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Server PVP Leaderboards


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I want to say that I don't believe I am the best PvPer or the best Marauder on the server. Their are a lot of maras and sents that I believe are better than me that don't do solo ranked (other classes as well). I have had matches where I had to carry the team and the team has had to carry me. I don't believe either group or solo rank is a true testament to skill. As you guys are stating group is about having the right comp to compete and being able to work well together as a team. Solo is a lot like the lottery with better odds to not end up with fresh 55's just trying to get ranked comms.


Stop it, we all know you da man.:D

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Against a 3man in unranked PUGs? I'm not sure that's anything to be proud of :rolleyes:. I appreciate the obsession some of you seem to have with me, but it's getting creepy when you faction swap to try to harass me into queuing ranked. Grats, you're able to beat a half premade of players who specialize in PvE. ]


3? half a premade? all 4 tags said HMD Magenta, second game I saw all 4 of you in.

Your team told us to queue ranked and we did, then after a few mins with no pop we came to see whats up.


No obsession, you came into the forum and called us bads who used an OP comp as a crutch to cover up lack of skill.

Then the same night we made you eat crow, and you ducked us with a different comp that no one could call FOTM.

At least the farce that you don't queue because of OP comps is gone.

I ain't even mad, I found it hilarious.

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3? half a premade? all 4 tags said HMD Magenta, second game I saw all 4 of you in.

Your team told us to queue ranked and we did, then after a few mins with no pop we came to see whats up.


No obsession, you came into the forum and called us bads who used an OP comp as a crutch to cover up lack of skill.

Then the same night we made you eat crow, and you ducked us with a different comp that no one could call FOTM.

At least the farce that you don't queue because of OP comps is gone.

I ain't even mad, I found it hilarious.


i don't remember anyone in our rag tag group requesting you to q ranked tho.....

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i wasn't bugged....actually had some fun in that hypergates you guys won...the rest of the matches were rofl stomps.....sadly then I respecced out of bubble stun heals to full heals then got in that arena with you guys /facepalm


That hypergates was fun, I saw the bubble burst and then innervate and knew you were the hybrid. So then we just parked two commandos on you:D

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That hypergates was fun, I saw the bubble burst and then innervate and knew you were the hybrid. So then we just parked two commandos on you:D


I wish I could say I didn't notice that....*looks at debuff bar (2 grav round debuffs), clicks respawn button*

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Against a 3man in unranked PUGs? I'm not sure that's anything to be proud of :rolleyes:. I appreciate the obsession some of you seem to have with me, but it's getting creepy when you faction swap to try to harass me into queuing ranked. Grats, you're able to beat a half premade of players who specialize in PvE. I'm not sure that warrants a celebration, but how about this instead.





could have quoted this instead :(


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3? half a premade? all 4 tags said HMD Magenta, second game I saw all 4 of you in.

Your team told us to queue ranked and we did, then after a few mins with no pop we came to see whats up.


No obsession, you came into the forum and called us bads who used an OP comp as a crutch to cover up lack of skill.

Then the same night we made you eat crow, and you ducked us with a different comp that no one could call FOTM.

At least the farce that you don't queue because of OP comps is gone.

I ain't even mad, I found it hilarious.


I don't think I've ever said "Kungfu Treachery is bad" in a post 2.0 setting. Zach and Nyn are both tagged, it'd be insulting to them to say so. I could say about 20 things about the above, but I'll leave it at that you are talking about ranked group comps and referencing unranked matches where we grab any 4 players who want to group. /Yawn, any relevant stuff to counter with? No one told you to queue ranked, of the 5 members who do ranked in our guild 2 were online so you can toss that right out. Steve! Rick! Go to work!



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I don't think I've ever said "Kungfu Treachery is bad" in a post 2.0 setting. Zach and Nyn are both tagged, it'd be insulting to them to say so. I could say about 20 things about the above, but I'll leave it at that you are talking about ranked group comps and referencing unranked matches where we grab any 4 players who want to group. /Yawn, any relevant stuff to counter with? No one told you to queue ranked, of the 5 members who do ranked in our guild 2 were online so you can toss that right out. Steve! Rick! Go to work!




We only had 2 from our ranked team as well so guess it's even.

Never actually seen you in ranked 4s so I don't see how you could comment on our comp , unless you were in that grey order team than queued with no guard and a scoundrel dps. If that's the case our comp wasn't the problem there, can't really call our comp OP if you don't even queue with a viable comp.

More to the point top 2-3 teams on PoT5 run comps with ranged so if you can't beat ours its a L2P issue.


which 5? be happy to set up some matches.

Edited by Domatron
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We only had 2 from our ranked team as well so guess it's even.

Never actually seen you in ranked 4s so I don't see how you could comment on our comp , unless you were in that grey order team than queued with no guard and a scoundrel dps. If that's the case our comp wasn't the problem there, can't really call our comp OP if you don't even queue with a viable comp.

More to the point top 2-3 teams on PoT5 run comps with ranged so if you can't beat ours its a L2P issue.


which 5? be happy to set up some matches.


Mind boggling thought process. Anywho, I've done my share of ranked on POT5, and that's where my absolute disdain for that compo comes from. There's a distinct reason that PT/VG Hybrid, Op/Smug heals, double smash or smash/AP is so prevalent across all arenas. It takes no. Say again. No skill to play. Stack, AoE, AoE taunt, lawl your way to victory. That group compo requires minimal ability to do well. Is it unbeatable? Absolutely not. Does it mean those players aren't good at the game? Maybe not. Is it balls simple and have a large margin advantage over many other comps? 100%.


You'd know which 5 if you weren't so worried about your reputation to queue solo. Do some homework, find out for yourself.

Edited by countpopeula
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Mind boggling thought process. Anywho, I've done my share of ranked on POT5, and that's where my absolute disdain for that compo comes from. There's a distinct reason that PT/VG Hybrid, Op/Smug heals, double smash or smash/AP is so prevalent across all arenas. It takes no. Say again. No skill to play. Stack, AoE, AoE taunt, lawl your way to victory. That group compo requires minimal ability to do well. Is it unbeatable? Absolutely not. Does it mean those players aren't good at the game? Maybe not. Is it balls simple and have a large margin advantage over many other comps? 100%.


You'd know which 5 if you weren't so worried about your reputation to queue solo. Do some homework, find out for yourself.



Noooooo, you make too much sense!! Nooooo, I can't take all the sense!!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhh

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I took down what I previously posted because forum pvp and epeen wagging is pointless.


More about solo matchmaking not working http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=699743


I think the leaderboards have enough variation in group comp to show that, besides operative healers being mandatory, group skill > group comp.


I never said cleave comp wasn't really good, it is but I've seen a lot of teams that still play bad and lose with it. Teams that have even one ranged dps should be able to handle it, it counters melee heavy teams.


I tried to have a nice convo with you but you couldn't resist taking not so subtle and unnecessary shots at our group. If I was mistaken or misinterpreted you, I apologize.

This will be my last post on the subject.


Anytime you want us to queue, we'll use a different comp if you request it.


feel free to argue your case here http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=6976171#post6976171 or just see what the consensus is.

Edited by Domatron
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I took down what I previously posted because forum pvp and epeen wagging is pointless.


More about solo matchmaking not working http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=699743


I think the leaderboards have enough variation in group comp to show that, besides operative healers being mandatory, group skill > group comp.


I never said cleave comp wasn't really good, it is but I've seen a lot of teams that still play bad and lose with it. Teams that have even one ranged dps should be able to handle it, it counters melee heavy teams.


I tried to have a nice convo with you but you couldn't resist taking not so subtle and unnecessary shots at our group. If I was mistaken or misinterpreted you, I apologize.

This will be my last post on the subject.


Anytime you want us to queue, we'll use a different comp if you request it.


feel free to argue your case here http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=6976171#post6976171 or just see what the consensus is.


Quad snipes vs Quad snipes. Lets see who can focus fire culls/ambushes the bestest. I'm really unsure of why anyone thinks arenas matter at all. PvP with any sort of depth died with 8v ranked, /dedhorse.

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