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Just a couple simple questions for real players and what not.


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Ok, true story, I played in the Beta, gave it a month or two, but I left because of the technical issues that were causing my machines to crash. So, I just came back a few days ago and lo' and behold, there's been an expansion. I called Customer Support and asked,


"Is Rise of the Hutt Cartel free to those who are subscribed?"

His answer, "Yes, but you cannot access the RotHC content until you hit 55."


I ask, "So that means, I can keep leveling unti I hit 55 then I should be able to access the expansion right?"

His answer, "No, you must be 55."


Now, I'm thinking what the heck? So, ultimately I have to level to 55 to be able to level up passed 50? *facepalm* So, I decide to let that one go, as it's becoming sorely obvious that this guy is reading a script, flipping through a manual or doing something ****-robotic.


So, I go on with my next question, "Is there a compressed and complete version of this game for download?" I then explain, the streaming on my high speed connection takes forever and a day, and I'm currently having to wait on it after the infamous and more than familiar error that pops up saying an area doesn't exist on launch, which coincidentally existed last night while I was actually questing in the area.. Go figure, I guess my computer has a gremlin or something and it stole my area .dat file.


His response was to direct me to http://www.swtor.com/download which was infuriating. I then say, "Look, that's the launcher, it's not the game, it's not the game files, it's a front end application that basically verifies data being streamed to the computer by a server. The GAME content is the data it's streaming. I don't need a new launcher, I want access to the GAME content.


His response was, "go into launcher settings and fiddle with some thingamabob, do this, tweak that, blah."

(I didn't listen as it didn't answer what I asked.) So, I simply nodded my head, smiled, and said "Ok great, that's all I needed! Bye!"


So, Here are the questions for you fine folks:


1. I'm currently subscribed, will I be allowed to level up to 55?

2. If my subscription runs out before I hit 55, will I have to resub before I can progress to 55?

3. Is there an alternative place to download the GAME content, not the launcher, to quickly get what is needed?

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You "helper" was mistaken. You can't get to level 55 without the expansion. Otherwise, the cap is 50.


You are probably experiencing some of the many errors associated with the streaming launcher. There's a troubleshooting thread here: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=419492. Most people recommend that you use the normal launcher. I'm sorry I don't know where the information on that is. If it's not in that thread, do a forum search in the Customer Service forum. :)

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Alright, so if I want to switch from Streaming updates, to full blown patch, no streaming involved, how would one go about it?


I Think the only other alternative to not using the launcher from this website and using that to update would be to buy the CD but I am not sure where you could get the patches from to download offline without the standard launcher though?. I gues there might be some third party website somewhere where you could get the game files by un-official means. I personally don't have a problem with the launcher sure it is slow the first time to download but once the initial download has been done pathces are not too bad.


In asnwer to your other question once you have the Hutt cartel expansion by being a subscriber you will not lose the expansion and hence ability to level to 55 once your sub ends. There are however various in game restrictions when you go preferred status(If you sub then unsub you go preferred status not back down to Free to play) there is a full list on this site somewhere but some of the main restrictions include credit limit to 350k per character, only 2 not 3 crew skill available unless you get a unlock and not being able to use artifice purple level gear without a unlock. ;)

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Thank you for the replies and advice, I actually found out through a bit of digging on google, that you can switch from BitRaider to Secured Server Network (Swtor) and it will update much faster. However, the downfall is, you have to redownload the entire game again which I'm not gonna do if I can help it. Just gonna be patient and wait for the Bitrader stream to finish up and see where I'm at this time when I click play.


The whole situation that led up to this was, I got on this morning thinking I'd play a little, only to click "play" and discover another missing .dat file. So, I removed the Bitrader folder as previously instructed via Customer Service, and re-verified, and am now downloading more content. It appears the Streaming is either very very slow, or isn't doing it's job at all. I've been playing for countless hours over the last 3 days and it still hasn't gotten up to speed?


What's odd to me is, I already was on the planet it says I'm missing textures for, that makes absolutely no sense, since I was questing on that planet when I logged off. Seems like a bad design flaw to me, but who knows.


In any case, 80% the way there until I can click play again, hopefully I won't be disappointed.. Again. I'm not sure what I did with my retail CD, I think I may have lost it during a move at some point, but oh well. Worse case, I'm sure I can find an .iso file to burn to disc to speed up the process if it comes down to that.

Edited by Riodan
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1. I'm currently subscribed, will I be allowed to level up to 55?

2. If my subscription runs out before I hit 55, will I have to resub before I can progress to 55?


I've yet to experience this personally but theoretically, once you have unlocked the expansion (by becoming a subscriber), your level cap stays at 55 no matter what. You will keep access to Makeb (the expansion planet) and the level 55 daily areas (CZ-198 and Oricon) and flashpoints.

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Ok, the whole new expantion will probably baffle some players. Your CS Rep that you talked to was completely false.


1. You can at level 50 go to a new planet called Makeb, it is in the Hutt Space section of your Galaxy Map. Makeb is where you will want to do a bunch of quests and it will get you to roughly 53-55 depending on Exp boosts, Legacy Exp boosts, etc.


2. 55 Is where you will start gearing for stuff, I would look at the Elder Game Guide for a basic gist of what you should do. and then look at class specific stuff.


3. After completing Makeb, you have a few places to go, CZ-189 (A Czerka Corp storage moon turned research outpost), and Oricon (A Dread Master stricken world, with many things out to kill you bring good gear for Oricon Dailies)

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Is it possible that you have to be 55 for the new ship combat and that is what the CS rep was referring to?


Yes, there supposedly will be a "tie-in" flashpoint (to be released later) that is level 55, but as a matter of fact, Galactic Starship content is accessible at level 1.

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