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A good PVP build that doesn't focus on smash?


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Okay, could you give me a build example?


This is the build I use in PvP: http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/skills/sentinel#320-1233222212221212123212-0 I'd love to get another point in Stagger, but there's just no way without sacrificing important goodies (like the Awe CD reduction). There's a lot of roots and utilities in this build, as well as the full 6% DR boost once you get warmed up. Once you get accustomed to using Crippling Throw as a root, it actually becomes pretty natural.


People will still stun you and knock you back during Precision Slash windows, but that's just something you learn to deal with. Eventually, people are going to run out of stuns. :-) You can still win nearly any 1v1 assuming equal gear. A really well-played shadow tank might give you trouble, as will an operative who jumps you unawares, but those classes annoy everyone.

Edited by KeyboardNinja
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A competent, well geared Combat sentinel will murder anything in a solo fight.


Murder? No. Win? Maybe. Depends on the RNG gods and what cooldowns are available to you when you're engaged in combat.


Tam has the right of it. Yet, I have less difficulty with Tank Assassins than I do with Deception Assassins out of stealth. Operatives are just ugly, most of the time.


The thing with Combat is that it can win--but you'll know you were in a fight most of the time. I can burst snipers down fairly quickly and suffer minimal damage if Pacify is up and the RNG gods favor me. I think Operatives are more difficult than Assassins because Operatives do almost entirely TECH damage whereas Assassins do a mix of Melee and Force damage--Pacify will allow me to avoid a lot of the melee attacks once the Assassin comes out of stealth (for 4 seconds).


Powertechs and Operatives require Saber Ward. I have not seen anyone defeat a skilled Powertech that was also attacking the Sentinel without requiring Saber Ward or an adrenal. Same goes for Operatives. If I don't have Saber Ward, I am probably going to lose. If I have this incorrect, please show me so I can learn from it.


I think any class would be a lot easier to defeat if the FALSE CASTS WERE ADDRESSED!

Edited by Sappharan
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Yet, I have less difficulty with Tank Assassins than I do with Deception Assassins out of stealth. Operatives are just ugly, most of the time.


I think my perception on this is colored by the fact that my primary PvP characters are a shadow tank and a lightning sorc. :-) I have issues with combat sentinels on my sorc (no surprise there), but I haven't in my memory lost a 1v1 with a sentinel of any spec on my shadow when the opponent is equally geared and both our CDs are up. That situation is fairly rare though, at least among competent sentinels, so take that with a grain of salt. It's also entirely possible that my "equal gearing" criterion is also filtering out the better players who would do more justice to their class.

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