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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Patch Note: Effects no longer trigger simultaneously when the following relics equip


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Did some testing with this today just between Kell dragon SA // Obroan SA as an annihilation marauder (for the heal/damage test)


When paired together there was a proc followed by another proc. resulting in 12 seconds (sometimes there were a few seconds between the second proc)


HOWEVER::: I then decided to test them separately:


When Obroad SA was alone, it did NOT proc a second time off the heal. It would only proc once every 20 seconds.

When Kell Dragon SA was alone, it DID PROC a second time off the heal resulting in 12 seconds (6 and 6) of uptime. (again, sometimes there were a few seconds between the *heal* proc).


So... The relics are still pretty much not working as intended. At least some of them. They do, however, not proc at the same time with 2x SA of different variations.


ALSO: Focused Retribution is beyond bugged and has a ridiculous uptime. (It is refreshing upon the heal)

Edited by veyl
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I tested it out on my mara as well in anni. I have the pvp 625 SA and an underworld SA. Now, they did not STACK ever but they did proc almost one after the other, every time. That's cool.


What I did notice though, is that my force power was only a .3 difference, when the 625 and 550 should clearly give a different number added to my bonus damage.


On my merc, I have an ark and the pvp one - and they didn't seem to be proc'n side by side, at all. At least for heals.


DUnno, but that's what I've found so far.

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So you grinded to get a pair of relics that have a tooltip which states that they should not be working together because of what, it being a known bug, and you never expected them to fix it? And now that they fixed it you call them a "nanny state" and threaten to leave? I don't even know how to describe the stupidity of that.

except they added the tooltip in todays patch...they screwed that one up too

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