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Subscriber rewards...


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I was just thinking, as a human being I like to keep things real. Also, as a subscriber I like people to know how valued subscribers feel. In addition to our "monthly stipend" please could you also

. I feel, as a subscriber, that it truly highlights what it means to be a subscriber.


Thanks in advance.


[ding dong bannu?]

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You know.. subscriber rewards in the classic MMO sense are for subscriber only MMOs.. which are a dying breed.




As a subscriber, I am rewarded every day by being given unrestricted access to game content and features (unlike the freebs). Personally, I like that.


As a subscriber, I received a whompus pile of Cartel Coins a year ago when the game switched to a flexible access business model.. and I have received a whompus amount of coins in the last year as well. I have used a good number of those 11,000+ free coins to unlock collections and other features FOR FREE, and I definitely feel rewarded. I have never needed to purchase coins.. and I still have a nice pile of coins left today.

Edited by Andryah
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Personally speaking, I have never really understood why some players feel that they gain little from subscribing to this game. What is more confusing is who those who are saying such things are even subscribing. If you do not feel like you are getting your moneys worth, then why keep you're subscription?


You know.. subscriber rewards in the classic MMO sense are for subscriber only MMOs.. which are a dying breed.




As a subscriber, I am rewarded every day by being given unrestricted access to game content and features (unlike the freebs). Personally, I like that.


As a subscriber, I received a whompus pile of Cartel Coins a year ago when the game switched to a flexible access business model.. and I have received a whompus amount of coins in the last year as well. I have used a good number of those 11,000+ free coins to unlock collections and other features FOR FREE, and I definitely feel rewarded. I have never needed to purchase coins.. and I still have a nice pile of coins left today.


Not only that, but we subscribers now get the latest expansion almost a month before Preferred players and almost two months before F2P. Not to mention the extras we get such as the paint jobs and Gunship.

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I was just thinking, as a human being I like to keep things real. Also, as a subscriber I like people to know how valued subscribers feel. In addition to our "monthly stipend" please could you also
. I feel, as a subscriber, that it truly highlights what it means to be a subscriber.


Thanks in advance.


[ding dong bannu?]


FFS, just unsub then. It's so simple - you feel that it's value for money, then pay it. If you don't, then unsub. No one is forcing you to do either, so make your choice, take responsibility for it, then ****.

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I still feel a subscriber OR veteran reward system (one that rewards subscriptions, another that rewards time played regardless of sub or not) would increase the game's overall appeal.


It also might, in the latter case, convince some players to return and perhaps give the game a try now as a result.


A system like this would work IMO.

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I get 500 free coins every month, unlimited access to content, increased levelling speed, I've had pets, soon to get a mount and I'm getting access to SPAIS PEEVEEPEE!! a month earlier than preferred status players.


Other than the devs coming around to your house to bake cake and clean your house what exactly are you looking for here?

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I get 500 free coins every month, unlimited access to content, increased levelling speed, I've had pets, soon to get a mount and I'm getting access to SPAIS PEEVEEPEE!! a month earlier than preferred status players.


Other than the devs coming around to your house to bake cake and clean your house what exactly are you looking for here?


something they can use to lord it over all the free to play and perfered players something, they and only they will have. problem is, beyond passive things, like what we already have, this'd fail miserably, for example, useing the GSF package. I garntee you that come january we're gonna have prefered players with the "subscriber unique" gunship skin. because subscribers can DOWNGRADE at any time,

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I actually feel like the devs are giving us a daily dose of this

with our subs, especially when they say they're not going to extend our individual and personal companion and class stories.


In fact, the guy in that vid? He was probably a sub once, and that's his reaction after hearing they're not doing individual class story extensions. It's pretty much what I'll be doing if they don't. Except I won't be funny. I'll be mean. :mad:

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I was just thinking, as a human being I like to keep things real. Also, as a subscriber I like people to know how valued subscribers feel. In addition to our "monthly stipend" please could you also
. I feel, as a subscriber, that it truly highlights what it means to be a subscriber.


Thanks in advance.


[ding dong bannu?]


Huh? Are you expecting getting paid or get gifts, when you go to circus watch clowns for a laugh?


Computer games is form of entertainment, gifts expectation is like expecting being bribed for playing a game.

And that is what studios started doing, they started bribing players, that peoples would pay to play their games.


F2P and all types of "lotteries", like cartel packs is for suckers really, you like game, you play it, you don't like game, you don't play it.


I was playing WoW for 5 years because that time game was my favourite and I did not cared about anniversary fluff, what Blizz sent to me every year. Also I did not spent a single penny in their shop to buy their digital junk, so called special items, all I needed, I got in game.

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FFS, just unsub then. It's so simple - you feel that it's value for money, then pay it. If you don't, then unsub. No one is forcing you to do either, so make your choice, take responsibility for it, then ****.


Ats not how entitlement works. One must have unlimited content for the price of a 1/4 cup of morning coffee, plus something to make them feel special.....all while maintaining the right to complain that its still not enough. LOL

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I actually feel like the devs are giving us a daily dose of this
with our subs, especially when they say they're not going to extend our individual and personal companion and class stories.


In fact, the guy in that vid? He was probably a sub once, and that's his reaction after hearing they're not doing individual class story extensions. It's pretty much what I'll be doing if they don't. Except I won't be funny. I'll be mean. :mad:


Case in point.

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I still feel a subscriber OR veteran reward system (one that rewards subscriptions, another that rewards time played regardless of sub or not) would increase the game's overall appeal.


It also might, in the latter case, convince some players to return and perhaps give the game a try now as a result.


A system like this would work IMO.


TOR not having a Vet system is one of it's biggest turnoffs imo, this screams that BW never expects anyone to stay more than a month or so...a vet system would change that and give an incentive to stay.

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Case in point.


What's the matter, don't you want to see individual class and companion story extensions?


If you don't, that's your prerogative, but as a sub, I'm allowed to communicate how I feel, to the powers that be, about what is important to me and many others, and that's what I'm doing. I feel like Bioware isn't listening to us, they don't want to hear anything we have to say. I don't accept that, and I'm going to keep letting them know that I feel extending the individual class and companion stories is important.

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$15 a month is a bargain for what I get in return but there needs to be a better legacy reward system. It's cool that you can unlock legacy armor at levels 10 and 20, but then what? Ya Living Legend is a cool title but how about Living Legend armor that gets updated a few times a year? Nothing re-skinned, make them unique.
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