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bit pissed and EA/bioware they had resources to do way better but decided not to


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5 waves day 1 say 10% of pop got put in they did there strest test last few weeks with close to a million ussers was reported true or not true no one knows.


it is said close to 3 million units were sold with NA and eu

avg it out at 3mill units at $70 a unit is about 210 million


now if it is true and they had 3 million ussers they also neting in 60 million a month in subs


now with acess rights with lucas arts ect you get there share wages and server costs they still neting a very good amount of cash so why


are they treating its usser base this way i think there should of been no reason why more then half the usser base could of been added in to day 1


at rate they going we be lucky to get 5 days acess when there should be no reason for this to be going like this its not like they can say they don't have to money to fix any issue


this is my two cents not mad that i did not get in day 1 mad at fact they should of did this way better and are decideing to take it slow.


would of been nice if they even fix some of the past hardware bugs but allrdy comfirmed they have still no fix the AA issue ect now more then 80% of the servers have low pop


i know more players will be on tonight but i asure you more then 50% are allrdy on now

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if you feel my above post is a rant think of it this way

a knew type of say burger comes out 3 million people want to try it

day 1 it its there stores you think they going to tell people sorry but can only help 10% of you out i ausre you all by day 5 you all will have had a chnace to try it out nope they will keep serveing till they run out withs way the world works and way we were tought to deal with it when it comes down to it a mmog is like a retail store you need to speal to all not the few

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i allrdy knew i would not get in day 1 i am pissed about i will be lucky to even get in before friday and as i allrdy said if they only adding in 10% a day with all the money they collect from us they should feel ashamed of it


i only waited so long because of the fact publisher like to push products out the door before they even i have play for so many games that on day 1 they were not even rdy for to be released yet.



i am more mad at fact more then 50% of us plan i joiing pvp servers and if only 10% added a day the lvl gap gonna be just like lineage 2 when it first came out it took 2 to 3 weeks to put a end to the mass high end pvpers



and if you said join a non pvp server to bad i paided for my choice and i was promised fair gameplay like everyone else

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and all i hear from my friends that got in the beta 2 wave is there servers feel so empty and they are all 11+ now few of my friends 15 and even they are amzed they not letting more people in right now few more hrs = prime time for a server pop then we see how many people they did add


but like i said before they got all this money from us and all they can do is 10% in 1 day now saying they will be more tomorrow so lets say 15% tomorrow



and did anyone look at the key line where they said they don't want to put up mass amounts of servers they only want to put out as many as neededso all they want in end is save money on server costs rather then make people happy read devloper chat to see what i mean was latest one they did

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All I here from them is excuses. Its the year 2011. These roll outs should be 24/7. Oh i read there post filled with excuses. once again its 2011. They pumped how many millions of dollars into this game, and they cannot do waves for 24/7? yeah right.


This confuses me too.

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well more will get into tommorow and the day after than and even more the day after that. its 2 days ahead of it self ther eis no sever lag ther eis no crahs and people can find there mobs . what they was hopeing for is work so itso it is a successful "EARLY ACCESS". lauch is on the 20th


"Trolls, these are not the fourms you are looking for"

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5 waves day 1 say 10% of pop got put in they did there strest test last few weeks with close to a million ussers was reported true or not true no one knows.


it is said close to 3 million units were sold with NA and eu

avg it out at 3mill units at $70 a unit is about 210 million


now if it is true and they had 3 million ussers they also neting in 60 million a month in subs


now with acess rights with lucas arts ect you get there share wages and server costs they still neting a very good amount of cash so why


are they treating its usser base this way i think there should of been no reason why more then half the usser base could of been added in to day 1


at rate they going we be lucky to get 5 days acess when there should be no reason for this to be going like this its not like they can say they don't have to money to fix any issue


this is my two cents not mad that i did not get in day 1 mad at fact they should of did this way better and are decideing to take it slow.


would of been nice if they even fix some of the past hardware bugs but allrdy comfirmed they have still no fix the AA issue ect now more then 80% of the servers have low pop


i know more players will be on tonight but i asure you more then 50% are allrdy on now




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problem is they knew what type of numbers they had and for them to said no they did not is a lie i work retail i know every little thing that ships or that is made there is a number to it.


if people thought day 1 was bad for ranting wait till tomorrow be 20% worst only

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all they want in end is save money on server costs


Compared to the millions of dollars they have already spent the cost of a server is nothing.

They probably have a rack or two full of servers already powered up and waiting in case they have to expand. They want to avoid adding too many servers and having a bunch of low pop servers in 3 months.

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They aren't "Treating" you any way. They are going about their business they way they PROMISED they would.


You're not being disenfranchised or anything like that. Just chill the hell out and wait your turn. Thats what all this crap comes down to is people inability to wait...their .....TURN.

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Yes I'm sure you know exactly the resources that EA and Bioware had at their disposal and they're clearly doing this just to anger people you specifically just because they have to power to.


Seriously you guys all sound like conspiracy theorists talking about the Illuminati..

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They aren't "Treating" you any way. They are going about their business they way they PROMISED they would.


You're not being disenfranchised or anything like that. Just chill the hell out and wait your turn. Thats what all this crap comes down to is people inability to wait...their .....TURN.



chill the hell out?




Edited by Liberate
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whats worse now is fact on a few servers players are abuseing exploits to power lvl devs said this warzone others problem would be fix before Launch and they did not so we still may yet see a lvl 50 by tomorrow because it was not fixed makes me wonder how many of the beta exploits still in new build of the game that did not get fixed
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They want to avoid adding too many servers and having a bunch of low pop servers in 3 months.


Seems to me that's gonna happen anyway. Happens in every MMO. The population's gonna drop, no matter what BW does, and some servers will need merging to fix it.

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