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Hail Skroob & Blood Bath on Oricon


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Well... To be honest if Hail Skroob beat anyone in PVP, even if it is by going to a PVE section and "tricking" you into getting flagged just give it to them. It's probably the only win they've gotten in the game, let alone life in a very long time.








Then report them for exploiting the flag system and harassing you in game lol.

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actually it was 15 on 8 15 pubs 8 of us and you do not know how your Aoe works in swtor. You cant make some one auto flag by jumping in players Aoe. Those that flagged up shot at us first we had a epic battle with the pubs we would like to thanks those pubs for making it a epic fight and coming out keep up the fun pvp.
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actually it was 15 on 8 15 pubs 8 of us and you do not know how your Aoe works in swtor. You cant make some one auto flag by jumping in players Aoe. Those that flagged up shot at us first we had a epic battle with the pubs we would like to thanks those pubs for making it a epic fight and coming out keep up the fun pvp.


So OP says it was 5 on 1 and Neo says it was 8 VS the entire server...lol Like I said OP let them enjoy their PVP victory.

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actually it was 15 on 8 15 pubs 8 of us and you do not know how your Aoe works in swtor. You cant make some one auto flag by jumping in players Aoe. Those that flagged up shot at us first we had a epic battle with the pubs we would like to thanks those pubs for making it a epic fight and coming out keep up the fun pvp.


Sorry, that's a load of BS. I arrived on Oricon, picked up my missions, grouped with two guildies who were unflagged and had already started, walked out of camp into the first area, unloaded Mortar Valley on the NPCs, and when I ran up to click the escape pod an operative from Hail Skroob whose name starts with a "J" unstealthed in red and demolished me. Then four of his buddies showed up. My guildies came back to meet me, I rezzed, and as we were going back into camp they again unstealthed around us and attacked again.


Only after that, when we got back into the Rep camp and they came up around the side, did the others join in.


It was punk behavior from a bunch of punks.

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Sorry, that's a load of BS. I arrived on Oricon, picked up my missions, grouped with two guildies who were unflagged and had already started, walked out of camp into the first area, unloaded Mortar Valley on the NPCs, and when I ran up to click the escape pod an operative from Hail Skroob whose name starts with a "J" unstealthed in red and demolished me. Then four of his buddies showed up. My guildies came back to meet me, I rezzed, and as we were going back into camp they again unstealthed around us and attacked again.


Only after that, when we got back into the Rep camp and they came up around the side, did the others join in.


It was punk behavior from a bunch of punks.



You might want to read all the patch notes no one can stand in your AOE and flag you. if you don't believe me i will meet you on oricon and stand in you AOE all day till next year and you will never flag. Just a Fyi there is a achievement for raiding each faction base you do not have to flag up if pvper are flag around you mount and move to a new area. Just a tip to help you when flagged players are around don't click on them ever every own out there kept targeting the none stealth player and hitting them i sat in stealth watching. You flagged your self This will be my final post i wish you all best of luck playing.



Hooty at first it was a group of 3 to 5 then during a 2 hr period a good group came out to kill us they killed a few but the main group stayed up as a hole was epic my only wish I would of fraps it. Was a lot of fun.

Edited by Neoforcer
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I am not nearly stupid enough to purposefully flag myself for PvP on Oricon while wearing mostly unaugmented 69s, and if I was, I wouldn't be here complaining that I had gotten a well deserved a**-kicking. The obvious other explanation is that the op unstealthed in front of a member of the mob and assumed I'd catch him in my target switching.


Either way, it was a tactic designed to get a player who wasn't intending to PvP into doing so. Having been in plenty of WZs with your guild while playing my sniper, it's not surprising that that's the kind of behavior you'd need to resort to.

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As guild leader of Hail Skroob just want to let you know we are a PvE guild. We really don't pvp at all so if a few of my members killed you guys that is very... very... sad.


Whoever the op was -- again, his toon name started with a "J" -- was grouped with members of Blood Bath. And 4 or 5 against a single player in PvE gear is obviously going to result in my death. And using stealth to attempt to get an unflagged player to flag is punk behavior.


If you want your guild to get a reputation as griefers, good work!


(And I've seen more than enough Hail Skroob 4-mans in PvP to know that "We really don't pvp at all" is . . . inaccurate.)

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Whoever the op was -- again, his toon name started with a "J" -- was grouped with members of Blood Bath. And 4 or 5 against a single player in PvE gear is obviously going to result in my death. And using stealth to attempt to get an unflagged player to flag is punk behavior.


If you want your guild to get a reputation as griefers, good work!


(And I've seen more than enough Hail Skroob 4-mans in PvP to know that "We really don't pvp at all" is . . . inaccurate.)

there's nothing you can do to their rep.

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As guild leader of Hail Skroob just want to let you know we are a PvE guild. We really don't pvp at all so if a few of my members killed you guys that is very... very... sad.


This doesn't sound like PvP, it sounds like exploiting game mechanics to gank.


If my guild was the one doing it, I would strongly encourage them to stop instead of lauding them as heroes for being able to kill basically defenseless players.

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I am not nearly stupid enough to purposefully flag myself for PvP on Oricon while wearing mostly unaugmented 69s, and if I was, I wouldn't be here complaining that I had gotten a well deserved a**-kicking. The obvious other explanation is that the op unstealthed in front of a member of the mob and assumed I'd catch him in my target switching.


I arrived on Oricon, picked up my missions, grouped with two guildies who were unflagged and had already started, walked out of camp into the first area, unloaded Mortar Valley on the NPCs, and when I ran up to click the escape pod an operative from Hail Skroob whose name starts with a "J" unstealthed in red and demolished me.


How do you change the story twice and then want people to believe you? Was it in front of the escape pod or on a mob? Was it AoE? or auto attack? Make up your mind.

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Whoever the op was -- again, his toon name started with a "J" -- was grouped with members of Blood Bath. And 4 or 5 against a single player in PvE gear is obviously going to result in my death. And using stealth to attempt to get an unflagged player to flag is punk behavior.


If you want your guild to get a reputation as griefers, good work!


(And I've seen more than enough Hail Skroob 4-mans in PvP to know that "We really don't pvp at all" is . . . inaccurate.)


So it was Blood bath and you just decided to grieve US!!!

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Heaven forbid people trying to breathe life back into a pvp scene. Oh wait PVE'ers dont like PVP'ers crashing their party?...Well now you know how we feel when you clog up our warzones with your 25k health and green unaugmented pve gear..and yes as of late I have seen lots of Fail Skrub in warzones...even seen 1 superque last week:eek: Edited by sabbrina
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