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What to do with video of exploits?


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Alright, just wasn't sure if it was bad form on this server to post a video with names visible and all that. Its slowed down a bit when she does it so that the trail behind her is visible. The other operative's movement is a good reference for how fast she got out of there.


Edit: Links removed.

Was told I should remove the links, apparently it is bad form to show names :p

Edited by ssyy
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To me it looks like lag, either on the part of the server or the sage. I see this occasionally, usually when sprint or the agent/smuggler scramble is used; I guess the server seems to have more trouble giving accurate readings on fast-moving targets. If she were using a hack, you would more likely see an increase to her movement at all times, which you can clearly see isn't the case towards the end of the video. Edited by wilcou
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It could be lag, but since it happened a couple of times, and both the other operative and were able to see it, that seems unlikely. We were also able to hit her until just before she vanished, and if it both of our clients not updating we wouldn't have been able to hit her. Anyways, someone PM'd me how to submit the video, so either way the the devs can see it if they ever get around to it. Thanks. Edited by ssyy
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File a ticket as mentioned.


90% of the time issues like this is based as the person said about lag.


That said, you can cause lag yourself, so the server dont track you well enough.

This is "very handy" to avoid melee dmg, cause the melee will constant get "out of range" when trying to use any ability(or most of them).


But generally posting names like this can get you into some trouble, its sort of against the Eula etc.

Best bet is to call the player out during the wz, and see if this doesnt help, file a ticket.

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