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Make Commandos viable with a Blaster Rifle and not locked to a Assault Cannon


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Please make an allowance so that the Commando is not locked into having to use an Assault Cannon and has the option to use the Blaster Rifle without being gimped for doing so. I say this because many people do not want to run around with a huge cannon on their back, want to be ranged dps, yet not suffer because a couple key abilities are tied directly to the cannon. Please let me give my reasons to help lend weight to my request:


-Aric Jorgan uses a blaster rifle w/Spread Fire, Auto Fire, and Aimed Blast without the requirement of a cannon. The animations are there already for a blaster rifle to do the same with Charged Bolts and Full Auto and it is a disconnect to know a crew member can do exactly what I do but without the requirement.


-One unique Blaster Rifle is named "Enhanced Supercommando's Rifle", yet if a Commando uses it they would take a hit in dps (not so much heal spec'd) but still a hit. Point is that the developer that named the rifle thought adding "Commando" to it was cool and seemed right...and that person was right. Let me use it please.


-This is not like the Sniper, the Commando does not receive additional range based on the weapon and added with my first point (animations and identical skills in place for your first companion using a Blaster Rifle to do Cannon abilities) it seems unnecessary.


I could go on but the idea is that the Assault Cannon should really be an aesthetic choice, not a required one for this AC. I love playing this ranged Trooper role but I feel like less of a spec ops soldier and more of an idiot with an oversized cannon on my back. I want to look sleek and deadly, as much as I can in Trooper Armor, to reflect my Commando AC title and my role as a Special Forces Soldier. A huge cannon does not do this for me and many other Troopers I talk to. Some yes, many seem to not like it. Perhaps make some Blaster Rifles "Adaptive" to accommodate this idea.


I am sure this subject has been discussed before, but a search on it has not shown a new thread in some time (that I could find) so I am bringing it up again and I hope it gets some traction. It affects gameplay in absolutely no capacity when it comes to mechanincs, the animations are there, and people I am sure would love to have the choice. Why allow us the skill if using it is impractical? Thank you for your time.


Edit: typos

Edited by MrJohnson
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if you're a Gunnery specced Commando, you can actually get away with using a Blaster Rifle since it doesn't have an effect on demo round, grav round, full auto, high impact and even mortar volley. You can't do Charged Bolt, but as Gunnery you shouldn't be using it anyway and Hail of Bolts isn't something I'd expect to be used in a real boss fight. Edited by SaberBladeUK
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In fact, Boba Fett used a rifle.

Snipers are affected because of the tech power atached to the weapon (sniper>rifle).

I think this goes againt the idea of building your own style. Adaptative armor was the first to come, let something like adaptative weapons, or at least, make all weapons equal tech power.


I could say the same thing about shadows, I'd like to have a shadow dps with a single saber

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This is something that would be difficult for them from a graphical standpoint. I asked them in person. It would be easier for them to do something like this with Lightsaber wielding classes, but Tech users are at some disadvantage on a technical level. Doesn't make much sense to me, but that is why we don't already have these options.
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Don't like the way a cannon looks on your back? Role a vanguard. Or spec heals and use a rifle. You'll take the tech power hit but for the most part its negligible right?


Youre right, for heals, a rifle if fine.

If youre just a casual player doing dailies and sm ops with guild mates, you could use a rifle fine

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Actually assault cannons and blaster rifles give you the same amount of tech power (compare any 2 of the same rating at a commendations vendor). It's the weapon damage that is lower so it would affect the damage of your full auto, HIB (or does it ?), and basic attack. Edited by Loc_n_lol
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I respect the above opinions but it is the option I am asking for. We already have the skill, please make it viable as we all know that realistically at end game it is not. It is an aesthetic choice and really should not be a big deal when as I said, we have the skill already.


I also am not going to roll a Vanguard as someone mentioned above. That is not my playstyle, I am not playing that character and it makes zero sense with relation to my request. I like the Commando, just give people the option to use a weapon skill they already have effectively and thus allow them to make their character look a little more unique to their own taste. Want the Cannon? Then wear it proud. Don't like it? Then use a Blaster Rifle.


Is this a big deal and no...it is not a graphical issue as someone else brought up as Aric Jorgan can do it all with the Blaster Rifle. There are Youtube vids demonstrating them and that itself is a disconnect for me and furthers the idea.

Edited by MrJohnson
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This is something that would be difficult for them from a graphical standpoint. I asked them in person. It would be easier for them to do something like this with Lightsaber wielding classes, but Tech users are at some disadvantage on a technical level. Doesn't make much sense to me, but that is why we don't already have these options.

It's definitely a vailid explanation for most of this kind of suggestion (let Mercenary use cannons!) however, as the OP points, the animations are already there, Aric uses them. So at least for rifle-wielding Commandos it wouldn't by as hard as for other classes.

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  • 1 month later...

I see this request constantly in the Commando forums. Sure, many love the assault cannons, but many hate them and love the commando play-style. The requirement that we use the cannon is what keeps my commando shelved.


If needs be, put a 2 talent point skill in the gunnery tree that boosts rifle damage to meet assault cannon damage and skill unlocks. Then there is still a small opportunity cost that keeps the cannons relevant, but makes the rifle play-style viable.

Edited by Aristeed
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These suggestions come up quite often. The same argument can be made for assassins/shadows being locked to polesabers and guardians/juggs being stuck with the one traditional saber. The fact is, arbitrary weapon restrictions are arbitrary. The argument can be made that assault cannons and polesabers do extra damage to make up for this or that, but if players had the option to choose their weapons irrespective of weapon damage, they wouldn't have to necessarily bump up he damage on any weapons. They could likely balance damage through the individual skill or power based on what weapon type was being employed.


But I digress. This thread and any other suggesting abolishing arbitrary weapon restrictions gets a big fat /signed from me.

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Arbitrary tech weapons restrictions make no sense, but we're stuck with them. So learn to deal with it.


We'll that was a bit rude.


But yea, it's all about choice. Another example of taking the safe, theme park route instead of opening the floor to allow players some customization (something that has partly been rectified with adaptive armor).


I like the one suggestion about adaptive weapons.

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as another person above me said.... ''want rifle? create a vanguard'', ''want a cannon? create a commando''

is just the way it is


Which is why nothing ever changes in many games. Too many people willing to accept "the way it is." Too many people willing to accept mediocrity in general.


Lore? the lore is on vocation in many ways in game


No excuse for limiting player options


Also BHs use any weapon they like, and BFett use carbine not rifle


Splitting hairs; a carbine is nothing more than a short rifle. Neither of which is usable by a Bounty Hunter. Seems odd that a profession that would naturally use any means to get the target can't use any means to get the target.

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