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BW: What are you going to do about players leaving Ranked Solo ON PURPOSE?


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Example Situation Today:

Que today on my sniper for solo ranked. First 3 matches of the day, I get a player everyone on the server knows stays in stealth the entire time till acid comes, and always loses (can't name him due to forum rules). The marauder on my team knew this stealth assassin does this every match, cursed at him, and left the match on purpose, purposely leaving After backfill wouldn't replace the 4th spot, making it a 3v4. I proceeded to whisper this marauder that he is just as bad as the assassin because he is causing people to lose on purpose and that he is not doing the community any favors by leaving after backfill cannot replace him. This marauder further proceeded to act like an immature kid by leaving 4 other following matches after backfill could not replace him, on purpose just because he was mad from the 1st match with the assassin and I called him out for being just as bad of a person for doing what he did.


So Bioware, I am telling you that you need to shed some light and consequences on these situations. By not giving the community a proper vote to kick feature, by majority, instead of waiting 1 minute 30seconds for that voted person to get into combat. You are losing and will lose more subscribers than you keep when 1 person is allowed to constantly abuse your leave a ranked match wtih no consequences at all then laugh at everyone he made lose rating. What is more valuable to you: 1 subscriber who is acting terribly to 3 other subscribers and probably being toxic to everyone else in other matches, or those 3 subscribers that actually want to play your game and now want to leave and stop participating because of this 1 crazy subscriber that will NOT GET PUNISHED AT ALL BECAUSE YOU REFUSE TO TAKE ANY ACTION or ADMIT THERE IS A PROBLEM HERE! I even have video proof of these events, however it won't matter because you refuse to do anything.


TL;DR - People are leaving Ranked Matches on purpose after backfill won't apply. There are no consequences that are fair. There is no proper way to report a player who does this in order for consequences to apply to them.


Do Something about this now please.

Edited by DkSharktooth
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Some sort of penalty is needed for ranked, but based on the threads about long ranked queues, it might get even slower. Then again if they can find a way to draw more people in it might balance out.


Toxic trolls that leave matches don't do ranked anyway, wouldn't matter if u ban them.

Edited by DkSharktooth
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Toxic trolls that leave matches don't do ranked anyway, wouldn't matter if u ban them.


Sounds like they do based on your post above and the thread title. Sure they can ban them, but I would imagine a deserter penalty of some sort would be more likely. I do wonder what you said to the guy getting him to troll you in 4 straight matches though.

Edited by Draekos
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so knowing you skillx how exactly did you inform this person he was as bad as the sin? was it polite, or was it rage induced and in all caps?


knowing you.....probably a troll


At first i told him what I wrote in the above original post, then he proceeded to troll and leave 4 more matches back to back, then I wasn't so nice.

Edited by DkSharktooth
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