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not going to name names, but i have atleast seen 3 players from different major pvp guilds who have had done the Ravagers exploit and gotten 198 BiS gear. that is an Exploits that gives out gear which till this day only 5 guilds in the world have cleared content to get. where as win-trading happens all the time in pvp. dont try to take the moral high ground for me. i can walk up to anyone and check to see if they have exploited ravagers or not and oh what will i find ? that they have. I dont much care for hypocrites.

second of all, i dont care if you respect me or not. you are all bunch of nameplates on the internet, my issue is some MEDIOCRE person trying to look tough downgrading pve. and the same attitude towards others who did that to i responded. you butthurt or salty ? i couldn't give lesser F*** about it.


Being mediocre at this game doesn't make a person mediocre, e.g. your evident mediocrity at being able to form coherent arguments says nothing about your potential mediocrity as an individual. Barring real-life experiences with our forum brethren, we can pretty much only judge them by their words. To follow through - your poor command of the rules of grammar and spelling imply a poor education, an unwillingness to proofread yourself, maybe substandard intelligence, some combination of all three, or some other unflattering explanation. However, they don't say much about your skill at SWTOR.


There is an obvious false equivalency in your attempt to equate exploiting a bug to obtain gear from Coratanni to win-trading to obtain pvp rewards and rating. The people who did the former aren't, as far as I know, bragging about their Ravagers progression. You, on the other hand, win-traded (I'm assuming you did since you've made no attempt to deny it) your way to some tier of rewards. A tier that you felt was sufficiently impressive enough to list as an accomplishment earlier in this thread. By the way, it's not.


Furthermore, loudly proclaiming you don't give a f*** about something usually implies that you strongly give a f**** about it. Clearly you do, as do most of us who take the time to post. Nothing wrong with admitting as much.

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Being mediocre at this game doesn't make a person mediocre, e.g. your evident mediocrity at being able to form coherent arguments says nothing about your potential mediocrity as an individual. Barring real-life experiences with our forum brethren, we can pretty much only judge them by their words. To follow through - your poor command of the rules of grammar and spelling imply a poor education, an unwillingness to proofread yourself, maybe substandard intelligence, some combination of all three, or some other unflattering explanation. However, they don't say much about your skill at SWTOR.


There is an obvious false equivalency in your attempt to equate exploiting a bug to obtain gear from Coratanni to win-trading to obtain pvp rewards and rating. The people who did the former aren't, as far as I know, bragging about their Ravagers progression. You, on the other hand, win-traded (I'm assuming you did since you've made no attempt to deny it) your way to some tier of rewards. A tier that you felt was sufficiently impressive enough to list as an accomplishment earlier in this thread. By the way, it's not.


Furthermore, loudly proclaiming you don't give a f*** about something usually implies that you strongly give a f**** about it. Clearly you do, as do most of us who take the time to post. Nothing wrong with admitting as much.

who are you?

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Being mediocre at this game doesn't make a person mediocre, e.g. your evident mediocrity at being able to form coherent arguments says nothing about your potential mediocrity as an individual. Barring real-life experiences with our forum brethren, we can pretty much only judge them by their words. To follow through - your poor command of the rules of grammar and spelling imply a poor education, an unwillingness to proofread yourself, maybe substandard intelligence, some combination of all three, or some other unflattering explanation. However, they don't say much about your skill at SWTOR.


There is an obvious false equivalency in your attempt to equate exploiting a bug to obtain gear from Coratanni to win-trading to obtain pvp rewards and rating. The people who did the former aren't, as far as I know, bragging about their Ravagers progression. You, on the other hand, win-traded (I'm assuming you did since you've made no attempt to deny it) your way to some tier of rewards. A tier that you felt was sufficiently impressive enough to list as an accomplishment earlier in this thread. By the way, it's not.


Furthermore, loudly proclaiming you don't give a f*** about something usually implies that you strongly give a f**** about it. Clearly you do, as do most of us who take the time to post. Nothing wrong with admitting as much.


I got my 1420 rating on my sentinel doing solo ranked, not win-trading or throwing matches. The Ravagers Exploit is far more harmful to the game in general than grouped win trading will ever be. Not only it made the concept of gear progression useless, it also broke the game economy. Also, i would say it is completely a fair and equal comparison if accusation of exploiting has is being thrown around.

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I'm not trying to start anything but galen you dont pvp anywhere near as much or as serious as actual pvpers, you did a rigged group ranked to get your rating and all of a sudden you think you're amazing. If you're as good as you say you are, make a group and go into grp ranked with bwaps, you know without the "its my turn to win" mentality. You also exploited the crap out of a bug in pve, lol you dont even play this game legit and you're saying for them to legit try and do nim content that they have never seen? You need to look at how you play this game and re-access your statement. Maybe if they cheated with you and caught up on gear it would be different, but thats not the case.


Reaper ... i know where what you are saying is coming from, and im just not gonna touch it, because as a player i never had any beef with you. i would say i thought you were better than this since you've known me for a long time now. really disappointed.

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Aight aight enough people. we all make mistakes, lets just move on. we all know who played dirty, its been known for a while. lets not make this into something dirty itself. people need to be given a chance to prove themselves, especially after making mistakes.
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I dont much care for hypocrites.


This is hardly hypocritical by the way. Walking into a raid and looting gear I am never going to use or talk about is not the same as you win-trading and wearing ranked gear in a warzone that you need backpacked to a win in. That's like me showing up to your raid spamming diagnostic scan and standing in stupid, then wondering why you are mad? You also forget, me looting that boss doesn't impact your raid. You knowingly queue dodging and win trading impacts the PvP community negatively. You mentioned the economy, you don't think that 8 people win-trading has the same impact? It compounds ( one group turns into two.. into four... and so on) just like the impact the exploit has on the economy; except the economy fluctuates as it is and damage wont last. Your entitlement mindset will never correct itself, so season after season you will negatively affect the PvP community. Remember we can only get our rating when there are pops, so when we spent hours waiting around or grinding out 60-300 games to get our rating we are going to mad that you didn't. You could argue that seeing our achievement and knowing we have the gear while you and your friends struggle through content is the same thing, but I assure you its not because unlike you wearing your title and ranked gear our exploit isn't in your face.



Either way you are no authority on PvP or PvPers, this includes Zenod and his "mediocrity".

Edited by rachole
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Aight aight enough people. we all make mistakes, lets just move on. we all know who played dirty, its been known for a while. lets not make this into something dirty itself. people need to be given a chance to prove themselves, especially after making mistakes.


Makes my heart smile.... Kindest words I ever heard you say.... THRILLED.... <3 BEEZY

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Reaper ... i know where what you are saying is coming from, and im just not gonna touch it, because as a player i never had any beef with you. i would say i thought you were better than this since you've known me for a long time now. really disappointed.

Shoo peasant, you're amongst your superiors now, leash that tongue of yours.

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This is hardly hypocritical by the way. Walking into a raid and looting gear I am never going to use or talk about is not the same as you win-trading and wearing ranked gear in a warzone that you need backpacked to a win in. That's like me showing up to your raid spamming diagnostic scan and standing in stupid, then wondering why you are mad? You also forget, me looting that boss doesn't impact your raid. You knowingly queue dodging and win trading impacts the PvP community negatively. We can only get our rating when there are pops, so when we spent hours waiting around or grinding out 60-300 games to get our rating we are going to mad that you didn't. You could argue that seeing our achievement and knowing we have the gear while you and your friends struggle through content is the same thing, but I assure you its not because unlike you wearing your title and ranked gear our exploit isn't in your face.


Either way you are no authority on PvP or PvPers, this includes Zenod and his "mediocrity".


The only type of win-trading that effects the pvp community is in solo ranked when other peoples ratings get effect because someone throws the match, people grouping up with friends and playing together doesn't effect anyone. The rewards for ranked are just empty shells with no mods and stats. they do not effect anyone. whereas when someone grabs loot without killing a boss, they are getting modded, stated gear that matters. it effects progression because it depends on moving throw content with the progression of gear from SM tier to HM tier. i might be wearing a shell, other are wearing gear that matters and increases the characters stats. the only title i run with on my marauder is Eternal Warrior and im pretty sure i earned that when i joined Exit Area.

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The only type of win-trading that effects the pvp community is in solo ranked when other peoples ratings get effect because someone throws the match, people grouping up with friends and playing together doesn't effect anyone. The rewards for ranked are just empty shells with no mods and stats. they do not effect anyone. whereas when someone grabs loot without killing a boss, they are getting modded, stated gear that matters. it effects progression because it depends on moving throw content with the progression of gear from SM tier to HM tier. i might be wearing a shell, other are wearing gear that matters and increases the characters stats. the only title i run with on my marauder is Eternal Warrior and im pretty sure i earned that when i joined Exit Area.



I both pvp and pve. Hands down i would rather have the empty s3 shells than BIS 198s.

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The only type of win-trading that effects the pvp community is in solo ranked when other peoples ratings get effect because someone throws the match, people grouping up with friends and playing together doesn't effect anyone. The rewards for ranked are just empty shells with no mods and stats. they do not effect anyone. whereas when someone grabs loot without killing a boss, they are getting modded, stated gear that matters. it effects progression because it depends on moving throw content with the progression of gear from SM tier to HM tier. i might be wearing a shell, other are wearing gear that matters and increases the characters stats. the only title i run with on my marauder is Eternal Warrior and im pretty sure i earned that when i joined Exit Area.


Stop trying to downplay your disgusting exploits that you have partook in, it disgusts us all.



Edited by RPsus
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While this whole conversation is silly (Galen, stop it), you guys realise that there aren't degrees of exploits, an exploit is an exploit. Win-trading is as bad as taking advantage of the coratanni bug was. Simple black and white people. Either way, what beezy said.
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While this whole conversation is silly (Galen, stop it), you guys realise that there aren't degrees of exploits, an exploit is an exploit. Win-trading is as bad as taking advantage of the coratanni bug was. Simple black and white people. Either way, what beezy said.


While both are exploits, win trading is worse without doubt.


Why? While both pve and PvP are for peasants, pve is even more disgusting. Therefore exploiting PvP is worse then pve because PvP, while still filthy is by default higher in status then pve.


So hush Galen, you're making yourself look like the fool you are.

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While this whole conversation is silly (Galen, stop it), you guys realise that there aren't degrees of exploits, an exploit is an exploit. Win-trading is as bad as taking advantage of the coratanni bug was. Simple black and white people. Either way, what beezy said.


I don't think it is.


I edit my post after I read his about the economy so I'll add here as well. Just like the exploit on ravengers has on the economy win trading compounds ( one group turns into two.. into four... and so on); except the economy fluctuates as it is and damage wont last. Your entitlement mindset will never correct itself, so season after season you will negatively affect the PvP community. The idea of the rewards for PvP are the same as PvE, its loot to drive participation and reward top performers. You are electing to not participate in the format in which the game was designed for, this impacts everyone. Look I am not on some kind of witch hunt by any means, I think you may have been confused along the way, probably my fault your argument was flawed and I couldn't help myself. My point was and this is still my point, PvPers do not like or respect win-traders, so when they call you sh*t or don't care about what you have to say this is why and when we tell you to get out of this thread and your opinions don't matter its because to us, they DONT.

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I have known you for awhile ,but this isnt a subject you're in a position to argue. If it were pve i wouldnt say a thing at all i'd probably listen to be honest, but pvp is definitely a thing i have barely seen you do. Its not an insult, you just havent done it as much as people from bwaps, deathsmile, among the other pvp guilds, hell even me since i've been subbed since launch and thats how i level'd. You can say what you want about being dissapointed but i heard the things y'all said behind my back so dont even try to act like you even respected, so not only are you a cheater, but you're a 2-face so like i said im not trying to start anything, just think about what you're saying because you dont even practice what you preach
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I have known you for awhile ,but this isnt a subject you're in a position to argue. If it were pve i wouldnt say a thing at all i'd probably listen to be honest, but pvp is definitely a thing i have barely seen you do. Its not an insult, you just havent done it as much as people from bwaps, deathsmile, among the other pvp guilds, hell even me since i've been subbed since launch and thats how i level'd. You can say what you want about being dissapointed but i heard the things y'all said behind my back so dont even try to act like you even respected, so not only are you a cheater, but you're a 2-face so like i said im not trying to start anything, just think about what you're saying because you dont even practice what you preach


My dear subject reaper firing some well aimed verbal projectiles.


10/10 great #shotsfired


I approve, continue.

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