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Best player of each class!


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Guardian/Jugg : Malrak


Sent/Mara: Mular


Slinger/Sniper: Joemray


Operative/Smuggler: Stand


Sorc/Sage: Churb


Pt/vanguard: Baptista


Commando/Merc: Fatedd (the real guy, not the piece of crap player that is Rishyan)


Assasin/Shadow: Captain Salty (Zenod)

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I made a mixed list for mirror classes and chose what I think are the top 3 in that class (I avoided specific ordering too since in some cases it's just too close to call). This list is completely biased based on who I see during my play time and who I know for a fact is good. Players I have not seen in forever, that play on other servers, or that I know stopped playing will not be included. I tried to take into account solo ranked / reg wzs / reg arena (not group ranked since I don't do any :() and a mix of dps/ehps output, objective play, teamwork, and proper basic mechanics usage (cc, CDs, roots, etc). I'm most definitely forgetting people so I will probably be editing this post over the next few days as you guys call out how bad my choices are and how I should L2P. Also, I chose not to include myself wherever relevant but I would think/hope I'd make it in the Sent section (Then again maybe not, the three I chose are all very good).


Guardian/Jugg DPS:

  • Goo'boo
  • One'Man'Army
  • Tails
  • Honorable Mentions: Fare, Hijinks


Guardian/Jugg tank:

  • Pvesucks
  • Kayben
  • Revivification
  • Honorable Mentions: Talionis



  • Frequencyz
  • Lafayette
  • Aluvian
  • Honorable mention: McNooberton, Zani



Shadow/Assassin DPS:

  • Cloudyclouds
  • Zenod
  • Techniques
  • Honorable Mentions: Yvx, Lokist, Mcswaggerton, Effort


Shadow/Assassin tank:

  • Endurance
  • Visas
  • ...


Sage/Sorc DPS:

  • Ilybles
  • Hoppin
  • Tae
  • Honorable Mentions: Xani, Tailsneverfails, Freakinpebbles, Liquidz, Gandolftheblack


Sage/Sorc Healer:

  • Klotho
  • Lamination
  • Xvy
  • Honorable Mentions: Tae, Tonic


Scoundrel/Op DPS:

  • Armory
  • Entity
  • ...


Scoundrel/Op healer:

  • Xa'vuy
  • Har
  • Zama



  • Calem
  • Trade
  • Jad-Bond
  • Honorable Mentions: Lumi, Macray


Mando/Merc DPS:

  • Chasso'fan
  • Xaney
  • Bammbamm


Mando/Merc healer:

  • Mike-Oxlong
  • Krastin
  • Bammbamm



  • Cleavette
  • Jalgo
  • Finnish
  • Honorable Mentions: Rejinlief


VG/PT tank:

  • Guardswap
  • Magikarp
  • ...


I love how you listed some of old ID, they are irrelevant. Telos will always have my respect though.

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Guardian/Jugg : Malrak


Sent/Mara: Mular


Slinger/Sniper: Joemray


Operative/Smuggler: Stand


Sorc/Sage: Churb


Pt/vanguard: Baptista


Commando/Merc: Fatedd (the real guy, not the piece of crap player that is Rishyan)


Assasin/Shadow: Captain Salty (Zenod)


The year 2013 would like to thank you for your contributions.

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I made a mixed list for mirror classes and chose what I think are the top 3 in that class (I avoided specific ordering too since in some cases it's just too close to call). This list is completely biased based on who I see during my play time and who I know for a fact is good. Players I have not seen in forever, that play on other servers, or that I know stopped playing will not be included. I tried to take into account solo ranked / reg wzs / reg arena (not group ranked since I don't do any :() and a mix of dps/ehps output, objective play, teamwork, and proper basic mechanics usage (cc, CDs, roots, etc). I'm most definitely forgetting people so I will probably be editing this post over the next few days as you guys call out how bad my choices are and how I should L2P. Also, I chose not to include myself wherever relevant but I would think/hope I'd make it in the Sent section (Then again maybe not, the three I chose are all very good).


Guardian/Jugg DPS:

  • Too'Stronk
  • One'Man'Army
  • Goo'Boo
  • Honorable Mentions: Fare, Killstryke


Guardian/Jugg tank:

  • Pvesucks
  • Beckeh's tank

  • Honorable Mentions: Talionis



  • Frequencyz
  • Zani
  • McTunnelton



Shadow/Assassin DPS:

  • Iscariot
  • Atox
  • Techniques
  • Putting cloudycloud as number one made me spit my drink out laughing(while he can do high dps he still has a lot to learn on the class as a whole. potential is there)


Shadow/Assassin tank:

  • Nobody good plays sin tank as main

  • ...


Sage/Sorc DPS:

  • Hoppin
  • Liquidz
  • Mew
  • Honorable Mentions: Xani, Freakinpebbles, Gandolftheblack


Sage/Sorc Healer:

  • Mew
  • xvy
  • Thesauce
  • Honorable Mentions: Tae, Destruction


Scoundrel/Op DPS:

  • Armory
  • Entity
  • ...


Scoundrel/Op healer:

  • Xa'vuy
  • PoisonBerry
  • Har/Laet



  • Trade
  • Rexx
  • Entity
  • Honorable Mentions: Lumi, Macray, Jad-Bond


Mando/Merc DPS:

  • Chasso'fan
  • Xaney
  • Bammbamm


Mando/Merc healer:

  • Krastin
  • Poison



  • Jalgo
  • Cleavette
  • Finish
  • Honorable Mentions: Rejinlief, Clyde


VG/PT tank:

  • Diavola
  • Xavuy
  • Magikarp



Fixed a few things for you. I'll make a complete list if someone really wants. (keep in mind this is a edited list and not all mine)


But i mean cmon some of the people you had thewre were complete *******s

Edited by sheabr
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I love how you listed some of old ID, they are irrelevant. Telos will always have my respect though.


I don't see how them being in old ID makes them irrelevant. The players I listed all more or less still play actively and when they do they still show to be very skilled.


Fixed a few things for you. I'll make a complete list if someone really wants.


But i mean cmon some of the people you had thewre were complete *******s


A few things.


The order the people are put in is irrelevant, I didn't make a Top 1, 2 ,3, but simply a selection of what I believe to be the top 3 players in that class atm. (Which you'd know if you bothered reading my intro :rolleyes:)


Next, Becky's tank is Revivication (I think, right? Either way I also meant Becky's tank, so we agree on that).


A top 3 require 3 people in it, not 2, not 1 (MATH IS HARD :rak_01:). That is, unless I REALLY could not think of 3 good player for said class (Op/Scoundrel DPS comes to mind). It doesnt matter how much better a certain player is than everyone else on the server. We all know who they are and putting them down as the only good player of that class is just not accurate.


You really underestimate Lafayette and Aluvian. (Aluvian might be off the top 3 simply because I haven't seen him play much or play his sentinel much anymore when he does but he still is one of the better Sents on server)


The reason you wont even consider Cloudy or Zenod as good assassins is just plain silly and to me you're letting your relationships with them cloud your judgement. In Cloudy's case, people change, people get better. He has gotten incredibly better and has been great in most of the games I've seen him recently. Also I never see Iscariot play, at least not when I do (Actually I thought he was still on another server) and I literally don't remember ever seeing Atox in one of my games. While he might be a great assassin, I have nothing to base it on so I didn't include him.


Ily definitely belongs in the Sage DPS group and probably in other classes as well (I just couldn't decide which).


As far as I'm aware, Endurance plays his sin mainly as a tank? (Correct me if I'm wrong but I always see him tanking) And just because there isn't a lot of competition for that role doesn't mean he isn't good at it.


Klotho definitely belongs in the top 3 sorc heals.


Last I heard Poison wasn't on this server anymore, hence I didn't include him.


I can't take you seriously if you don't include Calem in your top 3 slingers.


I agree with Diavola being in the top 3 PT tanks.


All in all, seems you went hardcore on adding more of your guildies to my list and I can't fault you for it (These lists are highly subjective after all) but I think you undervalue people that aren't in DS a little too much. Actually I think all the names you added are good players (Except for those I don't know or those I haven't played with or against enough. In those cases I'm holding judgement) and if anything at least deserve to be honourably mentioned. Then again, my list is highly subjective as well (No list isn't unless if we can start quantifying skill) so take it or leave it. I just wanted to clarify some of my choices that you seem to disagree with.

Edited by Dage
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I don't see how them being in old ID makes them irrelevant. The players I listed all more or less still play actively and when they do they still show to be very skilled.




A few things.


The order the people are put in is irrelevant, I didn't make a Top 1, 2 ,3, but simply a selection of what I believe to be the top 3 players in that class atm. (Which you'd know if you bothered reading my intro :rolleyes:)


Next, Becky's tank is Revivication (I think, right? Either way I also meant Becky's tank, so we agree on that).


A top 3 require 3 people in it, not 2, not 1 (MATH IS HARD :rak_01:). That is, unless I REALLY could not think of 3 good player for said class (Op/Scoundrel DPS comes to mind). It doesnt matter how much better a certain player is than everyone else on the server. We all know who they are and putting them down as the only good player of that class is just not accurate.


You really underestimate Lafayette *(played with laffy a lot hes great and i do think hes top 3 but i never see him play his mara anymore)* and Aluvian.*(Aluvian might be off the top 3 simply because I haven't seen him play much or play his sentinel much anymore when he does but he still is one of the better Sents on server)*(thought he switches mains)*


The reason you wont even consider Cloudy or Zenod as good assassins is just plain silly and to me you're letting your relationships with them cloud your judgement.*(i like zenod he helped me get where i am nowi just dont see him main or play his sin at all anymore)* In Cloudy's case, people change, people get better. He has gotten incredibly better and has been great in most of the games I've seen him recently.*(All i see cloudy do is farm damage and thats why i didnt list him)* Also I never see Iscariot play, at least not when I do (Actually I thought he was still on another server) and I literally don't remember ever seeing Atox in one of my games. While he might be a great assassin, I have nothing to base it on so I didn't include him.


Ily definitely belongs in the Sage DPS group and probably in other classes as well (I just couldn't decide which).


As far as I'm aware, Endurance plays his sin mainly as a tank? (Correct me if I'm wrong but I always see him tanking) And just because there isn't a lot of competition for that role doesn't mean he isn't good at it.


Klotho definitely belongs in the top 3 sorc heals. *(while i see klotho as a good healer i see other do much better)*


Last I heard Poison wasn't on this server anymore, hence I didn't include him. *(he only moved one toon and is leveling one to replace it here)*


I can't take you seriously if you don't include Calem in your top 3 slingers. *( i dont really see them calem or ily in wzs much but when i do its all pretty much just tunneling people, my lack of seeing them in warzones is probably why io dont have them listed)*


I agree with Diavola being in the top 3 PT tanks.


All in all, seems you went hardcore on adding more of your guildies to my list and I can't fault you for it (These lists are highly subjective after all) but I think you undervalue people that aren't in DS a little too much.*( i played with and was guilded with a lot of people in these lists so i personally know how they play so my judgment is valid and while it may be somewhat bias i think it's fairly accurate)* Actually I think all the names you added are good players (Except for those I don't know or those I haven't played with or against enough. In those cases I'm holding judgement) and if anything at least deserve to be honourably mentioned. Then again, my list is highly subjective as well (No list isn't unless if we can start quantifying skill) so take it or leave it. I just wanted to clarify some of my choices that you seem to disagree with.


i also had a couple people throwing names in as i always forget people.


Look for a * for my responses

Edited by sheabr
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also thal the reply wasnt supposed to be a jab at you at all. i've never replied to one of these listed like this. Its all opinions and nothing more. another thing you need to take into mind is when i see people play it's usually when i have a death smile premade so you can see how it may change my judgment as people start to play a bit differently against/with us compared to when they are against/with others.


EDIT: my bias is really with imp players as i get to play with them more often

Edited by sheabr
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i also had a couple people throwing names in as i always forget people.


Look for a * for my responses


I can't quote you quoting my quote :( Y U DO DIS TO ME?!


A few other responses to your new comments:

  • I've seen Laf play more on his Sentinel than mara recently.
  • I keep on seeing Zenod from time to time. (Also on the "people not playing on their main" issue, I don't necessarily limit my top 3s to mains only. Plenty of folks here are as good as on their mains and some of them are featured in multiple top 3 rightfully so.)
  • If Poison still has an OP here then he's definitely back in my Top 3.


That said, your explanations make more sense of your choices. In the end, it looks like my and your list vary mostly due to our different exposures to different factions and players. It also seems that most everyone agrees on a fairly consistent top 3 when it comes to less popular classes. Where it gets complicated is with Sorcs, Assassins, PTs and Juggs. For the rest I'm sure we can all agree on a few hard facts: Frequencyz is top Mara, Xavuy is top Op heals (Tho Poison is looking to be in a position to contest that), Pvesucks is best Juggs tank, and Chasso'fan is the best Merc DPS.

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also thal the reply wasnt supposed to be a jab at you at all. i've never replied to one of these listed like this. Its all opinions and nothing more. another thing you need to take into mind is when i see people play it's usually when i have a death smile premade so you can see how it may change my judgment as people start to play a bit differently against/with us compared to when they are against/with others.


EDIT: my bias is really with imp players as i get to play with them more often


just saw this after my last post, and none taken :) Seems like we came to the same conclusion independently.

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As far as I'm aware, Endurance plays his sin mainly as a tank? (Correct me if I'm wrong but I always see him tanking) And just because there isn't a lot of competition for that role doesn't mean he isn't good at it.


Endurance does mainly play his sin as a tank. But he changed guilds to hmd MAGENTA. Basically the same thing as being in BWAPS, instantly makes you bad regardless of actual skill.


The reason you wont even consider Cloudy or Zenod as good assassins is just plain silly and to me you're letting your relationships with them cloud your judgement.

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I can't quote you quoting my quote :( Y U DO DIS TO ME?!


A few other responses to your new comments:

  • I've seen Laf play more on his Sentinel than mara recently.
  • I keep on seeing Zenod from time to time. (Also on the "people not playing on their main" issue, I don't necessarily limit my top 3s to mains only. Plenty of folks here are as good as on their mains and some of them are featured in multiple top 3 rightfully so.)
  • If Poison still has an OP here then he's definitely back in my Top 3.


That said, your explanations make more sense of your choices. In the end, it looks like my and your list vary mostly due to our different exposures to different factions and players. It also seems that most everyone agrees on a fairly consistent top 3 when it comes to less popular classes. Where it gets complicated is with Sorcs, Assassins, PTs and Juggs. For the rest I'm sure we can all agree on a few hard facts: Frequencyz is top Mara, Xavuy is top Op heals (Tho Poison is looking to be in a position to contest that), Pvesucks is best Juggs tank, and Chasso'fan is the best Merc DPS.


Just wanted to say that I really appreciate your shout-outs (and everyone else in this thread). We still have a lot of great players on this server and it's nice to get some recognition.

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