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The next PvP idea after Galactic Starfighter: how about speeder racing?


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Galactic Starfighter opened my mind to the idea that this game can have more than one type of PvP than just warzones. So I was thinking, now we have warzones, we have space PvP, what else can we have? How about speeder racing sponsor by the Hutt Cartel!


The concept I have for SWTOR speeder racing is similar to Mario Kart I suppose, but in SWTOR style. We can purchase different speeder models, customize them with different engines, weapons, and other gadgets. Each race goes for 3 rounds, and each game has 8 players. The race is FFA, so there are no teams. Winner gets more credits and comms to trade for better speeder parts, losers get less.


Players can use various equiped gadgets and weapons to help them win the race, like oil slick to slow the guy behind you, rocket booster to make you go faster for a short time, Grappling hook to grap the guy in front of you to pull closer in, missles to shoot the guy in front of you to damage his speeder, flamethrower to burn the guy next to you to damage his speeder, energy sheild to protect your speeder from weapon attacks, electric shock rods to ram the guy in front of you, repair probes to repair your speeder from being damaged... etc. All kinds of crazy things we can think of.


In addition, there are traps in the race path lay down by the Hutts that racers have to avoid, like electric field that damages the speeder, gravity wells that snare you... ect.


If you speeder takes too much damage and gets blown up sky high, you will automatically consider to be the last place in the current race. First one to blow up is 8th place, 2nd one to blow up is 7th... etc. You can build more armor and defensive gadgets into your speeder to help you stay alive longer, but that will compromise your speeder's speed and offense capabilities. So there is a lot of customization for your playstyle.


Baron Deathmark can give funny commentary too during the race: "Ouch! Someone just got blown up to sky high!"


I alway enjoy a racing game every so often. I think it will be fun. So what do you guys think?

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We could have speeder racing any time we'd want to.

All needed would be a few dedicated people to make it possible, to assemble few speeder pilots let's say on Hoth or on Tatooine and let the race begin !


I once so long ago played STar Wars Racer - that was a fun game, but I could only imagine it as PvE.


But ... as PvP it would be nice, too. It would be without fighting, though ... But that could be used as a way to attract players ...

The only thing that should NOT be there, imho would a thing like Expertise or faster speeders. That would ruin the "competition by skill" aspect of it, imho.

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Heres something crazy.... how about we actually get some more content for ground game PvP? More PvP content has been removed from the game than added over the last 2 years. Pretty bad tbh


We got a new Huttball map coming. Ranked WZ is not popular, so no one cares except the tiny pool of hardcore competitive PvPers.


I think speeder racing will be a great new addition to PvP.

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Heres something crazy.... how about we actually get some more content for ground game PvP? More PvP content has been removed from the game than added over the last 2 years. Pretty bad tbh


Sigh... You beat me to it. I was going to post this exact same thing word for word. Except I was going to use ludicrous instead of crazy. And then possibly go off on a Spaceball tangent for a paragraph or two. Which would probably lead me down the road to KFC and then I'd start thinking about dinner tonight. I'm a sucker for food. And then... wait, where am I? I think I blacked out for a minute there. But ya, fix actual PvP and let the fluff team work on fluff.

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Heres something crazy.... how about we actually get some more content for ground game PvP? More PvP content has been removed from the game than added over the last 2 years. Pretty bad tbh


All part of the plan. Soon, we will forget ground PvP. There will only by space fights and racing. How about Pazak or whatever it is? That's a form of PvP isn't it?

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Actually, Pazaak can't be implemented due to some states' gambling law. :(


While there are indirect way to get credits by cash (buying CM stuff and selling for credits), there are no direct nor indirect ways to legally get cash for credits. Since you are not gambling with actual money, I'm not aware of any laws in place that would prevent fake gambling in a game.


Not to mention the fact that if you did implement the feature (which I could care less about tbh), no one said you had to be able to gamble. You could simply play a friendly game against opponents perhaps for in game rewards, rating, reputation, or any combination of the three.

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While there are indirect way to get credits by cash (buying CM stuff and selling for credits), there are no direct nor indirect ways to legally get cash for credits. Since you are not gambling with actual money, I'm not aware of any laws in place that would prevent fake gambling in a game.


Not to mention the fact that if you did implement the feature (which I could care less about tbh), no one said you had to be able to gamble. You could simply play a friendly game against opponents perhaps for in game rewards, rating, reputation, or any combination of the three.


Money and "things of value" are included in some states' gambling law. While "things of value" is a general term and is opened to legal interpretations and can be argued, BW doesn't want to potentially open cans of worm for something trivial with little return.

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Cripes, can we please not hijack every thread in favor of the PvP Victimhood Movement?


I like the idea of speeder races a lot, especially the Mario Kart twist. :) My concern would be controls; I'm not terribly convinced that the mouse and keyboard are particularly conducive to the racing genre. Might be awesome if they add controller support for it, but that creates an imbalance and reduces the number of people who could enjoy it. Still, I would love to be proven wrong.

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Cripes, can we please not hijack every thread in favor of the PvP Victimhood Movement?


I like the idea of speeder races a lot, especially the Mario Kart twist. :) My concern would be controls; I'm not terribly convinced that the mouse and keyboard are particularly conducive to the racing genre. Might be awesome if they add controller support for it, but that creates an imbalance and reduces the number of people who could enjoy it. Still, I would love to be proven wrong.


A thread was posted in the PvP forum about the next idea after GS. I don't think improving the current system is at all out of the realm of possibility as the next appropriate project. Fix 8v8 ranked, balance classes, support arenas, etc. I think it's far better to improve the system we have in place until it's great than it is to add in a new system that doesn't even appeal to the entire population.


For example: Bastion has all but died in terms of competitive PvP, which was thriving before. Now the only ones left are moving to PoT5 because we have 5 or 6 teams queuing a night. Still not even that high of a number of teams. Do you think the time invested in GS is going to bring in new players to replace all of the PvPers that left? Have you met anyone who wasn't already playing SWTOR that got the game because they heard about GS? Wouldn't we have been better off improving the PvP system we have and keeping those players?


I won't deny that people may enjoy GS and may enjoy a speeder racing game, but these are side games that only appeal to a small subsection of people who are already playing the game. I may try out GS when it launches just to occupy some time, but I would never keep playing this game just for that or start playing it just for that if I hadn't been involved already.

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Fix 8v8 ranked, balance classes, support arenas, etc. I think it's far better to improve the system we have in place until it's great than it is to add in a new system that doesn't even appeal to the entire population.


That is your opinion. Metrics have not show how successful GS will be yet, but it has proven that ranked PvP is not popular and less than 1% of the SWTOR population participates in ranked. Why did you think BW scrapped 8v8 ranked all together?


Do you think the time invested in GS is going to bring in new players to replace all of the PvPers that left? Have you met anyone who wasn't already playing SWTOR that got the game because they heard about GS? Wouldn't we have been better off improving the PvP system we have and keeping those players?


What I or you think don't matter. When GS goes live, its participation stats will prove it is successful or not.


I won't deny that people may enjoy GS and may enjoy a speeder racing game, but these are side games that only appeal to a small subsection of people who are already playing the game. I may try out GS when it launches just to occupy some time, but I would never keep playing this game just for that or start playing it just for that if I hadn't been involved already.


You don't have hard data to prove that GS will "only appeal to a small subsection of people". But there is hard data to prove that ranked PvP "only appeal to a small subsection of people".

Edited by Ashuranrx
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I like the idea of racing in theory, but I'm still waiting to how the space turns out.


Personally, though, I'd rather they added Pazaak, Dejarik, and Sabacc first. Low risk, high reward. (No pun intended, of course.)


That is your opinion. Metrics have not show how successful GS will be yet, but it has proven that ranked PvP is not popular and less than 1% of the SWTOR population participates in ranked. Why did you think BW scrapped 8v8 ranked all together?

Don't confuse unpopular with undesirable. If a pizzeria only offered foul toppings, then it wouldn't be a good place to judge the popularity of pizza.


The way it used to be was inaccessible for a lot of people and could be frustrating for others. Now it's just boring for most and really accentuates the lack of class-balance.


If the balance were better; if players could chose between 8v8 or arenas for solo; if bolster were fixed (or removed for ranked); and if it were cross-server with better match-making, I guarantee the popularity would skyrocket.

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That is your opinion. Metrics have not show how successful GS will be yet, but it has proven that ranked PvP is not popular and less than 1% of the SWTOR population participates in ranked. Why did you think BW scrapped 8v8 ranked all together?


They made GS 12v12 PvP, which is already targeting the audience that is ok with playing with/against other players. There is no individual or PvE mode in this game, so safe to assume it is targeted at those interested in PvP. Knowing more PvPers than not, they are far from interested in this game mode. So it falls on those who enjoy PvP, but it's not their primary focus to carry it or it has to be able to convert those who prefer not to play with/against other players to do so. If your primary PvP audience isn't interested and you create no modes for other audiences...


What I or you think don't matter. When GS goes live, its participation stats will prove it is successful or not.


True, but not my point. Even if everyone already playing the game plays GS, how has the player base expanded? That's why I asked the question of who do you know that is coming to play SWTOR just for GS. The answer is no one.


You don't have hard data to prove that GS will "only appeal to a small subsection of people". But there is hard data to prove that ranked PvP "only appeal to a small subsection of people".


Ranked PvP appeals to a larger number of people than you'd expect, but the barriers to entry are high. That isn't my point though. Aside from ranked, there are problems that are visible in regular warzones, class balancing that is still off, tweaks to existing maps that can improve quality of life, and matchmaking for regular queues to help out. Improving PvP doesn't have to be centered around ranked, but improving ranked would increase that more competitive player base which this game is sorely lacking. That is a potential area of growth for the game, not space that's not quite on rails.



Responses in red above.

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Ranked PvP appeals to a larger number of people than you'd expect, but the barriers to entry are high.


I've read many ideas on this forum that suggested to make ranked PvP easier to access and more friendly to casuals. But the "elite" PvPers always respond to those suggestions saying that, casuals have no place in competitive PvP and they should stay in regs, or only the hardcores should be rewarded in compeititve PvP.


What this tells us is that the hardcore competitive PvPers don't want the barriers to entry for ranked to be lowered, and don't want to play with the casuals in ranked. So it is pointless to try to come up with ideas to attract more casuals to ranked, because the hardcores don't want them. We may as well spend more time making Huttball maps and adding other forms of PvP to the game.


The hardcores will play within their tiny pool and show each other off, and the casuals will get to enjoy more forms of themepark rides. This is the best way to go.

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I've read many ideas on this forum that suggested to make ranked PvP easier to access and more friendly to casuals. But the "elite" PvPers always respond to those suggestions saying that, casuals have no place in competitive PvP and they should stay in regs, or only the hardcores should be rewarded in compeititve PvP.


What this tells us is that the hardcore competitive PvPers don't want the barriers to entry for ranked to be lowered, and don't want to play with the casuals in ranked. So it is pointless to try to come up with ideas to attract more casuals to ranked, because the hardcores don't want them. We may as well spend more time making Huttball maps and adding other forms of PvP to the game.


The hardcores will play within their tiny pool and show each other off, and the casuals will get to enjoy more forms of themepark rides. This is the best way to go.


There is too much ignorance here for me to respond properly.

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Yes add speeder racing please, if you make it like mario cart and I will kiss you.


Yes add pazaak to the game, its lore to starwars so yes please so I can become addicted.


Also add a Hutt bar where you can practice dancing on a pole, and can listen to all the starwars music while watching some 1 vs 1 Hutt style arena in the bar.


Please and ty.

Edited by Makavelithug
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