in your ears and going "lalalalala".


Surely, if you ignore what he says enough, it will go away.

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I am saddened to see fans like this on this game. Do you know why? Cause its that poisonous way of thinking that will lead to the downfall of this game.


Cute ad hominem attack. But it does not earn you any credibility points.


No its not I need, its WE need.


Protip: you speak for YOU, not for me or for others. None of us is against more content.. it's just that most of us are not flying around on a self-entitled journey dictating what others need.


You are deluding yourself if you think the game can go on for much longer without a huge PvE content patch.


Right. What you meant to say here I think is that the game won't last much longer for YOU. As you said.. there is NOTHING for you to do. Poor fella. I feel for you, but YOU =/= everyone else so how about you stop speaking for others and just speak for you?



| will tell you something. I played FFXIV: ARR at launch. I had playd on beta aswell. I always said the combat is too slow and the long global cooldown makes it unbearable. If you tried it you know what im talking about. If you go to the forums and say this, the legions of FF fans will tell you how that is on purpose so the combat is more "tactical".

I'm sure its clear to you, wich play SWTOR that they are in denial and are sinking their MMO into oblivion because of fanboyism.


FFXIV has absolutely nothing to do with this discussion.


What i cant live without is no more content to play (mind you this is not something that started now, but has been dragging for a long time, with only Makeb fighting that problem a bit). At that point i am forced to find an alternative. Its what im feeling like atm. I want to play SWTOR, but theres no more SWTOR to play. So im beeing forced to ponder trying or subbing to another MMO that might please me. Not cause i want to leave, but cause im beeing given no choice but to leave.


First honest and objective statement from you in this entire thread IMO.


You know how I avoid the inevitable burn-out that many MMO players (like you) experience from over-playing any given MMO? I keep several installed and subscribed to.. so that I can spread my time around and not get burned out. You know why? Because unlike you.. I am a realist and I know that NO MMO COMPANY can provide enough content for heavy consumers. You are clearly a heavy consumer. And from your comments, also appear to be unable or unwilling to play more then one MMO at a time.


IMO, be realistic, accept the chosen plan for content from an MMO company and adjust your expectations accordingly. If it's not enough.. then segment your play time between a couple or a few MMOs to avoid your core issue. Why? because otherwise, IMO, you are destined to move from gaming forum to gaming forum demanding that "WE" get more content faster and in larger bundles as you abandon each disappointment you face in gaming.


At this point, one thing IS clear...... I, and many others will be enjoying this game for a long time to come... but you will have abandoned it on the grounds that there is nothing to do. Game will not last for you and will be dead to you... but for many others.. it will live on. Which is fine. No MMO is right for everyone.

Edited by Andryah
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You are still blinded and beyond help. There is nothing enlightened about what you say. You are trying to lower the level of the conversation to playing-dumb levels. Its a waste of time to follow that line of thought.


You said you weren't even going to bother but here you are responding, so not only did I point out that you don't know what you're talking about but now have also shown you to be a liar.


Here, I'll make it simple and break it down to a single question.


How is your sub not going towards paying sever fees? Explain that one thing to me.


You obviously know how game development works (you've proven it time and time again) so explaining that one thing shouldn't be difficult for you should it?

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I dont mean this with arrogance. I love playing this game, i merely want more.


It's been 2 years now and i made the math. Its above 300 euros i have payed Bioware for this game and the ability to play it. I'm sure others payed even more with all the cartel shop stuff.

Now in comparison, i spend 50/60 euros on a mass effect game and maybe another 30 for the DLC totalling in about 80 euros, and i get a new Mass effect every 2 years.


So, this is simple. I have payed triple for this game, and still theres no box sized expansion announced. This wont do at all Bioware. We the players who love your games are here supporting you and paying, but were not getting nearly enough for what we are paying.

An expansion with 1 planet (wich btw i payed for aswell), a space mini-game and a couple of daily areas and raids do not account for all the money we're forking out.


Its time to support us back. Announce that expansion already! Both your fans and the game need it!


I understand what your saying and to a certain point I agree with you BUT, if you think you are simply entitled to a free massive expansion pac for TOR then, your CRAZY!!!!


That being said, I love this game and without a doubt would pay $49.99 - $59.99 for a massive expansion pac and it's my belief (which could be wrong) that alot of other people would also be willing to pay that price as well.


So, allow me ask a question : Would you pay $49.99 - $59.99 for a massive TOR expansion pac?????

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