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Know what classes are capable of before throwing out accusations


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I spend a lot of time in the warzones, particularly in the sub 55 brackets, so it shouldn't come as a surprise to me when people's frustrations at not knowing what their opponents classes are capable of falsely accuse them of using speed hacks or other issues.


I ran into it again last night while leveling a low level assassin, and you run into it very frequently with the better marauders. These classes have speed boost abilities to get out of trouble, good players will use these abilities frequently both to get out of trouble and to give them a huge boost in combat.


At that speed it's very hard for most players using keyboard turning to react fast enough to stay facing you. Doesn't last long, but it can be invaluable to a burst class like the assassin.


The same thing with various defensive abilities classes might trigger like the trooper's physics block or the scoundrel's dodge shield. Learning to maximize the strengths of your class or avoid those of who you're fighting does more to win a fight than anything else, particularly in the sub 55 bracket where gear is largely a non factor and skill is much more important.


Before you start calling your foes cheaters, stop and figure out what class abilities they are using and how you can counter them <glares at troopers with harpoons>.


I've encountered less than a handful of cases where I thought something wonky was going on, in all but 2 of those cases it may just have been a lag glitch in the server rendering (invisible plants). That's not to say that cheating doesn't happen, but most cases I've seen players call another player a cheat are because they simply do not understand what that player's class can do.


<gets down off her soap box>


Anyway back to trapping my foes minds and leaving them cursing in fields. :p

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I am not of your server but saw this thread on the main server forum selection and felt compelled to reply. It is alarming how little people know of other classes and even of their own!


Just a few moments ago I corrected someone who claimed that Transcendence/Predation confers a 50% movement bonus along with a 20% mitigation buff for 10 seconds. This kind of misinformation is also the genesis of nerf calls!


Transcendence grants 50% movement bonus (for Combat it is 15% more) and it lasts for 10 seconds. The incorrect portion is that it does not give the user ANY damage reduction (mitigation), but Defense (damage avoidance chance)--and only to melee and ranged attacks. I'd far prefer the 20% mitigation, myself.


The only time I question things now is when someone disappears DIRECTLY in front of me when I know it is not a stealth class. That does not even warrant an accusation, but it raises my suspicions. If it happens several times, then I would record and report.

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I usually look through the forums and not post, when I came across this thread. If you were the Kayla on Imp side with an assassin in the warzones, you capped a point from me while confusing the hell out of me.


And at no point did I think it was cheating, I just realised I didn't know how to fight you cause I'm not very good at pvp and you were just simply skilled at it haha. In fact, if you are that Kayla, the whole pub side was stressing in ops chat about you cause you were a huge pain haha.


The point is, people will blame cheating or hacks or whatever on loads of things that aren't. Sometimes people are just better than you are.:D:D

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I've been grabbed by harpoons countless times while sprinting in huttball, usually into a fire pit. It's one of the more annoying defensive moves and one that your only counter is to shift levels or wait for a full resolve bar before sprinting.


As to harpoon not working for you there are two hidden bugs associated with harpoon/grapple that may be causing issues for you. If you activated at the exact same instant as a speedy activating their force speed or a knight/warrior leaping it has a good chance of failing or resulting in a strange pull. In some cases I've actually ended up pulled through the world or a floor. The world hasn't happened in a few months, but the floor or fire pit is a pretty regular occurrence.


The reason is that harpoon/grapple needs to calculate a pull vector back to you. During that slight latency on your end to get the command to the server the vector you thought you'd needed has changed radically both on both the x and y and z axis. This is more pronounced for people with 100ms+ latency as where they show a player is and where the server shows that player is off by a yard or two to begin with.


There's also a los issue also associated with that hidden fractional second of calculation. I almost always dart from the top ramp corner over the fire pit with force speed to stop people from chasing me to the pit. A pull from the center top ramp will loose los during that fractional period and frequently bug out or fail to trigger. The posts around the fire pits can cause some really weird los issues.


There's skill on the runners part to maximize the chances that your lag will cause the harpoon/grapple to fail, but it isn't cheating. Rather it's a case of the engine not actually being in real time.


The good vanguards/powertechs who frequently stop me cold, pull from the side as I'm mid leap over the fire pit, which is totally annoying as they have a clear los of the whole sprint making it impossible to build enough vector change.


Heavens knows there was a pyro with it yesterday who I could have sworn it was his mission to keep me burning so I couldn't slip away and pull me into every pit on the course over and over again. I think I died 6 times that match. BTW, pyros and other dot classes are totally annoying for assassins at my level.


There are also a lot of abilities that also simply fail to execute, particularly if you're mashing buttons or trigger another ability during it's animation lag. This arguably shouldn't be the case if the game engine was working perfectly, but it sort of comes down to knowing what your class can do and what glitches it can have that can mess up your rotations.


I don't even use macros on my buttons. About the only advantage I have besides skill and a good internet connection is I'm using a G13 and a Naga combination so that I never have to shift my fingers to trigger abilities. Even there though I'm not taking full advantage of them as I don't macro abilities that I need to trigger in conjuncture for maximum efficiency.


Oh and yes I love mind traps, I held off a group of 5ish for about 2 minutes yesterday after stealth capping a pylon and blitzed a pair of void star matches. Terrain is a huge advantage and one people don't take enough care to utilize effectively. There have been a few matches where on sapping people mid field while my backup stealth watched the turret caused them to completely stop attacking that turret rather than getting stuck over and over in the field. :p

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The simple answer would of been Resilience or Force Shroud for an Assassin.


I was trolling. I thought it was obvious maybe I should of added he was glowing a nice bright yellow looked kind of pretty so I wanted to pull him closer to me :rolleyes:

Edited by Skinnychalk
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Hey Kayla it's Lightningsorc :D


People are so quick to throw out the hacking excuse when they don't understand game mechanics. In huttball I couldn't tell you how often I got called a hacker for speccing into unremitting on my guardian.


Once in a great while if I'm in a good mood I'll try to explain it to said person, but it usually just ends with flaming and me getting ignored.


Some people have thick skulls :rolleyes:

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I haven't even played in the same match as you in months, let alone the aspect of actually hurting you.


We need to fix that btw


The hurting or helping???


Yeah we seem to miss each other in the queues, to be fair the last week and a half I have been leveling a sentinel (watchman, before anyone decries I am joining the smash brigade).


We need to start the kickball season again....I will post on the Kickball site the times I can usually be found online

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The hurting or helping???


Yeah we seem to miss each other in the queues, to be fair the last week and a half I have been leveling a sentinel (watchman, before anyone decries I am joining the smash brigade).


We need to start the kickball season again....I will post on the Kickball site the times I can usually be found online


Meh, it's mostly because in the afternoons, I'm usually raiding or running with the guild in some type of RP gathering/event. I honestly can't stand planned arenas (I'm starting to enjoy 4 DPS vs 4 DPS fights) without the perfect team (not to mention there's no real reward for it other than a better gain in ranked comms) so if you decide to lead something, great! I'll try to be avaliable if you need bodies, but as for helping set things up, I'm good lol xD

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Meh, it's mostly because in the afternoons, I'm usually raiding or running with the guild in some type of RP gathering/event. I honestly can't stand planned arenas (I'm starting to enjoy 4 DPS vs 4 DPS fights) without the perfect team (not to mention there's no real reward for it other than a better gain in ranked comms) so if you decide to lead something, great! I'll try to be avaliable if you need bodies, but as for helping set things up, I'm good lol xD


I was more thinking everyone queue as solo and see what we get. As the popps are few and far between if we can get 12-16 ppl queuing solo then the matchmaker can figure the rest out. One reason the last kickball tapered off was the perceived imbalances between teams.


Also, if we can get this going before preseason ends then at least the reward will be the ladder grind and EPO rating (whatever that would be worth on a non-PVP server)

Edited by bsbrad
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I was more thinking everyone queue as solo and see what we get. As the popps are few and far between if we can get 12-16 ppl queuing solo then the matchmaker can figure the rest out. One reason the last kickball tapered off was the perceived imbalances between teams.


Also, if we can get this going before preseason ends then at least the reward will be the ladder grind and EPO rating (whatever that would be worth on a non-PVP server)


I mean in regards to team setups, I personally would get easily frustrated because we will undoubtedly get the same comp of tank, healer, and 2 DPS for pretty much every single match. Which even though it's a good test of skill, I feel as if playing in a competition like that where wins/losses can be decided based on class composition before the game has even started isn't really fun. 8v8 was a little more free, where the comp setup was more reliant on actual roles being played rather than classes, but in 4v4, a stupid healer Sorc IE (which, ironically, we have quite a bit of) isn't going to get even a single point of healing against smart DPS on the other side. Meaning it could be potentially a 3v4 setup from the start, given the type of player base we have here on BC.


Which, if you're ok with those one sided matches and want to see them happen more in addition to the gains, by all means. I'll be around, hopefully, if you need bodies to fufill roles, but I'd personally get too frustrated and lose interest with the lack of real reward (rating has no tangible reward, until rated gear comes back) at it after a couple of matches to be truly interested in actively leading this.

Edited by ZooMzy
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I agree with you Zu what your going to see is groups of certain classes that your class may not do well agaist and would force you to either not do arena's or roll another class to counter a specific class.


I think you'll see certain make ups do well as there is little in the way of variety here until someone counters there group. Currently the vanguard groupings are popular however they are vunerable to single target damage so basically don't stun them and do single tagret burst such as double sniper/powertech/op healer would turn them on their head and shake them for loose changes and then toss them in the garbage labled FOtM trash.


But why should we have to roll new toons just to compete ....easy class balance sucks.


in a few weeks you'll see 3 Powertechs Op healers vs 3 Vanguard Scoundrel heals and it will be like two wrestlers slapping each other in the chest both of them are aoe damage and stun damage friendly with attacks that do damage reduction and taunts all over the games will last the duration and the winner will be the one who times there heal pot best before the gas kills them.


People better pray Sorc's never get a buff to be on par with other classes.

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When I see the text of buffs(if they are worth a damn) I will say Soon we shall reveal ourself to the Jedi soon we shall have our Revenge. I don't think a lot of players realize how gimped we have been for a long time but I welcome them to roll one so they can experience it for themselves instead of a Jugg/Mara/PT. Let's see some of you get yourself some light armor with that great passive 2% damage reduction, none of this guard bs with 4 healers and see how fast you are squashed like grape.


I almost feel a little sorry for some of these classes when I kite them around and kill them and they have no idea that my bonus damage is about 150 less than theirs that my crit is low and I have the worst passive defense/bonuses of any class. Then I change my mind about feeling sorry for them when they come back with two helpers and zerg me down.

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You do know Double Sorc DPS is one of the best comps in the game right now, right?


Are you talking about that POT5 team that claims they are beating top teams and when you watch their videos no one touches them the entire game and they just run around for the full duration of the game doing what they want?


Or is their a legit team on the bastion that is winning?


Because any mara/pt team should be able to focus a sorc through guard and heals. If they can't they are doing something wrong.


Mind you i can write a few paragraphs on why the comp would not work and i would like to see games where this group won vs hard focus fire on one of the sorcs. Because they would need a guard first and foremost not an average guard but an exceptional one like Fluxs x2. Sorc's any spec has light armor weakest in the game they the least passive damage reduction the only claim to fame for a sorc would be taunt with guard and when they are stunned they take 30% less damage if spec'd. They have 0 AOE reduction and 15% periodic damage reduction if Madness spec'd.


This means that the guard will take more damage from guarding the sorc then any other team member except another sorc. They get hit for full on aoe if not stunned and take some of the heaviest hits in the game all while not doing the heaviest damage in the game. Their damage goes down the toliet if they are smothered because they need to channel FL to get wrath procs because Affliction tic'ing for 400 to 800 crits is op as hell.


Smother a sorc in a double sorc dps team and you would have 1 sorc actually doing damage which would be healable without guard and healable with guard. Most teams are running a hybrid dps/tank with double dps and an operative healer.


Operative healers have a 4 man hot which is a nice counter to dots another negative for the sorc team and can apply a single double stack hot to the entire team while on the run with no worries of interupts. I'd really like to believe that somehow someone has found a pot of gold at the end of the Rainbow but it really is a load of bs and I'd bet money that a certain infamous group would run over that sorc team 9 of 10 times and that's being nice.

Edited by Devinia-Hex
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