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What's the name of the Sith Warrior only armor?


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I don't think there was ever armor that looked exactly like that but there used to be the Tionese/Columi/Rakata set that looked similar. Those have since been removed from the game so you cannot get those pieces any more.


That set had the gloves, pants, and boots for sure. The chest looked similar but not identical (looked much worse actually, if it looked like that pic I probably would have worn it for longer). Not sure about the head or the belt.

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this used to be the OLD End Game pve set for mara\jugg


you can get same set look from somone with synthweaving combined with level 53 blue drops


Actually for the jugg it was only for dps juggs not tanks as tanks had a different helmet.


I gotta say that one if my favorite armors in the game is the sith champion armor but I'm still missing the belt and bracers for it.

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