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Rewards for F2P? You're joking right...


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Is this a joke? They contribute nothing to the game, they get to play the game completely free, and on top of that, they're being rewarded with the same two awesome looking armor sets that everyone else pays for the game is awarded?

Honestly, I thought it would've been enough of a reward to actually be able to play the game, and to benefit from the content that they didn't at all pay for. But adding insult to injury, they're making the same armor sets that are available for the people that pay for the people that play for free as well.


F2P do contribute to the game...they are here adding to server pops and whilst BW have stated subs spend more in the CM, F2P undoubtedly do spend in the CM too.


Why is it a problem for you OP? Let them have the flight suits...we get a couple of months extra to get our ships geared / levelled and get used to the new pvp system. Thats a preferable advantage to any pvper right?


Chances are unless the flight suits are BOP that F2P would have them via GTN purchase anyway?



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Yet another step, another load of crap shoveled upon anyone who pays for this game and isnt brain dead.


I see you are still active. :D


Its merely a matter of time before there arent any subscribers left.


Protip: True for every MMO ever made.


And in other prognostication news....... this just in.....an archeology team will dig up your house sometime in the distant future and find ghost images if SWTOR still burned in to the face of your computer screen. :p

Edited by Andryah
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If he's going waste that kind of money on the CM, why doesn't he just buy a sub? bigger bang for you buck with CC anyways.


I keep telling him the same thing. The problem is he only plays every few months, and he comes back for a few weeks to a month or two. Something about forgetting to cancel recurring sub, inconvenient, he would feel the need to play more if he subscribed, etc, etc.


Last time he played was 4 months ago. Now he is back and will most likely quit in a few weeks or maybe a month tops.

But he already gave EAware his $60, so I am sure they don't mind.


In 4-6 more months he will come back and do it all over again.

I know lots of Froobs that open hundreds worth of packs from the CM. Why? I have NO IDEA. :rak_02:

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Is this a joke? They contribute nothing to the game, they get to play the game completely free, and on top of that, they're being rewarded with the same two awesome looking armor sets that everyone else pays for the game is awarded?

Honestly, I thought it would've been enough of a reward to actually be able to play the game, and to benefit from the content that they didn't at all pay for. But adding insult to injury, they're making the same armor sets that are available for the people that pay for the people that play for free as well.

I love Elitosauruses. They contribute plenty. Without them, we would not have many of the subs we have now. Without them we would not populate PvP, WZ, Ops, and FP. Without them we would be some lonely people without others to play with. Without them, well this game may not even be here.


Stop your irrational hate an enjoy the fact that these people are the reason you even have a game to play.

Edited by Thylbanus
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The OP is absolutely right. Bioware is catering solely to free players who are stealing content us hard-working subs who are the only reason the game is even alive. I mean, those thieves are allowed to are allowed to access the content a full TWO MONTHS after it's released? How dare Bioware do this. And they are getting TWO new armor sets? Not to mention if those thieves pretend to be loyal players and pay $4.99 once, they get it just ONE whole month late? On top of getting a title? IMHO, Bioware is cheating us out of our money, they're giving us free content two months early, and half a dozen free cosmetic items. Surely this is cheating right?


If your sarcasm detector didn't detect this, I strongly advise you change the batteries :D

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The OP is absolutely right. Bioware is catering solely to free players who are stealing content us hard-working subs who are the only reason the game is even alive. I mean, those thieves are allowed to are allowed to access the content a full TWO MONTHS after it's released? How dare Bioware do this. And they are getting TWO new armor sets? Not to mention if those thieves pretend to be loyal players and pay $4.99 once, they get it just ONE whole month late? On top of getting a title? IMHO, Bioware is cheating us out of our money, they're giving us free content two months early, and half a dozen free cosmetic items. Surely this is cheating right?


If your sarcasm detector didn't detect this, I strongly advise you change the batteries :D

Hehe. Water army is out in force tonight ... multiple threads being started with identical topics is the smell they leave on fire hydrants. Beautifully gauche. Edited by GalacticKegger
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Dear over entitled moron


Free to play players contribute by spending money in the cash shop, spreading word about the game and possibly subscribing, don't forget some people aren't subs because of chaotic work schedules, showing appreciation to anyone playing is always a good thing, this isn't a bad thing.

Edited by Twickers
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Dear over entitled moron


Free to play players contribute by spending money in the cash shop and possibly subscribing, don't forget some people aren't subs because of chaotic work schedules, showing appreciation to anyone playing is always a good thing, this isn't a bad thing.

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Dear over entitled moron


Free to play players contribute by spending money in the cash shop and possibly subscribing, don't forget some people aren't subs because of chaotic work schedules, showing appreciation to anyone playing is always a good thing, this isn't a bad thing.


Too bad possible subs dont pay the bills. By the very act of subbing we are entitled to more than you

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This is false. You should probably speak to a developer before saying this.


Free to play players are part of the content that subscribers enjoy. Just like seat fillers at the theater and fluffers in the adult film industry, free players are great for appearances. With literally no barrier to entry (you have to have an internet connection to even play the game so the download isn't a barrier), you make it possible for the maximum number of interested (or disinterested) people to play. I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if subscribers were actually the minority of the population.


This is no different from a bar waiving cover charges until a certain time or letting women in for free. You want people inside so they have the possibility to give you money (and women do that and lead men to do that). You have zero chance of getting money in your bar's till from someone walking around the mall across the street. But if they're inside the bar, even if they got in for free, you have a chance of them leaving with fewer dollars (physical or virtual) than they came in with, to your benefit.


I'm a subscriber and I'd never think of dropping down to preferred but having bodies in a social environment is not a bad thing, especially if those additional bodies can possibly produce revenue (either directly or by spurring others to do so). Imagine the Chicken Littles that would scurry out of hiding (like roaches in the projects) if the populations of the fleets dropped into the 50s in prime time.



Hard to explain this to kidds....

Edited by Fendrich
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Did you miss where I said spending money in the cash shop? Clearly you did, English is hard right?


Oh pssh. Elitosaurs don't know how F2P have to dish out cash to have even be able to play the game without pulling one's hairs out. They think F2Pers get full access to everything they (think) they are entitled to.

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Too bad possible subs dont pay the bills. By the very act of subbing we are entitled to more than you


entitled past participle, past tense of en·ti·tle (Verb)


Give (someone) a legal right or a just claim to receive or do something.

Give (something, esp. a text or work of art) a particular title.


I keep seeing people throwing around that word, and not even knowing what it means. I'm guessing that it's the first matter (that you have a legal (thus written) right to something), in which point...you kinda aren't entitled to more than an f2p (whom by the way, can't post on the forums anyways) player. Aside from the benefits that we already get as subscribers I mean, which is all listed on the features page here


Our 'rights' as players (thus our entitlement as players) are also listed here in the EULA.


On topic, who cares? We were never promised the Galactic Star Fighter expansion, and even still, we're getting it 3 months ahead of f2pers along with 2 fancy new titles and 3 skins for our ships.

Edited by XDoggStrafe
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entitled past participle, past tense of en·ti·tle (Verb)


Give (someone) a legal right or a just claim to receive or do something.

Give (something, esp. a text or work of art) a particular title.


I keep seeing people throwing around that word, and not even knowing what it means. I'm guessing that it's the first matter (that you have a legal (thus written) right to something), in which point...you kinda aren't entitled to more than an f2p (whom by the way, can't post on the forums anyways) player. Aside from the benefits that we already get as subscribers I mean, which is all listed on the features page here


Our 'rights' as players (thus our entitlement as players) are also listed here in the EULA.


On topic, who cares? We were never promised the Galactic Star Fighter expansion, and even still, we're getting it 3 months ahead of f2pers along with 2 fancy new titles and 3 skins for our ships.


If it werent for subs you wouldnt have a free game to play. Yeah actually you prove my point. By subbing we are entitled to more than you. Per bioware statements under subscriber benefits and perks. You however are not entitled to them yet they see fit to give them

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If it werent for subs you wouldnt have a free game to play. Yeah actually you prove my point. By subbing we are entitled to more than you. Per bioware statements under subscriber benefits and perks. You however are not entitled to them yet they see fit to give them


First off, you could stop with the second-person usage of F2P. The people you're talking to here are not F2P, they're just non-Elitosauroid Subscribers.


Second: So because you pay $12 a month, you are entitled to a game? Well guess what? You have EVERYTHING a subscriber could possibly need out of this game. You get a free 500 coins every month. You have full access to everything, and free access to the digital expansion (RotHC) a lot of F2Pers will have to pay for if they're here for the story. You have access to the best gear, F2Pers are not allowed to wear. You have access to a 25% XP boost while levelling, plus the Rested XP boosts, plus any boosts you get from the cash shop with the free coins you get. You can have 100 million creds, while F2P get a whooping 200k (or 350k max). They have restricted access to ALL forms of fun (5 warzones a week, 5 operations a week, 3 Flashpoint boss loot rolls a week).


An F2Per, who wants to advance his game beyond pulling his hair because everything he sees has a "Subscriber-only" tag attached to it, has to spend a MINIMUM of $40 to even get half of what you get. Then, he has to spend about $5 every month to have access to warzones and stuff, plus another $5 or so if he wants med probes and XP boosts.


That's $40 up front, plus $10 every month. Compared to your $12 every month. If a Subscriber and a F2P start playing at the same time, it takes 20 months before the Sub balances out the how much the F2Per already payed, and only after that are the Subs paying a measly $2 more than the F2P.


But remember, the F2Per pays this much *just* for his needs. For the consmetic wants, and QoL items, he has to actually BUY more Cartel Coins, not save up his monthly allowance of them, he has to BUY them. When 2.0 was released, and presumably when 3.0 will be, he dished out (and presumably will dish out) $20, while you had to only pay $10 (and can get it for free now).


If you say, "But they just buy it off the GTN!" it doesn't matter. The item was sold because they bought. If the demand for Artifact Equipment Authorization suddenly fell, no one sell them, and Bioware would lose 1200 CCs worth of money for every F2Per in the game.


Compare an F2Per who uses a lot of CCs, to a Subscriber who uses a lot of CCs, and you'll know that the F2Per is actually getting the short end of the stick for paying a LOT more.

Edited by EzioMessi
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This is a hybrid freemium system. Though they may have lagged behind a bit in making subs feel they are getting a proper value for their sub they are improving on this front IMO.


The intent of giving F2P certain perks is to draw in new players. That is a good thing for the game IMO, not a bad thing.

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If it werent for subs you wouldnt have a free game to play. Yeah actually you prove my point. By subbing we are entitled to more than you. Per bioware statements under subscriber benefits and perks. You however are not entitled to them yet they see fit to give them


First off, I'm a subscriber so you really need to drop the whole "You f2pers" shtick, it's getting old, I've explained to you that you can't even post here without subscribing to the game. Second, how exactly does someone subscribing ensure a player has a f2p version of the game? Last I checked, Bioware tried that subscription only method, failed at something new for various reasons, and moved over to the current model as of November 15th 2012, and has stuck with said model as it appears to be working for them.


So, while you're free to say that subscribers are paying the lights for this game, it's also a fair guess that the players who spend hundreds of dollars on cartel coins are the ones who are really bringing in the revenue stream that EA wants/expects.


Also, as I linked earlier, under the features content, Nowhere does it mention these shiny new space suits or the SSSP being only for subscribers. In fact, it's not listed there at all, so no. You are not entitled to it while a free to play player is shafted on it.

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So if you are a sub why would you argur against me? Firs off you telling me i get everythig i deserve is your opinion. Secondly wanting more is not elitist, its human nature


Soubds like you are arguing just for arguments sake. You have no right to tell me what im entitled to and i stated what i was entitled to based of bioware statement. Stop acting like you are some f2players hero crusading for them. I and i alone determine what i think i deserve. As long as the keep increasing non sub benefits the. It only makes sense to increase sub benefits to keep the parity beneficial


How are we paying for the game? How are we NOT paying for it. Obviously you cant pay bills based off of one time purchases as im sure f2p players spend hundreds every month and is not reliable because they buy stuff get bored and leave

Oh boy i get an expansion earlier that i wont even play. So ya that makes sense make a minigame expansion that a small percent will play vs a real expansion that everyone wants and woud play. Hell id rather just have my class balanced. What is so hard about lettig us choose our rewards? You can have your minigame content and id get my balance or crystal. Why would t they impliment somethig that makes everyone happy and is a win win? Because its bioware

One time unreliable purchases dont pay bills smart guy id like to meet the idiot that spends 200 bucks every month

Edited by mmjarec
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So if you are a sub why would you argur against me?

Because you're saying that anyone who doesn't pay a subscription is essentially a pariah that deserves nothing but the scraps that are tossed to them. When in all honesty, there ARE players who spend more than the price of a subscription on cartel coins just for random cartel items. But you're saying they're entitled to nothing because they don't pay the arbitrary 12 - 16 dollars a month


Firs off you telling me i get everythig i deserve is your opinion.

I typed it, so of course it's my opinion I didn't think I needed to add "In my opinion" to every last post I make. It also doesn't change the fact that it's based on the use of the word Entitlement that you keep throwing around and that in no way does bioware/ea owe -any- of us anything legally. We are renting the game under their rules.


Secondly wanting more is not elitist, its human nature

I never said wanting more is elitist. Your behavior is coming off as elitist because you're looking down on one group simply because of an arbitrary line in the sand. What of people who bought the CE? Or those who spend $200+ a month on the game? Are they entitled to more than you or I to new free content? The way you're arguing your point makes it sound like that's your point of view on things, and if it's not? Then I'm obviously mistaken and I'll retract my statement. But as it stands now, that's how it looks to me. That whoever pays the most, has the most rights, and it's a very short sighted way of thinking. (I better add In my opinion, less you construe this as me presenting facts again.)


Soubds like you are arguing just for arguments sake. You have no right to tell me what im entitled to and i stated what i was entitled to based of bioware statement.

No, you're right. I don't. But what I do have the 'right' as you keep putting it, is to remind you that bioware/ea decides who has what rights in their games. Clearly they decided subscribers are not entitled to being the only ones in the new space suits or playing the new war zone. (Which frankly, the suits look damned stupid. I much prefer the older covert pilot armor. But that's subjective.)


Stop acting like you are some f2players hero crusading for them. I and i alone determine what i think i deserve. As long as the keep increasing non sub benefits the. It only makes sense to increase sub benefits to keep the parity beneficial

The majority of this has degraded into hostile attitude and personal attacks, so I'll be straight to the point. They have given people an incentive to purchase a subscription. It's called early access. We get to play in those cool new space arenas around 2 full months before f2pers, and one month or so before preferred access players. In the end, we get to play it first, and build up skills strategies etc. long before anyone else will even set foot into those arenas.


How are we paying for the game? How are we NOT paying for it. Obviously you cant pay bills based off of one time purchases as im sure f2p players spend hundreds every month and is not reliable because they buy stuff get bored and leave


One time unreliable purchases dont pay bills smart guy id like to meet the idiot that spends 200 bucks every month


If these one time purchases weren't helping at all, and it really -was- all subscribers, why are we still in the f2p model then? Why hasn't Bioware/EA simply closed the gates on non subs entirely? Because ultimately, it brings in the amount of revenue that -they- (being EA) want to see from the game. The CM market obviously brings in a decent amount of cash to EA, and the casual players bring in a decent amount of expendable income to ensure both are needed.



That should suffice for an answer as to why I'm arguing with you. Though I consider it more like debating as I'm not even in the slightest bit angry (being angered or frustrated would constitute this as an argument to me.)

Edited by XDoggStrafe
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Did you miss where I said spending money in the cash shop? Clearly you did, English is hard right?
Might be a Dartmouth fratpack thing. I couldn't afford an Ivy League school myself, so that level of psycholinguistics is probably beyond my comprehension level. Keep hearing this play in my head when I think about it ...
Edited by GalacticKegger
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