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Was quitting WoW worth it?


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While playing WoW I enjoyed healing and had no lag or any issues during pvp. I am very upset with the healing and fps in SWTOR... I had very high expectations for this game and its quickly falling, how are you suppose to heal when raid frames aren't updating. Right now I have to follow one person around and just heal them because I can' heal anyone else efficiently. But I'm curious on what other people's opinion on my 2 complaints.
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While playing WoW I enjoyed healing and had no lag or any issues during pvp. I am very upset with the healing and fps in SWTOR... I had very high expectations for this game and its quickly falling, how are you suppose to heal when raid frames aren't updating. Right now I have to follow one person around and just heal them because I can' heal anyone else efficiently. But I'm curious on what other people's opinion on my 2 complaints.


This is day 3 bro... U should of seen wows pvp on day 3. Oh yeah....

The targeting will get better for healers trust me, they will be on top of patching games into the game, but it's day 3 and although it might be frustrating at times for healers, just tough it out and be rewarded later...or u can go play wow...

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110% Worth it! Yes this game has some problems but overall this was hands down the best most polished launch I have ever seen for a new MMO and really look forward to what BW does next. The PvE so far is pretty good, not WoW TBC good but good and its PvP is exactly what one would expect for a fresh MMO, its good enough but could use some more bells and whistles.
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While playing WoW I enjoyed healing and had no lag or any issues during pvp. I am very upset with the healing and fps in SWTOR... I had very high expectations for this game and its quickly falling, how are you suppose to heal when raid frames aren't updating. Right now I have to follow one person around and just heal them because I can' heal anyone else efficiently. But I'm curious on what other people's opinion on my 2 complaints.

WOW hasn't been a pvpers friend in a long time. Its best version was TBC and that was a B to C pvp game to a lot of people.


Also don't forget that, WOW's next expansion answered that question for most of the pvp base over 15 years old. As a gamer, your dignity is worth more than something that rips this off:



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This is day 3 bro... U should of seen wows pvp on day 3. Oh yeah....

The targeting will get better for healers trust me, they will be on top of patching games into the game, but it''s day 3 and although it might be frustrating at times for healers, just tough it out and be rewarded later...or u can go play wow...


WoW didn''t have BGs on day 3

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Let''s talk about day 3 in wow for a min...wait THERE WASN''T A DAY 3!!!! the servers had to be brought down because every time you looted you got stuck in the kneeling position and ran around like you where in goldeneye 007. The lag at launch was horrific for wow. If and only if you made it to Tauren mill and had the chance to pvp sence open world was the only way. The enemy was un targetable because he looked like the guys from jumper. And if you tried to heal a guy standing right next to you you would get the "out of range" text wow day 100 was da worse then swtor is now. Check your account logs there is a reason you got free days play time.
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Wow spoiled you. They''ve been polishing it for 7 years. This game has been out for one day. It''s good to point out problems so they can be fixed, but it''s also good to step back and take a look at the whole situation before you judge.




Too many spoiled players that joined WoW during WOTLK era.

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In the beginning of World of Warcraft, there was pvp in Hillsbrad/southshore mostly..

Until bg's came. On Ravencrest EU - Alliance did win 1 AV each week.. After a 12/24 hour battle.

Yes wow PvP has come along way, what is ruin the game is, that they have mainstreamed it too much..


I have been doing abit world pvp on tattooine today, I was ravaged - but it was still fun!


I agree that they have to change the brackets in the bg's - like 10's - 20's ect.. and the 50's in their own brackets.


I understand that people want instant pops on their queues, but it is not worth it in the long run IMO!

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Lololol wow pvp was far worst then swtor.....it didn't have arena...no1 even pvped because the rewards where pathetic... Pvp was born towards end of venilla /tbc. Eagles is bringing out rated pvp matches, and there not dumb so if they want to keep fans they will bring somehing like arena. It's idiotic to actually judge how tthere doing till couple months,as someone said wow had 7 years to develop on people Nd fans opinions, this hasn't even been out a week calm down, if they can get macros and addons in this will be pretty amazing.


Also in couple months time when most people are 50, most likely they will have a seperated bracket for just them

Edited by Hilnarox
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