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Recently got all 3 of my Rep characters into a guild and did my first unranked PvP with them the other night. We had 2 scoundrels, a slinger and a sent queue up. The first pop we got was for a CW that had already started - the side nodes were capped but mid was untaken. We decided to go take their side node while the battle at mid was raging, which we did, successfully. We then helped defend that node against a major zerg, then the two scoundrels stayed and guarded while our other two went to mid.


It was one of the closest, most exciting matches I've ever played in, and certainly better than any previous PvP experience I've ever had. Mid and grass must have changed hands four times each, and my team eventually won literally 10-0 at the end.

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I'm not a pvp player, but actually I'm farming conqueror set doing some wzs between questing and raid :)


I have just finished one of the "epic" wz, won at last second. It's not ranked but at the end i said "omg we won! unbelievable!"


Btw Arena me with other 3 full pug players vs a "perfect team" (as said one team mate): 2smasher operative healer and powertech tank that guarded healer (obv) so..yeah..not so good beginning but, hell "we are better!! we will win!" I said. :D


1turn: tryed to focus healer but they had more dps and we lost with 3of them alive.


2turn: well..so focus two smasher and yes! won the turn! not enough heals for them :cool:


3turn: again but this time a bit of confusing, we kill the healer then tank down and 2smasher: 1 at 25/30% hp the other one at 5%hp vs me at <40/50%hp and a dps that be killed by a smasher that i killed with a shadow strike immediately after, then me vs smasher, battlereadiness pop out: dpsdpsdps, I killed the last remaining at 120hp! 120! so lucky :eek::D but epic anyway. really fun arena!


I played with Dvoechnica and nedova and another that i don't remember.




That is awesome! I had a similar game against one of my guildmates that I actually lost, but there was just me on my Slinger against a Shadow at the end. I died with him having literally 10 health left. It was that close. SO MUCH ADRENALINE! I'd rather have 1 of those games than 5 easy wins that are boring, honestly!

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This happened just the other night on ToFN, so hopefully some imps will see......:cool:


We started the CW match fairly well - capping grass and snow and holding our own at mid until they took it. Then they reinforced snow and just blew us away. I mean, they went through the 4 or so that were there like a hot knife through butter. The battle was over at that point, though the match had barely begun.


What came next was a slaughter, on top of a massacre. Soon they had us trapped on the spawn and it was instant death to jump down, even in numbers. Unless, like me, you're a stealthy shadow:D


I slipped into invisibility and crept past the battle line towards midpoint. No one noticed, so intent were they on the bloodletting. I could barely believe it when I reached the node unopposed. Neither could the imps when they saw the node switch colour.


From that point on I barely drew my sabre. It was a constant battle just to stay alive, leaping in and out of stealth to interrupt and mez, stun, nudge or do anything I could to interrupt them while my teamates threw themselves into the meatgrinder at mid. I was a true Shadow .. never engaging directly, always slipping into the action from the unexpected angle to stop our foe progressing.


And somehow - through my constant harassment and my team's selfless, repeated, bloody-minded sacrifices -we made it. We had held mid and grass despite overwhelming odds! Then the counter ticked over that magic halfway point. We could win with one node!


We fell back, leaving them to capture mid as we mounted a last stand at Grass against the full might of the imps. But something had changed. Their attack, so unremitting at the start of the match, was disjointed and patchy. We held firm. Their will had been broken. Before the round was over, they had been defeated.


Never had victory been so sweet. :rak_03:


It is amazing what one person can do for morale! Good on ya!

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On Jung Ma server, we were playing Huttball (I hate Huttball) & I was bugged in that all my AOE abilites were not working (could not get the target to appear) needless to say this affected my Thow Huttball ability too. I was playing as my Tank Powertech & I killed the ball carrier giving me the ball (doh!) Since I couldn't throw the ball I just threw up my shield & started charging the goal. Although my team was shouting & begging me to throw it (they probably thought i was a noob & i couldnt stop to explain why I wasnt throwing) they quickly rallied around & threw up guards & heals. I slowly marched (I was getting every kind of move impairment possible) across the course through the fire traps (thank you Kolto Infusion) & w/ 4 opposing players beating on me the whole time to score my 1st goal ever in Huttball. After that I focused in the middle w/ a Juggernaught & we kept the majority of the opposing team tied up (the 2 of us were taking on 6 of the other team) while the rest of my team kept moving the ball into the Goal. By the end we won by a score of 4-1. That was a really good match.
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Down 100 points in AH and suckered both an assassin and sniper that were guarding the node for a sap cap. Found the assassin in stealth, started capping and he used his CC breaker. Then I used vanish and sapped the sniper and started capping. He used his CC breaker and stopped cap. Then I led the assassin next to the sniper and hit them both with a flashbang and rolled to the node and capped with about 10 seconds left.


Not a great victory perhaps but one of my favorite moments. In a novare the other team gave up and started farming medals at east. I smuggled my entire premade in at east and with the advantage of surpise 4v7 we whiped their team and took east too.

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This aint so much great as funny. I enter a ranked arena, we see the other team with fully geared operative healer, dps's, and tank to accompany that healer. Our team has only me, a commando healer, and 3 dps's.


Then the healer leaves before the match starts. You can imagine the rest:D

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Ok this was not a victory, but it was a personal victory nonetheless. We were losing hypergates horribly, loss was inevitable. So I solo rushed the imps pylon as our team fought for our pylon. There was only 1 imp, a marauder, guarding the pylon, in an intense fight, we fought, I electronetted him and dpsed from range, but he broke cc and leapt to me, stunning and dealing good damage, I cryoed him and self healed, backing away out of 4 meter range and using sticky grenade as well as hammer shot. He wasted a smash while out of range and I full autoed him, he popped a medpac and I popped mine, but I managed to dps him down and win. I capped the pylon and held it from incoming imps long enough for my team to arrive. We lost but it was still pretty good for one lone healer commando who was backfilled in the last 3 minutes of that match.
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a nova re coast, a cold and rainy day, Imps had us 100 percent to 4% we captured middle and held it all the way till they hit 0.


onetime i also saw in a civil war, the imps needing only 1 to win, and republic somehow taking all 3 and holding them, out of maybe 2000+ games I have only seen the civil war thing happen one time.

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Three level 55s players in full PvP gear attacked me (my Main, level 55 Sorc healer) on Tatooine. I was in full PvE 69s with DG relics.


They had no companions out and I had HK-51 out, allowing me to use Heroic Moment and Unify. I used Legacy: Orbital Strike, Force Choke, Flamethrower, Force Sweep, Force Storm, Dirty Kick and popped my adrenals and BA relic and just managed to kill the 3rd one with me at less than 1% hp (my bar showed 0%).


The lesson?

Don't underestimate the Typhojem Legacy pubbers!:p

Edited by AshlaBoga
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three level 55s players in full pvp gear attacked me (my main, level 55 sorc healer) on tatooine. I was in full pve 69s with dg relics.


They had no companions out and i had hk-51 out, allowing me to use heroic moment and unify. I used legacy: Orbital strike, force choke, flamethrower, force sweep, force storm, dirty kick and popped my adrenals and ba relic and just managed to kill the 3rd one with me at less than 1% hp (my bar showed 0%).


The lesson?

Don't underestimate the typhojem legacy pubbers!:p



legacy op!!!

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I've played since launch, and my most epic PvP moment happened yesterday while questing on Voss. I play a level 47 Combat Sentinel named Sandus, and my gear still has level 40 mods in it.


I was heading for the Willpower datacron located in the Old Paths region and had to clear some mobs to get there. While fighting, I was ganked by a Deception Assassin and a Pyrotech Power Tech. They blew me up and proceeded to camp my corpse. So I used the /say command to tell them, "Stay as long as you like. I have all night" and proceeded to wait them out.


Ten minutes later, they're still there, dancing and t-bagging my corpse like the pros they are. So when one of them pulled a pack of mobs, I used the opportunity to rez on the spot and head for the hills where the datacron is. As luck would have it, they noticed me and took off in hot pursuit. I kept running thinking I could get to the datacron before they got to me and hoping my health would generate. I had gotten to about 80% when the PT got close enough to open on me. I thought "I'm dead for sure" but decided to just throw myself into it and at least let them know I was there.


A few seconds later, the assassin is dead. I'm sitting at about 30% health and the PT is dropping fast. When he hits about 20%, he takes off. That's when I popped Transcendence and Force Camouflage and made it to the datacron.


I have never had a more gratifying moment in a video game than that one. Beating a couple of sociopathic little corpse campers that are a level higher than you? Life just doesn't get any better. I actually FELT like a Jedi Knight throwing down the proverbial gauntlet and dispensing a little indiscriminate justice.




P.S.: If you're gonna gank a Combat Sentinel/Carnage Marauder, make sure you know what you're in for. LOL!

Edited by RodneyMcNeely
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In a recent Civil War:


At the very start of the game my team rushed both grass and snow leaving the center to most of the ennemy group.

I was playing my assassin and so I chose to hassle them with mez and interrupt.


For un unkwnown reason the pubs tagged one by one while the others looked for me.


With Force cloak and Phase walk, they did not tagged the center after 2 minutes.

By that time reinforcement arrived and we took the center.

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My greatest ever game of huttball detailed below:


This was a PuG by the way. No premade level of co-ordination from anyone on my team. And the other team had a ton of healers. We had played this team just a second before in Voidstar, and they had *absolutely* crushed us. There was no competition. We simply couldn't get past the first door, and they broke our door withing a minute.


Then, same teams, in a game Huttball. I had backfilled into it a bit late cause I was chatting with guildies. 9 minutes left and the Imps were winning. 4-0. Then I got the AFKer kick (the stupid countdown starts when I'm in my bloody loading screen. How retarded is that? :mad: ) Then, I queue back up, and (unsurprisingly) end up in the same game. Still 4-0. 7:30 minutes on the clock. Then, the moment I enter, we just start utterly destroying the other team. It wasn't any exceptional play on my part alone. For some reason, when I showed up, everyone just suddenly started kicking ***. Passes were landing exactly where they were supposed to, the enemy was not even able to get to our catwalk. Somehow, with 30 seconds to spare, we equalized at 4-4, and won through possession.


Still have no idea what happened there. By far the best match I've had in this game.

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Playing my trooper healer in Huttball and a assasin jumps me. I knock him into the fire and he died. Later he attacked me again and i kited him to death,finished him off with electro net. A few moments later i get attacked by 1 mara and the assasin jumps me again and spamming me with lol emotes. I knock him into the fire and he dies. Someone healed me and i survived the mara aswell. Later on the assasin jumps me again and insults me. I knock him into the acid pit and stunns him. He dies again. After that wz i start to get whispers from "someone" with insults and im getting reported for cheating etc.

Loved it :)

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This was pre 55, so I'm sure it's not as epic as some of your stories. I got matched with 3 other dps (I'm vigilance guardian) in an arena match. Our team was me, a sentinel, gunslinger, and a dps shadow vs a sniper, tank assasin, op healer, and a dps jugg. The first round our team wanted to focus the healer down, so we attempted to take him out. All he did was spam probes on himself, run around, flashbang us, cloak out, reappear And heal up. Meanwhile we got pounded and 1 by 1 were killed off. So after round 1 they killed all of us and we had no kills at all. So I suggested to group they focus the jugg and I would solo the healer to try to interrupt him and keep him busy healing himself and just be a pain in his butt. Shockingly everyone was down for this tactic and actually did it. We ended up winning the next 2 rounds fairly handily.
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I'm willing to admit this was a considerable amount of luck, but it was a great win.


Huttball. 20 seconds remaining. Score 0-0. The ball carrier is rushing for the goal line, but gets knocked into the pit. I continue on, over the fire trap, and down the ramp. Standing at the edge of the pit, I open up with mortar volley onto the guys attacking our ball carrier.


Seconds before he dies, he throws the ball up to me, merely 2 or 3 steps away from scoring. I get mobbed after the first step as a load of people finally get out of the respawn area, right above my head. I get slowed, help, stuck, and start taking horrific amounts of damage.


Fortunately, everyone wasted their holds trying to keep me from the line, so when I hit my 'free self' ability, and my shield, I'm home free. I cross the line with seconds to spare, and we win 1-0.


That was my best ever Huttball match.

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At this point my greatest PvP victory would be getting into the game, #@$@!#@$ stupid "one-time" password crap.


Oh fine, here's a story... I backfill into a NC. We are down 50% to 100%. They have east and south. We have west. Big fight at south. I stealth up (shadow tank) and figure, what the heck, I might as well try it... so I sneak into the south bunker and start to cap. And take it all the way, while they fight off to the side, out of los. Heh heh. Then I die as they retaliate.


While I'm in spawn, we lose south again. I'm like, well, no way they'll let me do that again, but... hey... why not try? So I sneak back in. I start to cap. Holy smokes, they are letting me do thi... oh wait, no they didn't. They let me get about 50% cap, and then notice me and kill me. While I'm in spawn my team apparently goes, OH, THAT'S what that console is for, and they finish capping. :)


Then we hold onto both for about a 20% vs 0% win. So it just goes to show, it never hurts to at least try to cap once in a while. :D

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The time I 1v1'd Dark Yoda in a huttball match by kiting his Sin around the acid pit with a hybrid heal/tk sage. The ONLY time I ever killed him 1v1, i don't pvp much so it was a moral victory. It didn't hurt that he and I would team up to heal OPS on the pub side and i could FINALLY give him crap about killing his sin :D
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