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Best player of each class!


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Top Posters In This Topic

Jugg Dps: Onemanarmy, Miyagi

Jugg Tank: Vlaad

Marauder: Vyn, Lygro, Frequencyz

Sniper: Venkman, Reaper

Operative Dps: Sicari

Operative Healer: Wink

Merc Healer: Draft

Merc Dps: Chasso

Powertech Dps: Torman

Powertech Tank: Hi'tek

Sorc Dps: Worlock, Trea

Sorc Healer: R'c , Seraphyx

Sin Dps: Zenod

Special Awards

Best Rage: Pushi'Wampa

Best Stories: Worlock and Hairybankshaft

Worst positioned: Onemanarmy

Worst Strats: Zenod

Biggest Epeen: TheSauce

Most likely to get glolololoballed: Trea


:o i got a mention :o even though i am FAR from the best at ANYTHING i appreciate that someone noticed me in a WZ lol i love PVPing with all of you.... even when i'm getting facerolled by death smile or HMD magenta or unconquered.... ok i solo que mostly so i get face rolled quite a bit.... but PVP keeps this game from getting stale.

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Jedi Guardian: Fatedd

Jedi Guardian tank: Talionis

Jedi Sentinel: Coluslanus, Onefinalhope, Thalamir

Jedi Shadow: Zenod or Civile

Jedi Shadow tank: Zenod

Jedi Sage: Ichuckrocks

Jedi Sage healer: Alexandras


Scoundrel: Lynx

Scoundrel healer: Nisseesi

Gunslinger: Pipsy or Spurs

Commando: Zachariah

Commando healer: Donna and Alexandras

Vanguard: Stormrayne

Vanguard tank: have not seen any worth mentioning


Sith Juggernaut: Malrak,Maliken,Nobody

Sith Juggernaut tank: Ausgeflippt

Sith Marauder: Frequencyz, Fay'te,Lafayette, Helio, Ashanis

Sith Assassin: Iscariot in pure dps Zenod is variety, Azuras

Sith Assassin tank: Rynev only sin tank I have ever seen get a mil protection

Sith Sorcerer: Sparky,Benzos

Sith Sorcerer healer: Lilu or Deez-nuts only two sorcs that I have heard of getting 2600 hps Huntlerr for just being a pain in the ***


Operative dps: Swurve so much stabby stab Braelaa 2000 + lethality deeps

Operative healer: Braelaa,Xa'vuy,Sittinon-toylet

Sniper: Dr-Venkman,

Mercenary: Chasso

Mercenary healer: Draft,Donnamite,Fa'dera

Powertech: Cheesecakes,Leighvi,Mihalis,Nexnesis

Powertech tank:Hi'tek

Edited by JosephGVargas
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in pvp gear with presence mods


See, I would normally figure you're being sarcastic, but we've all seen the guy(s) who want to do HM {INSERT OP HERE} and are sporting (61) gear with a (58) Hilt / Barrel.


Or the classes with the completely off-the wall augment / enhancement / mod, i.e the Sin Jugg with the aforementioned presence, the healer with accuracy or aim (don't laugh), and of course the tank who shows up in "role playing gear" for HM EC. (BEFORE the 50 -> 55 level increase).


The irony of this whole off-the-wall situation is that the emo kids in paras two and three are the FIRST to throw a hissy fit if you call them out or boot them because...just *** over? Tells, general lamentation in fleet chat, oh the level of entitlement (and accompanying bu[[ hurt) when you WON'T carry them reminds me of the baby mama's on local tv demanding somebody pay for "her children". (I do enjoy irony)


And here's the kicker - it's getting WORSE. Not just in the PvP Wzs (Obroan Welfare Relics yo! )., but in SM raids where 8 DPS can carry that level 55 who is sporting Voss level gear. Then they roll need on EVERYTHING but still are the proverbial "DPS without a clue" as they rock their 1100 DPS in full 69's and 72's.


Don't even get me started on non-ranked PvP. Apparently there is a game-wide electro-shock if people actually USE cc. Breaking it? Well duh. I mean he was just STANDING THERE. Then you have four people all under 100k damage whining about "bads". At least have the decency to vote somebody BETTER THAN YOU for MvP. (Should be a reward for tolerating those mental midgets)


My ignore list for my lowbies is filling up faster than the red cup at the Phi Delta Kappa free beer kegger. I can put up with stupidity, ignorance, lack of worldliness, an4l, Jawa, Chuck Norris, even faux h0m0ph0bia. But the level of play is getting worse. All AROUND. It's to the point now that people in my guild solo from 1-55, and will only do PuG (We have less than 10 individual accounts) raids with guilds that have a positive rep. (And there are plenty who DON'T).


Maybe I need to drink more when I play.

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Sith Assassin tank: Rynev only sin tank I have ever seen get a mil protection


Sith Sorcerer healer: Lilu or Deez-nuts only two sorcs that I have heard of getting 2600 hps Huntlerr for just being a pain in the ***




Shout out on the Sin Wohoo

And Deez-Nuts was reported and ceases to exsist :(

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