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Bioware used to be such a good company until swtor


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SWTOR is cool,but it is true that Mass Effect is maybe the game with the best story and immersion out there in existence. - at least in the first playthrough.

I have felt all manner of emotions in that game,including genuine tears.Mass Effect is something special.Something that can hardly be described unless experienced first hand.Remember- it's very important to have zero spoilers.


The specific unique sci-fi atmosphere(most similar thing is the Bladerunner movie,but only a little) and the soundtrack are huge part of the experience.

The Mass Effect trilogy is really a masterpiece and pirating it is nothing short of a sin.

For a moment there, I thought we agreed on something, my hopes soared high.


But then this.

The end of ME3 is *censored* but it doesn't really ruin the quality of the trilogy in general.


And they came crashing down.


The ending to ME3 was awesome! ACCEPT IT.

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For a moment there, I thought we agreed on something, my hopes soared high.


But then this.



And they came crashing down.


The ending to ME3 was awesome! ACCEPT IT.


I wish I shared that opinion, but for once I agree with Kaedusz.

Edited by Selenial
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Well the main issue with the ME3 ending wasn't that it "sucked", though in my opinion it was well below my expectations, but how Bioware knowingly misled us about the features of the game.


They said it would have 16 different endings, based on my choices. False My choices were irrelevant.


They said the finale would be a culmination of all my choices in the trilogy. False My choices were irrelevant.


Casey Hudson (ME lead) specifically said the game would NOT have a Choose A, B, C ending. False The original ending was choose green, blue, or red explosions.


Mac Waters (ME lead writer) specfically said those that saved the Rachni Queen would see a different ending. False Saving the queen had no effect on ending.


I do believe that the fallout from ME3 spilled over into SWTOR. I do not think it was a coincidence that 1 month after ME3's release, SWTOR subs took a nose dive. The "gamer rage" took over and many (probably) cancelled their sub to protest the ending.

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Bioware used to be such a good company until swtor. I was addicted to swtor until I max leveled 2 characters and I was bored with the game. All this game is now is a cartel market game. not an mmo"rpg" game.

There is 0 support for roleplayers. 0. Yea we got them stupid emote chairs, but that doesn't even begin to fix the problems. Here is what I would like to see happen before the end of the year.

1. Guild Ships ( or make your ships hold more than 4 players.) Do your research. They WANT to, but at this time they cannot due to how complex the coding is and they don't repeat themselves.

2. Animated emotes (like world of warcraft ) This area is lacking really bad, the sit sucks no laying down or sleeping etc.. Well, we can wait 7 more years and you should have all the emotes that WoW has.

3. Roleplay support such as:

3a. placing objects on your ship like swg. Redundant. Coding, see #1

3b. A planet dedicated to housing. Ships would need a lot of changes to make it a substitute. They said there will never be player housing, your ship is your house. The rest see #1

3c. Starting planet guild instance (instances are already in the game) - Where a guild can have their own starting planet instance for their guild. REALLY?! You just got here didn't you? Get some background about SWTOR and then post. We have had INCREDIBLE problems just making minor changes and you want to change the game for guilds to have their own starting point? Who even dreams this stuff up?

3d. Placeable npc's for rp like swg Why? This isn't SWG.

3e. Placeable objects for rp like swg See #3d

3f. Existing chairs sitable **Grammar Police** "Allow us to sit in ALL existing chairs" Sitable isn't a word.

3g. #2 above - different sits, lay down, sleep, etc. So 3f and 3g are actually 2a and 2b so see answer #2

3h. in-game games such as pazaak YOU ARE THE WINNER!!! You are the 1,000,000 player to suggest pazaak as a mini-game. Johnny, tell him what he's won...

I could go on and on about what the game is lacking.

This game had so much potential, shame. I will miss it and hope to come back if they ever get any of these features.



I always love doing these. It's like correcting my kids homework. If you want SWG, go HERE. You want to play SWTOR, stick around, but understand this will NEVER be a sandbox game. Get it out of your head. If you don't "unlearn what you have learned", you will just have a miserable time.


While there are some finer points that need some polish, threads like this serve nothing as the Devs will not read them. They are pretty much locked from commenting on these so to post them is just beyond pointless. I know if I'm not allowed to comment on a subject, I woun't even read it. I don't want to upset myself without an outlet.


I'm going to assume, for sake of argument that you have no idea how to submit your ideas or discontent to companies. So let's look at how to make this a constructive post:

Rule #1: This is the time of the interwebs. You are probably not the first person to think it, so check the net. Google search, Bing it, how ever you serf, look for your problem. Here is what I did with Google and the search engine of these forums:

Google - PC Gamer 2011 G4 2011, SWTOR Strategies 2012 SWTOR Fansite 2013

Forum Search: Well I'll just give you the LINK. 37 when I pulled it.

Rule #2: Learn about the history of the game. Look into all the fun drama that has happened over the last 5+ years and see what has happened and what changes occurred that will affect your discussion.

Rule #3: Write your post. This seems like a duh, but it needs explanation. You don't write it on the forums, use whatever word processing program you have. If you don't have one, use the General Forum, but be prepared to copy/paste to the forum you decide it belongs (see Rule #5). Here is were you rough out your post, read, correct, re-read, etc., that you learned in English class in high school. Remember when you post, BE RESPECTFUL. Don't come off ham fisted like the OP. It's an auto-ignore and you just wasted your time writing it.

Rule #4: Final draft and Title! Here is where the polish comes and you want to make sure that you aren't repetitive or disrespectful. At this point, you want a simple, concise, title. You should be intimately familiar with your piece, so this should be simple. BUT, make sure you are not accusatory, inflammatory, or just plain trollish. Example, Title SHOULD have been: As an avid RPer, some things I'd like to see. Of course I'm assuming the main text would be rewritten, I'll post at the end what it should have looked like. This damn thing is already TOO long.

Rule #5: Find the proper forum for your post. For example, this is a suggestion and belongs in the SUGGESTION BOX forum.

Rule #6: LAST CHANCE! Do you REALLY need to hit [submit Reply]?! This by far is where 90% of my posts die. I get to the point and say, "Meh. It's been said." or "Damn, what the hell did I smoke?!" This is the last chance to avoid looking like an idiot, a troll, a hater, a defender, a... well you get it. You will be labeled once you hit that. Like it or not. So take the time to say to yourself, "Do I want people thinking of me like this?" To many times people's mouths are in motion before their brains are engaged. Forums let you get your brain engaged before the end. Use that time.




I love the game, but I've had some discontent recently when I discovered a few things missing that I've taken for granted on other, longer running games. I did my research about them, but I was wondering where you guys stand on:

  1. Guild ships
  2. Additional animated emotes
  3. Personal Transports ship customization (will we see anything with the upcoming Galactic Starfighter? plz.:D)
  4. Mini-games (Pazaak, holo-chess, swoop racing, etc.)

I'd be grateful for any kind of help with connecting me with information about these things that I may not have found, or a nod in some future Dev post to let us know where we are with this.


HEY! Maybe even a "Wall-O-Crazy" page. Something non-committal that has some of the stuff on YOUR wall of crazy so we know where you guys stand.


Anyway, thanks for your time and consideration! See you all in game.


Edited by Thylbanus
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Chat bubbles. If you want to talk about lack of support for RP, talk first about chat bubbles. It's not a big deal with one or two persons roleplaying, but try to roleplay in a medium/large group and you end up spending more time staring at the chat window and trying to figure who said what than actually roleplaying something more animated than a shoutbox.
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Chat bubbles. If you want to talk about lack of support for RP, talk first about chat bubbles. It's not a big deal with one or two persons roleplaying, but try to roleplay in a medium/large group and you end up spending more time staring at the chat window and trying to figure who said what than actually roleplaying something more animated than a shoutbox.

They already said, no chat bubbles. The coding already causes lag due to the Chat window, if we had bubbles, they would never be able to put more than 10 people on the Fleet station.

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I found the ending to be... odd. Certainly not deserving of the hate it received


That's true.I am not hating it,but quality wise ,it doesn't match the rest of the game.It is odd lore wise and choices made so far wise.


The ending dlc fixed some of it,but it is still not something you would except from ME trilogy ,quality wise.

Edited by Kaedusz
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I found the ending to be... odd. Certainly not deserving of the hate it received, but I thought it was a good end to a trilogy such as this.
It was a morality ending, rather than a boss battle ending that everyone was expecting, so in that sense came across as 'odd' because it was a surprise. And I think also for that reason that it went over a lot of people's heads, and they just failed to grasp it.


Now I'm not saying that these people are stupid or anything, when I first played the ending I was initially perplexed and had to give it some deep thought. But once I did I suddenly understood just how damn profound the ending was and how it brought together all the philosophical themes that had been running through the game. My reaction: wow.


So yeah, it was a risky move on BioWare's part but for me it payed off. A standard take down Harbinger ending would have been lack luster and anti-climatic, and I really don't feel there was much way your choices could have been factored in. Altogether though I feel it was a great ending, and I love it love it love it. Which makes me smug. :p

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Well the main issue with the ME3 ending wasn't that it "sucked", though in my opinion it was well below my expectations, but how Bioware knowingly misled us about the features of the game.


They said it would have 16 different endings, based on my choices. False My choices were irrelevant.


They said the finale would be a culmination of all my choices in the trilogy. False My choices were irrelevant.


Casey Hudson (ME lead) specifically said the game would NOT have a Choose A, B, C ending. False The original ending was choose green, blue, or red explosions.


Mac Waters (ME lead writer) specfically said those that saved the Rachni Queen would see a different ending. False Saving the queen had no effect on ending.


I do believe that the fallout from ME3 spilled over into SWTOR. I do not think it was a coincidence that 1 month after ME3's release, SWTOR subs took a nose dive. The "gamer rage" took over and many (probably) cancelled their sub to protest the ending.

Now while I understand this common complaint, I feel it emerges from our chronic focus on 'the end results' - which takes priority thanks to our socially conditioning.


But anyway, I'm not going to give you a psychology lesson. What I'm saying is that your choices do matter, they've been having an impact on the game since ME1, characters die, choose different paths, different events happen depending on whether you did X and Y, you get reputations and character etc. etc. But then at the end when that's all 'cast aside' people are lik "my choices don't matter" despite them having an impact up until then.


But nobody ever asks: why should they matter? You've been on this awesome adventure with all these friends and you've made lots of decisions and yeah that's impacted your personal journey. But we are talking about the fate of the gosh darn galaxy here. Nobody cares if you saved that guy that one time somewhere, or if Wrex died or not. Let's face it there is no feasible way in which that can impact the sheer magnitude of the choice your given.


So what I'm saying is, try not to have such a blinkered perspective. Here's a cliche for you: its not the destination that matters, but the journey. And I think people forget all those awesome times they had up until the ending.

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I found the ending to be... odd. Certainly not deserving of the hate it received, but I thought it was a good end to a trilogy such as this.


I understand what you mean, but I can easily understand why people hated it, we had nurtured a character through three games (plus DLC) and in the end we had to choose how he/she died, three games worth of defeating the odds, and always surviving, and in the end we can't save him/her. If there had been some wimpy way out, that would have sent the reapers back to sleep for another thousand years or so, but we could have saved Shepard, then I feel most of us would have been happy.

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