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*** phase walk?


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So I've been having phase walk bug out on me rather frequently and I never really got around to caring because it usually works.

Well today I had this **** happen to me like ten times. Lost a number of rated games as a result of something related to this ability not working.

I'll just include the clearest example of how there's absolutely 100% no way this ability should have failed:




So aside from shroud failing all the time, we've also got this one failing and cloak is just plain easy to counter. On a class that isn't even a good rated class. Thanks, bioware. :rolleyes:

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Uh.. that isn't a bug at all. That is the server code "detecting" your stuck and then porting you back to the last known correct position. In the example you posted, you are seething too close to the wall. Your toon steps into the wall and the game automatically /stucks you to the last known correct location. aka just before you port. Edited by JackNader
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Uh.. that isn't a bug at all. That is the server code "detecting" your stuck and then porting you back to the last known correct position. In the example you posted, you are seething too close to the wall. Your toon steps into the wall and the game automatically /stucks you to the last known correct location. aka just before you port.


That looks like what occurred.

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Uh.. that isn't a bug at all. That is the server code "detecting" your stuck and then porting you back to the last known correct position. In the example you posted, you are seething too close to the wall. Your toon steps into the wall and the game automatically /stucks you to the last known correct location. aka just before you port.


I've never experienced even once in swtor an instance where my character is seething near an object, walks into it gets stuck and then gets moved back into a safer area.


EDIT: after watching the video I'm not sure how you even think this is what happened. The character isn't stuck in any way whatsoever. Nor have I ever been stuck or had an issue seething near a regular wall.

Being stuck and moved usually occurs after several seconds of jittering around in the same area, and in most cases takes several seconds and is on some sort of junction between two non-level surfaces. The phase walk was planted in a safe area on level ground (I plant it there all the time) and the only structure nearby is the building's wall.




What's the excuse for this one? I can link videos like this all day long. The ability doesn't work and I've been experiencing this since 2.0 was released. It happened more times today than I can remember but they're all on the stream.

Edited by JP_Legatus
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Link one where you haven't put your phase walk right up against a wall and you aren't being engaged by any other player.


The first video is clearly what I said. It doesn't really matter whether you have not experienced this before or not. It is a fact that it occurs. The best example I can give is jumping to the 2nd moving block while trying to get the cunning datacron on hoth. There is no jitter or stuck animation, you can be instantly teleported to the ground. This one occurs if your feet appear to make contact with the side of the box as it moves towards you.


The second video has multiple players leaping and interacting with your toon. You are being rubber banded "prior" to your phase walk being initiated . During the phase walk I hear the sound of a Zelous Leap going off. It is impossible to tell whether you are the target or the other guy next to you. Due to the net code changes back in 1.4, players are teleported back to the location of a leap, stun or root effect. Psibre had a video where he demonstrated this effect. If you were the target, you will be ported back regardless of your phase walk.


I put in reports back in 1.4 of this type of effect occurring. Bioware has made no effort to fix it. 2.0 introduced the overload and leap teleports which trigger continuously if the player "jumps" and then presses leap. You can be teleported to any number of random locations, including through the map floor.


Technically it's not a bug, it's shoddy coding.

Edited by JackNader
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Link one where you haven't put your phase walk right up against a wall and you aren't being engaged by any other player.


The first video is clearly what I said. It doesn't really matter whether you have not experienced this before or not. It is a fact that it occurs. The best example I can give is jumping to the 2nd moving block while trying to get the cunning datacron on hoth. There is no jitter or stuck animation, you can be instantly teleported to the ground. This one occurs if your feet appear to make contact with the side of the box as it moves towards you.


The second video has multiple players leaping and interacting with your toon. You are being rubber banded "prior" to your phase walk being initiated . During the phase walk I hear the sound of a Zelous Leap going off. It is impossible to tell whether you are the target or the other guy next to you. Due to the net code changes back in 1.4, players are teleported back to the location of a leap, stun or root effect. Psibre had a video where he demonstrated this effect. If you were the target, you will be ported back regardless of your phase walk.


I put in reports back in 1.4 of this type of effect occurring. Bioware has made no effort to fix it. 2.0 introduced the overload and leap teleports which trigger continuously if the player "jumps" and then presses leap. You can be teleported to any number of random locations, including through the map floor.


Technically it's not a bug, it's shoddy coding.


Your explanations of why it is happening doesn't change the fact that it's a bug and that it's happening. And being up against a wall I mean you're really stretching the imagination now. I was not inside the wall when I planted the phase walk, ergo it isn't inside a wall.


It's like bioware saying shroud is working as intended when 5% of hits go through... no, it's not intended. It's lazy *** coding, as demonstrated by all the other moves in the game that don't have a 5% problem (force barrier etc).


Phase walk, unlike shroud, has no mechanics that are supposed to be interacting with it aside from net. If the other team doesn't have mercs or commandos, there's nothing that should ever prevent a successful phase walk.

Edited by JP_Legatus
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Your explanations of why it is happening doesn't change the fact that it's a bug and that it's happening.


Well, force leap is supposed to always work, unless hit by electro-net or the target of the jump is in cover. Force jump fails about 1-2% of the time, and does not jump to the target, and sometimes will result in a player using force jump to fall through the floor. Ever since patch 2.0, there have been a lot of bugs that have not been repaired. The force jump bug is extremely irritating for a tank guardian.

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Well, force leap is supposed to always work, unless hit by electro-net or the target of the jump is in cover. Force jump fails about 1-2% of the time, and does not jump to the target, and sometimes will result in a player using force jump to fall through the floor. Ever since patch 2.0, there have been a lot of bugs that have not been repaired. The force jump bug is extremely irritating for a tank guardian.


I've got both warriors so I've seen plenty of that nonsense :rolleyes:

Wish BW could just l2program

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BTW, I wasn't saying "well, warrior is broke too, so quit complaining". I was pointing out that Bioware does not repair glitches fast at all.


Ya I know, I share the bug hate. I just don't play my Mara as much or I'd probably be going nuts about that too.

Just want to get some awareness of this bug mostly, doesn't seem very well known

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Since you guys are on it, I always like the stuck roll bug for scound/ops, where I perma root myself(even through death).


Just another example of what I believe to be a lack of programmers who know what they are doing left at bioware.


No Balancing, or balancing that makes no sense

More Bugs occuring after every patch despite the notes saying "it has been fixed"

and changes to the game that are in high demand getting no feedback whatsoever.

Edited by Haystak
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Since you guys are on it, I always like the stuck roll bug for scound/ops, where I perma root myself(even through death).


Just another example of what I believe to be a lack of programmers who know what they are doing left at bioware.


No Balancing, or balancing that makes no sense

More Bugs occuring after every patch despite the notes saying "it has been fixed"

and changes to the game that are in high demand getting no feedback whatsoever.


Don't forget to mention that each new update brings a dozen new exploits and bugs, most of which are still out there months later.


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