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Make BH/RT use Assualt Cannons, Rifles and Pistols. With a catch.


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Okay, now my idea is similar to others. May of already been discussed. But I'm subbed for the first time so stay with me. Okay, now like a lot of other people, I highly dislike Assault Cannons. And like a lot of BH's, they want Rifles. So, why not make them be able to use both?


But here's the catch. If I switch to a Blaster Rifle as a Commando I lose DPS, so it would be a bad choice. So instead of just making it a DPS difference, make actually stats for weapons. So, like Assault Cannons give a 5% bonus to alacrity and range, by like 2 meters. Make Rifles give more boost to tech power and... lets say a damage boost to melee attacks like Stockstrike. And with Pistols, make them do more damage up close, but lose some damage with distance. And, if you decide to duel wield. You gain a lot of alacrity, but lose a ton of accuracy. These are just some rough thoughts off my head, not perfected but I'm sure they could be. And why not go farther?


Do the same for Snipers and Slingers, let them use Rifles, Snipers and Pistols. Not Assault Cannons though. And for Jedi Knights, let them you double bladed lightsabers too! Instead of making a class use a signature weapon, let the class stick out itself. And maybe you could specialize with a certain weapon in your skill tree. But anyways, sorry for the long read! It's my first time posting. But I think it would really make certain classes playable for people, that lets say... dislike a certain weapon? I don't know, let me know what you guys think in the comments! Thanks all! :D

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That's not a bad idea either. But then it would just feel like none of the weapons are actually different at all. And in my own opinion, it would be cool if they added skills in the skill tree to increase proficiency with a weapon.
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That's not a bad idea either. But then it would just feel like none of the weapons are actually different at all. And in my own opinion, it would be cool if they added skills in the skill tree to increase proficiency with a weapon.


I have to admit, that would be cool. I'm not sure what they're capable of doing but I hope they implement something like this. It would be a cool addition to the game.

Edited by SithEBM
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What if they could do that thing in WoW where it would change the weapon's appearance so it looks like another weapon? I think it's called Transmogrification but I'm not 100% sure if that's the name.


That might work better tbh.


add a sub slot for weapon appearance.

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Two major issues with this.


1, animations for other weapons using available abilities frequently don't exist.

2, this would require fundamental changes to game design and balance.


The part about people simply being able to use different types of cosmetics, while a lot of work, at least is objectively positive progress.


The suggestion to completely change game balance means a lot more work with questionable benefit. In all likelihood we would end up with something far more unbalanced than what we have, and many players would be upset by the sudden changes in how the game works.

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They wouldn't be able to do this because each type of weapon has a specific animation for each skill. To do this, they would have to make a ton of new animations, which would cost them time and money. Otherwise, how would you have a pistol shoot a Mortar Volley or Demolition Round or Hail of Bolts or Snipe or Ambush?


Besides weapons don't exactly have the same amount of damage. Offhand weapons do more damage than one-handed weapons but they have a penalty on accuracy (10% miss chance at 100%). So on paper, Gunslingers and Mercenaries have more damage than Snipers and Commandos but they miss often enough with their offhand attacks that both ACs do the same amount of damage. If they were to remove these restrictions to make offhand weapons wieldable for every class, they would have to recalibrate the damage of every main hand weapon in the game to adjust for their offhand counterparts.


The only two ACs that could switch weapons right away are the Vanguards and Powertechs because one pistol and one blaster rifle do exactly the same amount of damage, but even this would bring up animation issues (e.g. how would a blaster pistol use Pulse Cannon). But this also means (animation issues notwithstanding of course) that theoretically Mercenaries and Gunslingers could dual-wield blaster rifles as well.


(The Powertech only uses his pistol for two attacks: Rapid Shots and Unload as far as I know. Most of the other abilities come from various gadgets on his armor. So there is virtually no reason not to allow PTs to wield blaster rifles, which they should have gotten in the first place. Operativs should have gotten a pistol instead of a rifle anyway.)

Edited by CommanderKeeva
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They wouldn't be able to do this because each type of weapon has a specific animation for each skill. To do this, they would have to make a ton of new animations, which would cost them time and money. Otherwise, how would you have a pistol shoot a Mortar Volley or Demolition Round or Hail of Bolts or Snipe or Ambush?


Hm. They can swap animation from reps to imps and vice versa. This is not force powers, this is just a weapon effects after all. :)

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Hm. They can swap animation from reps to imps and vice versa. This is not force powers, this is just a weapon effects after all. :)


I'm not sure if that would be possible for the Trooper and Bounty Hunter. The Trooper does not have a fancy armor, so he uses weapon animations. The Bounty Hunter has lots of gadgets, so he rarely uses weapon animations, instead he uses various bits on his armor. They cannot swap animations because these animations don't exist.


The mirror ability for Mortar Volley (weapon animation) is Death From Above (armor animation). The mirror ability of Pulse Cannon (weapon animation) is Flame Thrower (armor animation). The mirror ability for High Impact Bolt (weapon animation) is Rail Shot (armor animation). The mirror ability of Explosive Round (weapon animation) is Missle Blast (armor animation). And the list goes on with Grav Round/Tracer Missile, Demolition Round/Heatseeker Missile, Incendiary Round/Incendiary Missile....


There are no pistol animations for these attacks and it's just one AC out of 8.

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I'm not sure if that would be possible for the Trooper and Bounty Hunter. The Trooper does not have a fancy armor, so he uses weapon animations. The Bounty Hunter has lots of gadgets, so he rarely uses weapon animations, instead he uses various bits on his armor. They cannot swap animations because these animations don't exist.


No longer relevant with current game state! :D You know - adaptive armors everywhere!

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Adaptative weapons!!. I dont care if it is just cosmetic, im tired of that big cannon on my back. Commando should use Blaster rifles like the D-15, that would make more sense that all those huge cannons that we have now.




Totaly agree. Adaptative weapons are the way to go.

Even id they sell them on CM ill buy those

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Okay, now my idea is similar to others. May of already been discussed. But I'm subbed for the first time so stay with me. Okay, now like a lot of other people, I highly dislike Assault Cannons. And like a lot of BH's, they want Rifles. So, why not make them be able to use both?


But here's the catch. If I switch to a Blaster Rifle as a Commando I lose DPS, so it would be a bad choice. So instead of just making it a DPS difference, make actually stats for weapons. So, like Assault Cannons give a 5% bonus to alacrity and range, by like 2 meters. Make Rifles give more boost to tech power and... lets say a damage boost to melee attacks like Stockstrike. And with Pistols, make them do more damage up close, but lose some damage with distance. And, if you decide to duel wield. You gain a lot of alacrity, but lose a ton of accuracy. These are just some rough thoughts off my head, not perfected but I'm sure they could be. And why not go farther?


Do the same for Snipers and Slingers, let them use Rifles, Snipers and Pistols. Not Assault Cannons though. And for Jedi Knights, let them you double bladed lightsabers too! Instead of making a class use a signature weapon, let the class stick out itself. And maybe you could specialize with a certain weapon in your skill tree. But anyways, sorry for the long read! It's my first time posting. But I think it would really make certain classes playable for people, that lets say... dislike a certain weapon? I don't know, let me know what you guys think in the comments! Thanks all! :D


This has been suggested many times before and many times before I have said the same thing. I know it sounds like allowing people to sue whatever weapon they want would make everything more unique but all it would do is make everything more the same.


Each class is balanced for the weapon it is supposed to use. Assault cannons have higher tech power than pistols so Mercs get 2 pistols. But it also goes into the talents in the trees as well. The increases in damage/healing are based on what weapon the class uses. If you could have an assault cannon on a Scoundrel their healing would be much higher than it all ready is. This is why Commandos lose DPS when they use a rifle. So everyone would use assault cannons for their higher tech power, the only people that wouldn't would be the RP folks and people that don't do end game group content as all solo content should be easily done with any equippable weapon. The same goes for sabers. Saberstaffs have higher force power by default.


So what would have to happen is the weapons would have to be normalized so that there was no advantage between them. The differences between them would have to be looks only. Any weapon that had a slight damage advantage would be the weapon everyone would use. Except for the above mentioned crowd and they can pretty much use any weapon they want because their damage healing isn't as important.


Then we get into animations. If I wanted to use a single saber on my Shadow, how stupid would Clairvoyant Strike/Voltaic Slash look with one saber? How weird would it look to have a Scoundrel lift a big assault cannon over his head to use Blaster Whip? So BW would have to either make new more generic animations that look good with all the weapons or start borrowing animations from other classes. I believe they would do a mixture of both and co-opt animations from all the classes but in the end we would end up with most classes sharing the same generic animations. Some classes would lose some cool looking animations, Voltaic Slash, Double Saber Throw, Spike (I think it would look weird with a single saber) and Dispatch (would look odd with a saberstff IMO) would all need to be changed/removed/adjusted, so everyone can be a special snowflake.


If this was the way the game was designed form the beginning it would be fine. But since that's not what they decided to do then I don't think it's feasible to add it now. The balance of the trees and weapons would all need to be changed and animations would need to be reworked. To me it sounds like way more work than it's worth. and if it did happen what would likely happen would be a homogenization of all the animations and classes just so you can have a Commando with a rifle.

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True that these ideas have been posted before. One of my favourites forums are the "Sugestion" Forums, and ive read plenty good ideas about adaptative weapons and such.

But im happy that there is so many new posts of this topic. My feelings are that now that so many ppl are posting this maybe the Devs actualy will read it and Believe that its a profitable add on to the game and gamplay. I hope see something related ingame soon :p

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Adaptative weapons!!. I dont care if it is just cosmetic, im tired of that big cannon on my back. Commando should use Blaster rifles like the D-15, that would make more sense that all those huge cannons that we have now.




not 100% sure, but i'm 99% sure i can use a blaster rifle on my commando !


**EDIT** Yep i can use blaster rifles with my commando.

Edited by Noxsabe
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It has nothing to do with "balance." It has to do with arbitrary class restrictions. But we're stuck with them.


That's not true. Assault cannons have more tech power than pistols, saber staffs have more force power than single sabers. Obviuosly you could change that pretty easily but that could have unintended side effects like making some specs OP/UP due to the change in tech/force power available on each weapon.


If it weren't true Commando could use a rifle with no DPS loss. Or Snipers could sue rifle as opposed to sniper rifles. But those classes use specialized weapons that have higher base damage. So if the opposite were to happen where a class that uses one pistol now could use a more powerful assault cannon the numbers they are capable of putting out would change.


I'm not saying ti's a great system but it's the on we have.

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