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Why Only 2 xp weekend on us holliday's


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It's already been mentioned by others that it's a U.S. game/company - they're bound to do certain promotions on U.S. holidays. A large amount of the player base is there too. As someone from Britain I don't see what the problem is. If they were British they might add a promotion on the 5th of November. We still get the promotion, but it's not geared around the specific celebrations of our own countries. Big deal.


The 5th of november would be kind of cool...Guy Fawkes Jedi ftw :D

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It's already been mentioned by others that it's a U.S. game/company - they're bound to do certain promotions on U.S. holidays. A large amount of the player base is there too. As someone from Britain I don't see what the problem is. If they were British they might add a promotion on the 5th of November. We still get the promotion, but it's not geared around the specific celebrations of our own countries. Big deal.


The US also being the 3rd most populated country in the world likely also has something to do with it.

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I'm in the UK and find this blatant favouritism towards American holidays to be a total slap in the face!!


Lol only kidding :) I have no problem at all with a focus on American holidays...the game is made by an American studio and has a large chunk of the player base in the states too. If BW catered to every playing country's we would be in an almost perpetual state of double xp and that would ruin the point of it completely...


It must be a slow day in the forum QQ factory if this is even an issue...



Edited by ImperialSun
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Why should we celebrate for the us? it is just a country like any other counry in the world?


Not even sure how to answer this as I'm not sure what your contention is.


The question on the board is in regard to why this game does not celebrate foreign holidays, not the "forcing" of others to participate.


Either way, the answer to both is that its an American Game, and this argument we see here is just more entitlement mentality, where players from other countries are not just happy that we have the vastness of the internet that finally allows them to play games from any country, but that those games should now mold themselves to the customs and traditions of said other countries.


I mean, at the very least, imagine the complexity involved in celebrating the occasions of every country in the world. LOL If nothing else, it is an impossible feat to accomplish logistically.


I mean, what sort of heinous names would us American's be called if we demanded that some German run game, some Chinese game celebrate our Holiday? LOL ....but that does not count right....because the self centered nature of the entitlement mentality precludes one from viewing a problem empathetical, or, in fact, beyond not even the ego stage, but the Id stage of development.

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Being german myself I am highly surprised to find out that people here celebrate pilgram fathers sponging off the natives, when it would probably have been in their best interest to scalp them instead. Thanksgiving may have originated from religions fanatics (or the natives) who may have had a vague idea of a harvest festival similar to german erntedankfest, but today's incarnation of thanksgiving has almost nothing in common with it anymore.


Ironically, canadian thanksgiving is quite similar to german 'thanksgiving', so maybe that's what you are confusing here.


So German good, American bad. LOL How about you just be honest and say that. ;p


....but first learn what you are talking about as our thanksgiving is nothing of the sort, and your egregious attack is no more or less insulting then me calling you Germans a bunch of holicostic Nazi pigs. Right? ...or do we only call into account those aspects of history that support your hate?


Put the reigns down, step off the high horse, back away slowly. ;p

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Listen you ingrates. This is 'Murica. Our holidays are celebrated 'ROUND THE WORLD! If BW decides to give double xp on Independence Day, it's going to be on July 4th, because THAT'S THE DAY WHEN THE WORLD WAS MADE INDEPENDENT!


But seriously, where's my double XP during Hanu-Rama-Kwanz-mas?


LOL, outstanding.

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Lol! This thread has been humrous... aside from the WWII reference.


But just to clarify, is the complaint that there aren't more double xp weekends or that they fall on the wrong holidays? The later doesn't matter because double XP still occurs.


No you went and inserted logical analysis into the thread......and ruined everything.....

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