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Does anybody really do space missions?


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I'm doing them.


I am a fervent supporter of having free flight added at some point - if only in the form of special hotspots, I don't expect EVE in TOR - but I am finding these missions a fun passtime. They're quick, easy credits IMO.


I hope they expand on the space game (again as a purely OPTIONAL feature for flyboys like me), there is a lot of potential in it :) Maybe I'll post a mini-review of my experience of space missions so far at some point.

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They are also talking about making guild capital ships, that combined with free flying would be epic!


imagine guild vs guild, oh the fun that would be! (i know this is a dream!)


other than that the rail is actually a lot more fun than i thought it would be and i do them quite often!

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I keep doing the daily space missions and if i am tired from a long run on Tatooine i am heading up there :D


I am just lvl 28 but those new missions i got are really hard. i won both even with bonus but it was a hell of a fight ^^


For those that dislike space.. its not even needed to do any other stuff ingame! Use it to travel and leave it again.. I cant wait till i unlock more missions!

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Ive been playing alot of mmo, but this is so unique. Its the best ever :) even tho its single player optional gameplay its so great. cus its part of the fantasy that this game is build on. imo if it werent there the game would totaly miss something important. :) thumps up for spacemission
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Yeah, they are fun and I get my upgrades as soon as possible. I'm kinda stuck on one particularly hard one at the moment ( You got to shoot down 60 fighters, but there is a swarm of fighters near the end which shoots down your health about 70% in the last third of the battle ), but I hope I can do better now with the latest upgrade.


Definitely a nice mini-game and it gives good XP.

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Yeah, they are fun and I get my upgrades as soon as possible. I'm kinda stuck on one particularly hard one at the moment ( You got to shoot down 60 fighters, but there is a swarm of fighters near the end which shoots down your health about 70% in the last third of the battle ), but I hope I can do better now with the latest upgrade.


Definitely a nice mini-game and it gives good XP.


Sounds like you need an EMP!

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Yeah, they are fun and I get my upgrades as soon as possible. I'm kinda stuck on one particularly hard one at the moment ( You got to shoot down 60 fighters, but there is a swarm of fighters near the end which shoots down your health about 70% in the last third of the battle ), but I hope I can do better now with the latest upgrade.


Definitely a nice mini-game and it gives good XP.


Oh I know the one you are talking about.. that one is painful. I almost escaped that one alive but then missed like 2 fights to finish the mission.. Grrr

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They are a nice change of pace after completing a planet and pretty easy to do. I have been getting about 10k xp for each mission so it helps speed up leveling as well. If you dont like them, you dont have to do them at all. But I think they are pretty fun to do. Not the best thing in the game, but they certainly dont make it worse.
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i can't complete a single one so they are not easy for me, more less impossible.


You need to invest in Ship upgrades. The Grade 1s are not expensive and make all the difference. Shields, stronger blasters and large missle stores are where it's at.

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I also love space missions. I can do one or two before I go to work in the morning. My next alt may have to craft spaceship upgrades.


So care they're really nice. I picked up Prototype Grade 2 Blasters and Armor. They each do more than one thing. The Blasters increase my shield regen and my Armor increases my blaster Damage. I can only imagine what Artifact quality does.

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Being one who played Star Wars Galaxies, I was kinda expecting the whole space thing to be a much bigger part of the game with lots of open space areas to explore and mission in.. so obviously I thought it was a joke when I figured the space stuff was just a rail shooter.


While we all here can agree that SWG has gone the way of the dinosaur & drowned in it's own tar pit of suckage, it is also important that we not forget that it wasn't always just a cheap "WoW + lasers" pseudo-console game like it is today. Once upon time SWG was the game everyone loved, and hopefully Bioware will not be ashamed to steal those things we love from the ruins of SWG's past and implement them here in TOR.


Things like real space combat, where skill & stats we fused into a single game where both mattered. Character customization options worthy of "The Sims" - quite unlike the modern industry standard of "pick one of 3-8 standard templates & be happy we even gave you that much" (height, weight, and genuine facial sculpting where all in there). Image & clothing design - because proud officers on both sides enjoyed strolling around town in full dress uniform. Sure it had no combat stats, but it wasn't meant for combat. Neither was fishing or half a dozen other skills that players enjoyed. Heck, half the game revolved around one of the most intensive crafting systems ever seen in any MMORPG to date.


And that's the point: Original SWG was loved because it was a sandbox. Players could customize their character's looks, wardrobe, equipment, and skills to such a level of precise, creative detail that players felt truly attached to those characters. RPing wasn't something the devs had to spoon feed people, either. With such dynamic, varied and personalized characters, people were quite happy to do all the RP/social interaction stuff on their own.


Most of all, remember that the NGE was the death of SWG, and in that way it was their pigeonholing every character into neat little identical compartments that did it. Loot replaced crafting, "iconic classes" replaced all customization, fixed gameplay replaced the sandbox and, eventually, TOR came along and replaced SWG.


I hope this lesson is not lost on Bioware. There's a lot of ex-SWG people playing TOR now, and the last thing any of us want to see is for TOR to make the same mistakes that Sony did when they took their great game and stripped it down to it's least entertaining denominators.

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I'm pretty sure a lot of that isn't really true. Those that loved SWG loved it. But it never had the market appeal that those who loved it seem to attribute to it.


It's a simple concept. You expected more than a rail because you weren't listening for the two years in which space was a thing in TOR. They were VERY explicite on this point. The game is about having a Star Wars experience. In all the movies and all the books and lore there is no point at which they are just randomly miandering through space trying to decide what to do or where to go. There is always a defined series of events that are occuring when we see the outside of the ship. Thus a rail shooter makes the mot sense, because that's what it was like, that is a proper Star Wars experience. Not EVE, not Freelancer, not even Freespace, and not SWG.


Since they fixed the method for gaining upgrades and rewards I am very much in favor of the space missions just the way they are.


I would like to see coop missions, either by having two people in one ship controlling things independantly, or two ships in the same mission on separate rails most likely.

Edited by KalSpiro
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