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3,000 Cartel Coins FOR A Tauntaun ...


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Buying something just to show your support for a vast corporation is a bit of a strange ethic to have as a consumer, Bioware (well EA, Bioware is just a brand name these days) will do just fine without our charity.


I still cant wrap my head around the appeal of this thing. Why would anyone buy a minor skin variation of a mount easily available for free at nearly double the cost of the Czerka pod racer a unique model with unique sound effects? It makes no sense form a consumer point of view what so ever.

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Is this still going on, look if you don't want it don't buy it, if you do want it do buy it, either way what's to argue about???


Sad that some people feel the need to dictate what other people do. Personally, I think they are just butthurt because they want the mount, but don't want to pay for it. Some people don't realize that everyone doesn't need to have everything.

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Or just voicing a valid opinion, yours isnt the only one. No need to take a hissy fit.


As I said before your free to ignore them no need to start with that butthurt nonsense :l


Criticism is a valid form of feed back, and listen to you customers feedback is a key part to maintaining a good business model. While there is a lot of just blind hating and blind defending in this thread people are raising valid points. No harm in that.

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Or just voicing a valid opinion, yours isnt the only one. No need to take a hissy fit.


As I said before your free to ignore them no need to start with that butthurt nonsense :l


Criticism is a valid form of feed back, and listen to you customers feedback is a key part to maintaining a good business model. While there is a lot of just blind hating and blind defending in this thread people are raising valid points. No harm in that.


Constructive criticism is a good thing. Sadly, there is none of that in this thread. Nor a single valid point against the idea of a 3k CC mount.


It's simple rage from people who want the mount, but don't want to pay for it.

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Sad that some people feel the need to dictate what other people do. Personally, I think they are just butthurt because they want the mount, but don't want to pay for it.

That is exactly the motivation behind people complaining "X is too expensive!" whether that be in CC for something on the CM or in creds for something on the GTN. Maybe they think they can remotely and psychically shame the seller into lowering the price.


Constructive criticism is a good thing. Sadly, there is none of that in this thread. Nor a single valid point against the idea of a 3k CC mount.


It's simple rage from people who want the mount, but don't want to pay for it.


Edited by branmakmuffin
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Honestly, what makes you believe we will see another new featured mount released in-game prior to the CM? Tauntauns are it. Varactyls, Dewbacks, and 99% (excluding a few new mounts added to BBA, OPs, etc) of all mounts have come through the CM, with no way of obtaining them in-game like the 3 Tauntauns.


I truly believe BW won't put another animal/unique/whatever mount for in-game acquisition, like they did with the Tauntauns, especially if people snatch up this one at it's current price. Why would a business practically give something away to it's customers (because they really aren't making that much off of people using the in-game method, when it only takes a couple hours at most to get the data for the sub Tauntaun), when they're willing to pay $30+ for it?


Also, to the whole 'don't like it, don't buy it and they'll understand to lower the price' mentality, I call shenanigans. If you don't buy something, and say nothing on the subject, the business only knows you didn't buy it. That's it. Not that it's too expensive, not that you don't think it's needed, not that you don't like the color of it, not that you thought it needs a widget when they used a sprocket. They simply know you did not buy it, so this thread, and the people (like me) who are saying that 3k CC for a re-skinned, single-character use mount is ri-friggin-diculous are correct in telling BW/EA their opinions. True, some come off in an ... abrupt ... way, but it's still needed feedback, imo.


(@TUXs: Only my 1st real question was directed towards you, good sir; the rest is merely some thoughts I've had over the past couple days of reading this thread. I'm not aiming any of my negativity your way (pessimism maybe, lol), just honestly curious as to why you think that. I just wanted to make sure you didn't think I was going off on you, because, while I don't always agree with them, I do respect your blunt (in a good way!) posts, sir.)


I didn't mean to imply that I thought they'd do something similar to the tauntaun again (released in-game first, 2 versions, sub vs F2P), but I certainly HOPE they do.


My rational behind the comment was, If the $25 Cartel Market one sells like mad, they would have no reason to believe that releasing another item in-game first would impact their cash shop sales of another version later...that's my optimistic view of it.


My pessimistic view is that no matter how many of the $25 tauntauns they sell in the cash shop, they'll dwell on how many they DIDN'T sell because of releasing it in-game first....which echos your opinion above.


The rest of your post I agree with 100%!!! (especially the part about respecting my posts ;) )

In particular, the 3rd part of your post about voicing your opinion on what WE think of the cost - I view ALL feedback as valuable, but I think it's very beneficial (to Bioware) when we make our feelings known, otherwise they're guessing.


My current "fear" is that we're going to see a lot of OVER priced items in the CM, for at least a few months, while they try to encourage players to spend the "50%" off coins.

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First time I've played since the Cartel Market came about. No wonder Eurogamer lowered its review score to 4/10. Subscriptions usually mean you have access to everything in the game. Seems that EA has got such a huge bill for the SW IP that they have to meet and without the million subs they were expecting the CM is likely to turn into a cash grab on top of a sub price.
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Personally, I think they are just butthurt because they want the mount, but don't want to pay for it.


You're becoming increasingly hostile and bitter...I've always had respect for your commentary, but this is a growing trend.

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You're becoming increasingly hostile and bitter...I've always had respect for your commentary, but this is a growing trend.


Wow, same feelings here. He's absolutely cool in every other thread. :cool: Can't agree with him in this one though.


I genuinely don't want the mount; it's overpriced for what it is and it's going to set bad precedents. If they sold a dewback for 3000 CC without it being available elsewhere, then made a cartel color down the road and a mission one farther down, that would make more sense.

Edited by ImpactHound
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"New Mount! A new creature mount, the Ashfall Tauntaun is available on the Cartel Market! Cost: 3,000 Cartel Coins"


FOR A Tuntaun least we knows whos the boss of Cartel marketing dept...


RICK James .... because someone is smoking crack..................



for this




THATS ....Cold blooded



The funny thing is that there will be people who is going to waste cc on this crap lol, poor fools ....:rolleyes:
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Wow, same feelings here. He's absolutely cool in every other thread. :cool: Can't agree with him in this one though.
Trashing people with opinions in conflict with what Bioware does seems to be "cool" to do these days...they ping pong their praise of their own posts and trash the people who dare to deviate.
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Obvious EA policy. Gouge your fans. It's what they have done with sims 3 since release.


They might be affraid that someone else might be voted for worst company this year, so they need to do actions like this to ensure that title remains theirs!

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You're becoming increasingly hostile and bitter...I've always had respect for your commentary, but this is a growing trend.


I didn't mean that in a hostile way at all. :t_angel: Just seasoning my commentary is all. I could clean it up and state: I think they are just unhappy because they want the mount, but don't want to pay for it.


And... so what if I get a little moody? At least I refrain from personal attacks.

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Obvious EA policy. Gouge your fans. It's what they have done with sims 3 since release.


They might be affraid that someone else might be voted for worst company this year, so they need to do actions like this to ensure that title remains theirs!


I must say, you managed to pack 12 lbs of rhetoric into a 5 lb rant. :p


The funniest part though, IMO, ... you are clearly a paying EA customer, and from appearances in your comments...not just one game either.

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I didn't mean that in a hostile way at all. :t_angel: Just seasoning my commentary is all. I could clean it up and state: I think they are just unhappy because they want the mount, but don't want to pay for it.


And... so what if I get a little moody? At least I refrain from personal attacks.


Do what ya want.

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All I know is I love my Strike Force Tauntaun and I have the one from Hoth. I see no reason to pay 3K CCs for another one, even if it is a swanky new color.


Bottom line guys: The fact that they are offering it and charging so much for it is no big deal. The market will settle the matter. A few might buy it, but most will not is my guess. There are other tauntauns you can get elsewhere and other things you can spend our CCs on.


BW, is betting at least a few will buy, but I think it will be minimal. After awhile, you will see it discounted. But, like in any free market, they are testing the price point waters.

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Bottom line guys: The fact that they are offering it and charging so much for it is no big deal. The market will settle the matter. A few might buy it, but most will not is my guess. There are other tauntauns you can get elsewhere and other things you can spend our CCs on.


BW, is betting at least a few will buy, but I think it will be minimal. After awhile, you will see it discounted. But, like in any free market, they are testing the price point waters.




Then again.... it's clearly a slap in the face to players... what with Bioware staff going to peoples homes, kicking in their doors, and forcing them to purchase the Tauntauns at list price off the CM. :p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p

Edited by Andryah
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