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War Zones... Why are YOU here?


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I love that game. I don't love 3 hours of cat-and-mouse for five minutes of fighting though. ;)


Really? I remember my first pvp experience (It was a success followed by lots of fails :p). I was flying around scanning down a target for hours. Finally caught up to him in a safespot except someone else arrived seconds before me and took him out first so I killed him instead. No game gets my heart pounding like EVE pvp.


100+ fleetbattles can be fun to. Even non pvp activities are fun and rewarding as hell and I normally HATE non pvp.


OT? Yes

Edited by Beeteel
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Really? I remember my first pvp experience (It was a success followed by lots of fails :p). I was flying around scanning down a target for hours. Finally caught up to him in a safespot except someone else arrived seconds before me and took him out first so I killed him instead. No game gets my heart pounding like EVE pvp.


100+ fleetbattles can be fun to. Even non pvp activities are fun and rewarding as hell and I normally HATE non pvp.


OT? Yes


Well yeah, EvE does get your blood flowing, that's for sure. Probably has a lot to do with being able to lose your ship and everything on it. ;)

But when you just wanna hop into action, it doesn't serve very well.


One thing is certain - those who cut their teeth on EvE PvP are ready for anything. Once you learn to keep your cool there... you're ice cold anywhere else. And keeping your cool is half the battle won. ;)

Edited by Gaudrath
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I loved the part where you described the hordes of players dying and spawning... i have seen the bug zapper first hand. It sucks but in the end i laugh about it. Not much anyone can do, but nice vent. 'A' for effort, but every mongrel serves their purpose... even if that is a bad example unfortunately.
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Thanks to all for your feedback. If anyone is interested in knowing, I have since iced my characters on my former server and will be scanning the forums for a new home, will be checking for PvP orientated guilds that are willing to take on new blood.


I saw mention of EVE Online, we had a harsh separation (was a full time student) but sometimes I miss that cruel yet most seductive mistress.


Oh and to the poster who asked if this was my first time engaging in PvP in an MMO and am I a God if everyone else sucks so much. No this is not my first time, far from it. No I am not made God-like thanks to the general absence of skill as alas War Zones require teamwork and other such. Even two or three **** players can still spoil a talented players day. Having said that I'm not sure if I am talented or not, I'm going to err on the side of caution and say I'm not, I merely have delusions of grandeur having played along side such bad PvP'ers.


Thank you to the poster who gave me an 'A' for my rant, very much appreciated kind sir/madam. Finally, there was talk about players and their horrible habit of awarding M.V.P votes on the numbers, I have seen this time and time again and I agree that it sucks so I would like to start another discussion of sorts but don't know if it's worth posting a new thread on as it may have already been covered by someone else and I'm simply unaware of it...


I'd like to hear peoples thoughts/ideas on an alternative M.V.P system, I have two ideas regarding this and they are thus:


A) Remove the player aspect. Have the system assign a vote based your accomplishments in the War Zone. Since there's already a background mechanic at play that automatically assigns trophies for accomplishments during the War Zone, why not have a similar system assign x amount of votes at the end based on the number of and diversity among trophies you scored during the match or alternatively remove the M.V.P system entirely and simply have additional rewards for the players based on the trophies they obtained.


B) How about we apply a 'Nemesis' system? I'm talking about an option for players on the opposing team to vote for the player who was the biggest barrier to their team winning the match. Now I suspect a lot of you would say that's the stupidest idea you've ever head and I should try to commit suicide using a water pistol but...


I certainly feel a degree of respect for truly talented opponents, regardless of the arena be it a video game or real life sports and I would happily cast a vote to someone on the opposing team if they, in my eyes, earned it. Such a system could be used to eliminate the common practices of friends voting for each other regardless of whether or not they earned the vote as well as guild groups in War Zones doing the same. It would mean you had to play the objective(s) if you want to not only win the match but be recognized for your contributions.


Admittedly there is the massive issue of players leaving at the end of the War Zone without casting a vote because people tend to be selfish, since there's no option to vote for friends or guild mates why should they bother, but I imagine this forum community could come up with some ideas to make it work and I'd really like to hear your ideas so please post and share.

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I always seem to get stuck in pvp with people who are brain dead and have no common sense about every other week. I was once doing the Civil War warzone with my mercenary and there was no organization in my team at all. I kept telling them to attack mid or something in the chat but it seemed like nobody had a clue how to read it (and my spelling was correct). All my team did was stand around either getting killed or doing nothing at all. In another PvP match my friend and I were put in ancient hypergate. When we were all waiting for it to start in the starting area a level 35 typed this into the chat: "Wow, what is this place?" It was then my friend and I knew we were going to fail (and this was a warzone for levels 30-54 not a level 10-29 where it may have been someone's first time in pvp). When it started I told my team to capture mid to get orbs, but instead the entire team charged to our pylon, all 6 not including my friend and I, just to kill two people over there while the enemy was taking over mid. Later in that match I saw we were losing so I told my team to take their pylon which they had the chance to but only one person read the chat and attacked it. Common sense people. People in pvp have really gone downhill in their ability to form a plan and organize as a team unit. If their not willing to do that then why are they doing something that involves team play and cooperation?
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I started playing before f2p and back then it seemed everyone had the WZ objectives and strategys down by lvl 15 -20 . Now that im back, ive noticed even the 29 - 54 ? , is full of players that dont seem to focus on the objectives , or simply dont know what is required of them . 1 team usually dominates the match brutally , the lvl 55's seem like it used to be though but then thats not f2p i dont think ?


Not knocking f2p , im glad its there as an option , but the f2p players really dont get to play enouph to actually learn anything or even be important enouph to em to bother , its wow i got 5 matchs this week ima kill some players lol and thats about it . Im sure this dosent fit all the f2p players and covers some sub'Rs , but i think its nothing like it used to be before f2p , its just madness with players all commando now running around fighting way off the objectives .


lol , one of my first wz matchs in the higher tier 29-54 ? i noticed everyone on my team in voidstarr was brawling right out front our spwn area instead of trying to plant a bomb , i asked everyone to fight on the doors please and got instant NO'S repied lol .. sheeeash ? idk m whatever :D we lost of course . Ive seen alot of times niether team getting past the first set of doors .. or even more rare is actually making it to the data core for either team , i dont remember not making the data core almost everytime in the past .. but now who knows what'll happen lol , the lvl 55's are different though from the few ive played , everyone seems to know their job on the team and gets the objectives done .

Edited by RunnerChase
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I always seem to get stuck in pvp with people who are brain dead and have no common sense about every other week. I was once doing the Civil War warzone with my mercenary and there was no organization in my team at all. I kept telling them to attack mid or something in the chat but it seemed like nobody had a clue how to read it (and my spelling was correct). All my team did was stand around either getting killed or doing nothing at all. In another PvP match my friend and I were put in ancient hypergate. When we were all waiting for it to start in the starting area a level 35 typed this into the chat: "Wow, what is this place?" It was then my friend and I knew we were going to fail (and this was a warzone for levels 30-54 not a level 10-29 where it may have been someone's first time in pvp). When it started I told my team to capture mid to get orbs, but instead the entire team charged to our pylon, all 6 not including my friend and I, just to kill two people over there while the enemy was taking over mid. Later in that match I saw we were losing so I told my team to take their pylon which they had the chance to but only one person read the chat and attacked it. Common sense people. People in pvp have really gone downhill in their ability to form a plan and organize as a team unit. If their not willing to do that then why are they doing something that involves team play and cooperation?


Pre 55 PvP is 'bout learning - have u had this happening in lvl 55 u'd get some sympathies - this was the WZ u were suppose to lose to instruct the newbies on the basic mechanic of the WZ. Nothing wrong with entering PvP in mid level, it's harder grant u - but even harder if u don't get any directions, friendly advice, and tolerance, save your ranting to lvl 55 you gonna need it there - all to often.

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People in pvp have really gone downhill in their ability to form a plan and organize as a team unit. If their not willing to do that then why are they doing something that involves team play and cooperation?


Because sometimes people just want to pew pew. With lightsabers.


If this game had a FFA or team deathmatch modes people could select plus cross server queues, then you'd see teamplayers pick team focused zones and others pick whatever suits them best.

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pewpew with lightsabers = arenas


you can select arenas by going solo ranked



No, never. When playing WZ they can go all "herp derp" withouth nobody noticing it. When playing arenas when they go "herp derp" the whole team notices and their rank goes down.

Edited by Royox
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Pretty much this.


Yeah, I know: I was being naively optimistic. Funny story: after 45 minutes of waiting for a pop in solo rwz queue last night, I started offering free nano-infused stims over Fleet chat to anyone who would queue. There were no takers. Telling response: "isn't this when the hardcore players are out?"

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They also seem to not be able to understand english for some reason.

Like you go for a ninjacap and some non stealther goes with you.

You tell him not to come but he still does, *********** up your ninjacap...


Sitting on the line at Huttball telling the ball carrier to just go through the mid and avoid the ramps.

Only to see him get stunned in a fire trap cause he didn't listen and didn't have trinket ready...


Just a few amongst many annoying things from random ignorant people.

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