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Pot5 Shout outs


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  • 2 weeks later...
A shout out to the 37k hp marauder that graced us with his presence during solo ranked queue's last night!!! We were not able to see u perform though because u left before the 1st round even started!!! I think I can speak for the entire team when I say....thank you....we truly appreciated the 3 vs 4 experience. :cool:
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A shout out to the 37k hp marauder that graced us with his presence during solo ranked queue's last night!!! We were not able to see u perform though because u left before the 1st round even started!!! I think I can speak for the entire team when I say....thank you....we truly appreciated the 3 vs 4 experience. :cool:

I have no doubt it would have been a 3v4 with him there, even if he stayed. So yeah. But the people who leave before the match starts in ranked should DIAF IRL. ...well maybe thats harsh. But yeah.

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  • 5 weeks later...
Shout-out to Meatsnapple for troll-rolling faster than lightning to the first Voidstar doors and planting in less than 12 seconds every game. You rock buddy. And to anyone who has problems with that and wants to make a complaint, I encourage you to visit his complaint page at http://www.meatsnapple.com



Shoutout to Coolyosh for always being within 10m of me when I nanotech.

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Shoutout to Coolyosh for always being within 10m of me when I nanotech.


Shoutout to Kaypow for healing Meaty and I and not ditching our *** when we occasionally get bloodthirsty and spawn camp. And for being a cool guy and keeping true to his heals and not spec'ing FOTM DPS.

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Shoutout to Kaypow for healing Meaty and I and not ditching our *** when we occasionally get bloodthirsty and spawn camp. And for being a cool guy and keeping true to his heals and not spec'ing FOTM DPS.




I will never be the dps you want me to be.


I'd rather play operative tank.

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Shout out to all the Republic DPS that actually focus fire marked targets.


Both of you.




This made me laugh!!! Sorry, for posting in here with out a "shout"! I just could not help myself!


Awe, what the heck, here is a shout out to the quoted poster for...keeping it real! Haha

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