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Increasing Guild Cap


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As Per the title suggestion


Increase the guild cap to 1500 members


I have submitted a ticket for this the body of which contains my argument and reasoning and have copied it below


would request as many people support this as possible


I know the line given is its a complex thing - but it cannot be that hard to change /associate xx number of people with XXXXXXXXXXXXX guild name.


ticket as below


Guild Management


Hello - I would like t get a response on what the likelihood of you increasing the guild cap would be - I run this guild on Republic side {Veritas Et Aequiats} which is constantly hitting the member cap of 500 characters. In a game where you can have up to 16-24 Alts per person on the one server you can imagine how this limits the ability of people to function as a guild - Creating secondary guilds and in game channels to talk is a pain in the rear - guilds form the basis of most mmo communities - restricting the ability of them to grow beyond a very low member cap is restricting the ability of your community to grow - is this being adjusted upwards - and soon ?


a suggested cap would be a minimum of 1500 players (may sound like a lot but with the potential of just 7 or 8 actual people per 100 characters it is actually very small





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I also agree the cap should be raised. I can't think of a good reason for there to be a cap at all really... If there needs to be one, maybe they could make it something ridiculously high like 5000 members. If not... 1500 members is still better than 500. :p


EDIT: Forgot to ask that it be done as soon as possible... It's been a huge annoyance for long enough.

Edited by Kufuffelupagus
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