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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Sith Warrior Force Push Change


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Warriors not having any lightning attacks was a disappointment for me...considering what we see Malgus do in the cinematics.


I think a cheap, easy way to give them lightning...is to change the Warriors version of Force Push into a lightning fx.


Have it mechincally act the same exact way as force push does now...but with the lightning fx.


Basically what Sidious does to Yoda in the beginning of their fight.


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Supported. They might add that little *crackle* to a specific talent, maybe Force Lash in the Rage tree, causing Force Push (as well as Vicious Slash) to do extra energy damage. (Kind of like how the Reflexive Battery talent in the commando's Assault Specialist tree gives Concussion Charge an extra electrical visual effect.)
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The different classes and ACs represent different affinities for the Force. Your SW is not a clone of Malgus or Sidious or Vader.


I'm not asking for a clone...I'm asking for a lightning attack.


I just used Malgus and Sidious as examples.

Edited by VitalityPrime
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Force Push falls in with a category of mirrored abilities that don't have a different theme from their republic counterpart. Force Push, Saber Throw, Saber Reflect, Saber Ward are all represented identically (even sharing the same name), with the only difference being a palette swap or different icon. These abilities have no unique identity on the sith warrior.


A sith lightning blast substitute for force push is a good example of where to start. It would be cool to see all of these abilities re-imagined, and given a distinct sith theme.

Edited by Marb
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  • 3 months later...

Absolutely love the idea! I remember waaaay back, when I first pressed the force-push button thinking "huh? no brrrzt?" (yes, my brain gets that way when playing) but then being overwhelmed by... "MWAHAHAA! CHAAARGE!".


Long time ago.




Give it a brrrzt.

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