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Living Legends


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Here are the players I think are living legends based on class


Jug/Guardian = Hulc/Flux

Mara/Sent = Wrecks/Feken

Gunslinger/Sniper = Skyblaze / Valya - Krronn (tie)

Operative / Scoundrel = Ush / Melyn

Merc / Commando = Og / Manka - Daz (tie)

PT / Van = Defense / Rilo

Sorc / Sage = Jaadis / Desii

Assassin / Shadow = Mondego / Consular





I would go through honorable mentions but there are a ton of them. I just got back for the new patch so not sure who all out of that list is active

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Here are the players I think are living legends based on class


Jug/Guardian = Hulc/Flux

Mara/Sent = Wrecks/Feken

Gunslinger/Sniper = Skyblaze / Valya - Krronn (tie)

Operative / Scoundrel = Ush / Melyn

Merc / Commando = Og / Manka - Daz (tie)

PT / Van = Defense / Rilo

Sorc / Sage = Jaadis / Desii

Assassin / Shadow = Mondego / Consular





I would go through honorable mentions but there are a ton of them. I just got back for the new patch so not sure who all out of that list is active

Hulc I haven't seen in ages, Flux I see every once in awhile.

Wrecks is still here, Feken has recently resurfaced but perhaps was playing alts here and we just never noticed.

Skyblaze I haven't seen in awhile Valya/Kronn both went to Bastion not sure if they play anymore.

Haven't seen Ush/Melyn I believe they moved to Bastion not sure if they play anymore.

Og I had seen from time to time but I have not seen him recently. Not sure abount Manka or even who that is. Daz still plays.

Defense I I haven't seen in awhile since even before transfers happened, Rilo I had seen but not lately.

Jaadis moved to Bastion not sure if she still plays, not sure where Desi went it's been a long while since I have seen her.

Not sure when the last time I saw Mondego but Consular I believe moved servers likely POT5.

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Right, that's what I thought.


Hide behind your anonymity, whatever you want. I figured you would be too afraid to post your name, considering how you like to make ignorant comments that show your lack of understanding to PvP and this server's PvPers.


Figures the scrubs think these leaderboards are the only indication of skill. Try not to be the very thing you complain about, "nobodies getting egos" like you put it or something.


Are you on drugs :D


Hide behind anonymity? When was the last time you posted your RL name and address?


We are all anonymous :rolleyes:

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Please re-iterate, because last I checked Sages are the most difficult class to play because if my healing trance gets interrupted I have no heals left to give. Whereas operatives get to spam to full whenever they get attacked.


And whats with people saying sages are easy? I always here this "Heal to Full" "LoL" garbage and its like, it only heals for 10K if it CRITS. Thats only 1/3 of my HP pool in one instant cast.


A sage is complaining about heals being interrupted plz run more rateds as a combat medic lemme no how well you do when your two heals get interrupted and your instant heal is on cd all u got is ur piss poor aoe heal. But then I guess you could pop ur shield for no interrupts but if you've already wasted ur cc breaker ur fked.


Oh and Sage is no where near the most difficult class to play healing on a sage/sorc is incredibly easy if anything a DPS Merc/Healing Merc has the highest skill cap in this game.



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A sage is complaining about heals being interrupted plz run more rateds as a combat medic lemme no how well you do when your two heals get interrupted



SCC clears the lockout of your AMP, so thats what I would do if both my heals got interrupted.


I think Combat Medics are awesome and so are sages, I love my sage.


Regardless, I was being about as serious as James Franco and Seth Rogan in the following video:



Edited by Bellumpvp
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Are you on drugs :D


Hide behind anonymity? When was the last time you posted your RL name and address?


We are all anonymous :rolleyes:


I didn't ask for your real name. I asked for your game name, and you decided not to hand it out.


Because you talk big, in terms of the game and how it's played, I asked you for your game name to validate if you actually display some knowledge over the things you are preaching about. But since you indirectly refused, you have confirmed that you do not actually have any experience or reputation to back up your claim.


Combined with the fact that your points are ignorant, your argument is therefore, weak. Normally you're little "we're all anonymous" point would make sense, but since this is an argument about the game and not RL, you'll have to do better.


EDIT: How was that for a wall of text, Neo? Fairly to the point, if I do say so myself, and why haven't you bowed to me yet? Is this any way to treat your god and savior? ;)

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Still suffering from delusions of grandeur I see. I am proud of you for keeping your statement short and to the point. We're making progress on that front at least. ;)


Not really delusions, more like playing along whenever you decided to bow and grovel in some other thread ago.


But if you want to challenge me again, feel free to. That point was short, but I'd be happy to write a few books on your ignorance since there's so much failure to highlight ;)

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Still suffering from delusions of grandeur I see. I am proud of you for keeping your statement short and to the point. We're making progress on that front at least. ;)


You need to introduce yourself to your sorcs over there they have been running their traps on the Sorc forums about how they are fully viable and beating the best teams on the server. Give them a little focus fire and tell them I wish them all the best in their dirt naps. maybe even ask them "U Mad?"

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You need to introduce yourself to your sorcs over there they have been running their traps on the Sorc forums about how they are fully viable and beating the best teams on the server. Give them a little focus fire and tell them I wish them all the best in their dirt naps. maybe even ask them "U Mad?"


Interesting you say that because the sorcs and sages on potpie are surprisingly squishier than the ones I used to fight here. And more prone to rage, if I recall correctly I even caught one in a hypergate video. As much as I'd love to send them your regards though, I don't play any more. Uninstalled and everything.

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Interesting you say that because the sorcs and sages on potpie are surprisingly squishier than the ones I used to fight here. And more prone to rage, if I recall correctly I even caught one in a hypergate video. As much as I'd love to send them your regards though, I don't play any more. Uninstalled and everything.


I miss you, Polite. Come back to me asap.

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I didn't ask for your real name. I asked for your game name, and you decided not to hand it out.


Because you talk big, in terms of the game and how it's played, I asked you for your game name to validate if you actually display some knowledge over the things you are preaching about. But since you indirectly refused, you have confirmed that you do not actually have any experience or reputation to back up your claim.


Combined with the fact that your points are ignorant, your argument is therefore, weak. Normally you're little "we're all anonymous" point would make sense, but since this is an argument about the game and not RL, you'll have to do better.


EDIT: How was that for a wall of text, Neo? Fairly to the point, if I do say so myself, and why haven't you bowed to me yet? Is this any way to treat your god and savior? ;)



I have made no "points", I repeated the history of this server, it is simply fact and it doesn't need an identity to back it up:

1) You guys cried at the good PvPers, "waaa you should not be on an RP server"

2) They left

2) The remaining bads pronounced themselves legends in this thread


There is nothing to debate, you are just looking for someone to discredit; a name to bash, the facts stand alone.

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I have made no "points", I repeated the history of this server, it is simply fact and it doesn't need an identity to back it up:

1) You guys cried at the good PvPers, "waaa you should not be on an RP server"

2) They left

2) The remaining bads pronounced themselves legends in this thread


There is nothing to debate, you are just looking for someone to discredit; a name to bash, the facts stand alone.


A lot of the good PVPers left to Bastion or POT5 to try a new challenge as they were playing against each other (probably only 20-25 elite PVPers) and wanted to see what the competition was like. Some of these went to Bastion and after awhile a lot of those same players left (or barely play anymore) the game.


The one thing I can say for the BC crowd is there are still 5-10 players here who could transfer and still give a good showing of themselves. Most of those don't leave as they are heavily invested in guilds or PVE and some don't leave due to the over excessive drama on POT5 and Bastion. Not to say that there are not a lot of nice people over there, unfortunately most of my experiences with people with huge PVP ego's come from those servers, or that the drama on BC isn't ridiculous at times.


I am content at the moment at being a predominately PVE player who dabbles in PVP every now and again and tries to give a good showing of oneself.

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2) The remaining bads pronounced themselves legends in this thread


Which bads pronounced themselves legends in this thread? The name that popped up the most was Melyn, who was one of the ones who left. I didn't see anyone nominate himself in this thread.

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2) The remaining bads pronounced themselves legends in this thread



What are you on about? Read the thread and try again. The only names mentioned were the same names mentioned before server transfers. Since when are Melyn, Aroca, Wrecks, Feken, etc bads? You can also show me where they proclaim themselves legends. You won't tell people your ingame name because you tried to sound cool, had no idea what you were talking about, and proceeded to make a fool of yourself.

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I have made no "points", I repeated the history of this server, it is simply fact and it doesn't need an identity to back it up:

1) You guys cried at the good PvPers, "waaa you should not be on an RP server"

2) They left

2) The remaining bads pronounced themselves legends in this thread


There is nothing to debate, you are just looking for someone to discredit; a name to bash, the facts stand alone.


You do realize you are being contradictory, right? You made no points earlier, but now you're highlighting the points you made before?


1) Your proof? More like your ignorant opinion, considering many complaints about PvP are in regards to balance, not necessarily "people being good PvPers". People don't logically complain at others for being good, and if they try to, the targeted players usually lol and continue to play like they always have. You'll be hard pressed to find a player who actually is a result of your ignorant point, because many left just to play against better competition.


2) We still have some good players left. Hell, you have Infamous here to show you all it takes to be elite is competence, filling the three roles, and some coordination. Player skill has little to do with quality in the big picture.


3) I agree, many bads have this mentality. It's kind of annoying, when someone believes they have skill on holding a node when they fight completely off the node while a lone defender CC stalls cappers until reinforcements arrive.


You are arguing about the population of a server, and making generalizations of said population. If you wanted to make a strong point through this, you would state who you are and your credibility through reputation would solidify your point somewhat. But since you didn't, in addition to your generalizations being mostly wrong besides point 3, you present yourself as an ignorant nobody.


Which I guess, is what you want to be.

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A lot of the players who left were already bored and felt going to another server was going to change how they felt but in most cases those guild slowly fell apart that moved as a group now you have a 1/3 that play here again another 1/3 left and another 1/3 were absorbed by some ofther guild.


Things have begun to actually pick up again here some unknowns that rerolled are now reaching 55 and I'm seeing players that I've never seen or even seen their guild for that matter who are playing well.


I'd still like to see cross server ranked/warzones that will add some spark to the game I think until an expansion or added content. (other than star fighters)

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On my opinion real Living Legends dont talk about how great they are cous the real pvpers know that the best player are the ones that play the objectives and dont go on a killer fest are those players that maybe dont top the biggest dps or heals or even the objective points but are the ones that intercept pass clear ramps the ones that kite people of nodes to let someone else to cap those are the best of the server real heroes dont look for reconigzion after all c:


This is why wen you read this tread there are names like melyn thoug hes not on this server anymore but we all know how he influences to his team to win and there are a lot more of players that do that tough we cant name them all

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