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Game Tricks, Functions, and Abilities that you use


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I was reading a thread in another forum that talked about a function I have used extensively and it got me thinking. Let's pool our collective experience and share ideas to improve our play.




Where used:

How it assists in play:


I will start

Function: Focus Target (and its related functions)

Where: PVP and PVE

Assistance: This breaks into three categories for me based on which role I am filling.

DPS - Set my focus to either my tank or other DPS. Acquire that persons target. When used in a group like this it enables rapid kills since 3 or more players are now working on killing the same target.

Tank - Set my focus on my healer. Enables me to monitor when my life line is being hit so I can work to peel or protect.

Heal - Set my focus to my tank. Enables me to quickly get heals to that target and see his/her current status while still monitoring the rest of the group.


What is yours?

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I was reading a thread in another forum that talked about a function I have used extensively and it got me thinking. Let's pool our collective experience and share ideas to improve our play.




Where used:

How it assists in play:


What is yours?


Function/Ability/Trick: Kill

Where used: OW/WZ

How it assists in play: Win

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And this is why we don't get anywhere...no sense of community, desire to help others, or just plain immaturity. We spend nearly all our energy bashing others or crying about imbalance instead of doing anything to help others maybe improve or enjoy the game. And I thought the PVP community was bad. I guess this particular server forum is even worse.
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dont use it regularly but ive recently been trying to get the hang of the "Acquire Target's Target" function on my tank for pvp. im bad at it for now but i think if/when i get the hang of it it will make it easier to guard swap to my teammate getting focused down. the way ive been doing it previously was to take the "healer approach", ie look at my teammates health in the ops frame to guage who was getting hit and guard swap to them. it works but as someone who doesnt keybind (i know, shame on me :() the new way im working on could help save time clicking the ops fram then clicking guard, then tabbing back to an enemy to hit XD. one thing i need to work on is remembering who i have guard on. sometimes i tunnel and forget to swap. other times i think i dont have them guarded when i actually do, and i end up accidentally turning the guard off so they go down even faster lol
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dont use it regularly but ive recently been trying to get the hang of the "Acquire Target's Target" function on my tank for pvp. im bad at it for now but i think if/when i get the hang of it it will make it easier to guard swap to my teammate getting focused down. the way ive been doing it previously was to take the "healer approach", ie look at my teammates health in the ops frame to guage who was getting hit and guard swap to them. it works but as someone who doesnt keybind (i know, shame on me :() the new way im working on could help save time clicking the ops fram then clicking guard, then tabbing back to an enemy to hit XD. one thing i need to work on is remembering who i have guard on. sometimes i tunnel and forget to swap. other times i think i dont have them guarded when i actually do, and i end up accidentally turning the guard off so they go down even faster lol


Fres gotta get on that keybinding

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Fres gotta get on that keybinding


I would but I don't have a fancy mouse with all those keys on it (Razer Naga or something like that is what I think its called:rak_02:) to make it easier and I'm not very fast on the keyboard so trying to keyboard those is out of the question. Maybe someday I won't be such a keyboard turning clicker noob but until that day.....#Clicker4Lyfe lol


Maybe someone can suggest a setup that helps them not be so much of a keyboard turner? I hate using WASD to turn and I think that especially would drastically improve my game especially on melee classes

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Maybe someone can suggest a setup that helps them not be so much of a keyboard turner? I hate using WASD to turn and I think that especially would drastically improve my game especially on melee classes


Well, cause you asked...


Best thing to do, without overloading you with a wall-of-text, is just run around by only holding left and right click down on your mouse for movement. Holding just left click down turns the camera, holding just right click turns your toon. Practice turning the camera 90 degrees then hold both left and right down, you'll move in the direction your camera was facing.


After that go look for a mob you can easily take/last a long time without dying. I imagine you have some attacks bound on your first hotbar, even if it was just by default? While running around and through said mob, just start spamming some of those attack buttons, even if it's just 1111111 over and over again. Tab should have already been bound to nearest enemy by default, unless you changed it. You'll want to get used to tabbing. Later on you can go in and modify next and previous enemies in your preferences under targeting as well.


Once you get used to moving with the mouse, absolving your left hand completely of movement, then you'll want to start mapping out your binds. But yeah, I would simply start with just getting used to holding left and right mouse click down for movement. You don't like it nothing lost as you didn't reorganize your entire bar just to realize you didn't like it and have to change back.

Edited by Ridickilis
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I would but I don't have a fancy mouse with all those keys on it (Razer Naga or something like that is what I think its called:rak_02:) to make it easier and I'm not very fast on the keyboard so trying to keyboard those is out of the question. Maybe someday I won't be such a keyboard turning clicker noob but until that day.....#Clicker4Lyfe lol


Maybe someone can suggest a setup that helps them not be so much of a keyboard turner? I hate using WASD to turn and I think that especially would drastically improve my game especially on melee classes


I have a Naga but don't use the side buttons.

I use the roller clicker for taunts and the two top buttons for slash and such.

Just key all your abilities and go from there man you'll get used to it and you will see increased performance

I use qftzxc. Shift f. Alt x z

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I have a Naga but don't use the side buttons.

I use the roller clicker for taunts and the two top buttons for slash and such.

Just key all your abilities and go from there man you'll get used to it and you will see increased performance

I use qftzxc. Shift f. Alt x z


Step one is guard. You can't be an effective tank without a keybound guard.

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Step one is guard. You can't be an effective tank without a keybound guard.


This. On all my tank toons I bound guard to "g" because I can just as easily click "guild" up top. Nobody's survival in a warzone has ever depended on my ability to know which guildies are currently on.


Even as a PvE player I have found guard swapping on the fly to be a boon (e.g., Kephess' laser in NiM TFB).

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