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Whats the use of being ranged


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whats the use in being a ranged character if all a melee character has to do is wave there dam lightsaber and hit you and your no where near them, its feesibly impossible to be running backswards shooting at someone and there still hitting you, that make no sense, you might as well of made everyone melee then, if not it puts a ranged character in a constant disadvantage.
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Well, I can turn around and say What is the use of being a Jedi?


After all, a Force-user wielding a lightsaber. Isn't the point of that to be able to defect incoming laser fire? But, no, that's not how it works. Sometimes I feel like being a Jedi is just like bringing a knife to a gunfight.


This is the only game, other than SW: Galactic Battlegrounds, where lightsabers aren't one-hit kills. It's all about level, and you just have to learn how to play your favorite class to the best of their ability

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whats the use in being a ranged character if all a melee character has to do is wave there dam lightsaber and hit you and your no where near them, its feesibly impossible to be running backswards shooting at someone and there still hitting you, that make no sense, you might as well of made everyone melee then, if not it puts a ranged character in a constant disadvantage.


Ok, I'm sure I'll get flamed for it, but I have to say: spelling and grammar can be good friends to you, if you're willing to let them.


As for your question - if we take Sentinels as an example, they have two ranged moves. They have the twin saber throw at 30m which has 18s cooldown and Crippling Throw with a 10m range and a 12s cooldown.


If you can't beat a Sentinel at ranged distance, all I can say is L2P.


If you're thinking of a different class, give me specifics on class vs class and we can compare again. Which class are you playing that you consider "ranged"? Just having an ability you can use at 30m doesn't make you ranged, so give us some specifics please and we can see if we can help you out.

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There is one thing I will say this person may be onto somethign about...if I step outside of 3m from someone channeling master strike than that strike should miss, always.

Currently, if someone starts a master strike and you strafe away? You will be at 8m distance and still taking the damage from it.


Yes, it should be an ability that takes skill and set-up to use properly, 3m max range then auto miss on all hits. 3m is quite literally 3 steps basically via strafing btw. That is how fast you can get out of melee range from any melee ability, yet master strike magically hits you from 8m as long as it is started at proper melee range. This is something that needs fixed IMO.

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And if someone starts shooting at you with a ranged weapon and you strafe out of the way, the blaster bolts magically swerve and hit you anyway. It's just the way the game works: it determines hits and misses at the moment that the attack begins rather than when it reaches its target :p
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whats the use in being a ranged character if all a melee character has to do is wave there dam lightsaber and hit you and your no where near them, its feesibly impossible to be running backswards shooting at someone and there still hitting you, that make no sense, you might as well of made everyone melee then, if not it puts a ranged character in a constant disadvantage.


Because obviously being ranged has no use for you in ops or for healers.

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As for your question - if we take Sentinels as an example, they have two ranged moves. They have the twin saber throw at 30m which has 18s cooldown and Crippling Throw with a 10m range and a 12s cooldown.




Edited by RAVM
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whats the use in being a ranged character if all a melee character has to do is wave there dam lightsaber and hit you and your no where near them, its feesibly impossible to be running backswards shooting at someone and there still hitting you, that make no sense, you might as well of made everyone melee then, if not it puts a ranged character in a constant disadvantage.

This might be blunt, but if you are not able to find advantages in your class being ranged... then you do something wrong. I suggest more practice.

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whats the use in being a ranged character if all a melee character has to do is wave there dam lightsaber and hit you and your no where near them, its feesibly impossible to be running backswards shooting at someone and there still hitting you, that make no sense, you might as well of made everyone melee then, if not it puts a ranged character in a constant disadvantage.


I have one major thing to tell you and I don't mean to be trolling or insulting to you saying, learn to play. Seriously, almost all ranged has abilities and tactics to deal with a troublesome melee player.


My favorite class is the Sniper so I'll give you some pointers there.


Don't get into melee range in the first place! You see everyone charging in in a battle ground sit back a ways, stay at max distance. Make the melee come to you.


Learn the maps. Each map has good spots to get cover or hidden spots that it is hard or takes time for melee to get to you. Every second you delay them from getting in close is less damage you take and more they take.


Leg Shot. This is one of your primary shots in PvP. Freeze them in place so you can peg away at them. Nothing can be more frustrating than having to use your escape on this but if they don't you get some good damage on them before they can even finish getting close enough to do damage.


Ambush + Leg Shot. This is a killer combo, if you see a melee getting close cue up Ambush. If you have the skills right it will knock them away and you pin them in place for some nice damage.


That is just a few things for the Sniper class, there are a lot more that you can use but right now I can't remember the names of some of the abilities :p Just remember that no class is just a one or two button class, the more you play the better you get. Learning your abilities and how and when to use them is the key to any class doing well in PvP.

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Well, I can turn around and say What is the use of being a Jedi?

This is the only game, other than SW: Galactic Battlegrounds, where lightsabers aren't one-hit kills. It's all about level, and you just have to learn how to play your favorite class to the best of their ability


Let me start by saying:

1.) Knights of the Old Republic

2.) Knights of the Old Republic 2: The Sith Lords

3.) Jedi Academy

4.) Star Wars: The Force Unleashed



Force wielders can PWND on a heavy ranged attacker such as a Imperial Powertech (I KNOW THIS BECAUSE MY MAIN IS A BH TECH, Shield spec with a AR of over 9500, and a DR of 49% WITHOUT MY SHIELD UP) if they created their character with any skill what so ever, force jump is standard allowing you to close rapidly nullifying the range in one leap, then your force skills deal massive dps which easily overcomes resistance, internal damage which the shield and ar have no defense against to speak of, and you have plethora de-buff and cc skills designed to stun that person with the big scary blaster and then proceed to own them while giggling at then as they die quickly inside their durasteel can.

But the flip side is that if you are playing a ranged attacker (LIKE ME) you can just as easily bring down the peskiest of the force wielding melee combatants at range. Snipers have abilities that at range will do 10k points of damage to a opponent in a single blast at high levels and geared correctly, BH can deal HUGE amounts of damage in 1 series of attacks (mine on average for literally the 3 skills I can trigger while that saber wielding mystic is stunned from my electrodart) is on average 7500-12k damage in 4 seconds at range, then you can close on them with a rocket punch and encase them in carbonite for another 2 seconds to blast off another 1-4k of damage and they hit you what 1 time, and in 6 seconds you have done almost 20k damage to a player character or killed a half of field of mobs and moved 1 time during this attack from 20m away?

The point is, no class really has the advantage at all, it is all in the skill of the person controlling the character that makes all the difference.

Edited by ApocNizmith
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And if someone starts shooting at you with a ranged weapon and you strafe out of the way, the blaster bolts magically swerve and hit you anyway. It's just the way the game works: it determines hits and misses at the moment that the attack begins rather than when it reaches its target :p

Which is a good thing. If I wanted to play an FPS, I'd play an FPS.

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