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LOW amount of medals on my Maruader/DPS classes compared to my Tank or heal classes


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Just a question regarding these WZ medals, that decide comms, XP, etc amount. On my healing and Tanking classes i easily get 12 or more medals per match since the tank abilities or heal abilities guarantee me a certain amount on top of DPS / kill medals.


On my Marauder and other DPS classes i am lucky to get around HALF that amount of medals per match. How is that fair to DPS classes ? How do you people cope with pure DPS classes and amount of medals in WZ with YOur Marauder ??????????

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I stay useful to the team. Killing Blows give you medals, 90k and 360k dmg give a medal each, 3k and 6k single hits, 1 solo kill.. that's 5 right there. Not including Offensive and Defensive medals gained by staying on nodes or doors during matches. It's severely easy to get medals as a pure DPS, but not by tunnel visioning your DPS and lolsmash every respawn.
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How do I get medals as a pure DPS?


I don't tunnel and play for objectives. I don't fight outside of the Node-Area (ever heard of stealthers and stuns?) so medals more or less keep flowing no matter what class. Surely sometimes it's easier to go for a certain desired target by overextending, but if that's the case I'll simply focus on peeling something of my healer or rDPS, either saving them or forcing the more desired target within range. Objective medals are such a safe bet, unless you get absolutely hammered. Quick win means medals for finishing under X minutes and long matches means the Defender and Attacker points just keep piling up.


That and I'm happy with 8 medals aslong as I did my job. To be fair as healer sometimes the enemy team manages to put so much pressure on mine (or my DPS is good at focussing) I never even get to pull out a DPS ability for a 3k hit and fairly honest I hardly get last hits unless something has 1-5k HP left and suddently gets ignored.


Is it fair that Tank classes easily get 4 medals with a few well-placed Taunts and Healer classes by (hopefully) helping their DPS out? Yes it is, because rewards are capped at 8 medals. Now is medals had any value beyond 8, you might have a reason to cry.

Edited by KittyCheshire
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Tanks generally get the most medals, just as a function of the job they do. There are a lot of medals associated with protection. Tanks also generally pick up the low-hanging damage medals and (if you're an assassin) the low-hanging heal medal. Tanks are also usually the ones spending the most time tunneled on the objective, and also the ones living longest in that area, so they pick up the most defender medals. Finally, tanks are among the best 1v1 specs in the game (a well-played assassin tank is a terror to duel), and that coupled with their node-guarding habits tend to give them more solo kills and fewer overall kills (which translates into slightly more medals).


All in all, if you want to medal farm, roll a tank. On my shadow tank, it's a pretty awful match if I don't break 10 medals. My average is between 13 and 15. It's rare, but not entirely unheard of to break into the 20s.


Overall, the medal counts just aren't balanced across roles. That's ok though. You shouldn't have any trouble getting to 8 as a DPS if you're doing your job, though you'll definitely have to be pushing out the numbers and playing objectively (i.e. your job). Healers are the ones that are really screwed, since they rely on a good team to be able to live long enough to collect their rewards.

Edited by KeyboardNinja
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