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<The Drunk Tanks> Open World PvP Event #2!


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Great event guys :)! I'd say there were some very fun exchanges even though we needed more people at times. If anyone wants to have a look at the event from the pub side perspective, check out my recording here. Looking forward to the next one!
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Like others said, an annoying factor in the battle was the base guards pushing the imps back everytime, this made the battle lean towards the Republic's favor. Maybe next time fight in a location where they aren't as much of a threat?


It was still a lot of fun, looking forward to the next event :)

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Like others said, an annoying factor in the battle was the base guards pushing the imps back everytime, this made the battle lean towards the Republic's favor. Maybe next time fight in a location where they aren't as much of a threat?


It was still a lot of fun, looking forward to the next event :)


Most important question: Did the Republic win and held back against the imps? I had to leave around 7-8ish.

Edited by ZirusZero
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Yes I would say they basically won.


I must have some dumbfounded luck when it came to choosing servers then. Most of the open world PvP i've done ended with the pubs winning. Perhaps it has to do with creativity or sheer numbers. Something along that line. *sheds tears of joy*


Anyways, lets hope the next place is better than Oricron, and I don't mind NPC guards one bit.

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Yes I would say they basically won.


Uh, no. Imperials won every engagement hands down. The only reason we didn't own the Pub base and begin cloner camping was because of the 10+ 350khp guards. We noted that every time we pushed into the base and got engaged by the guards, we started dropping. We tested and held just outside their aggro range and never lost a single person while raking in kills by the score.


Not really being biased here, as stated I was going with whatever side was going to be lacking in manpower. Imperials owned this event, so I'll probably be on my Sentinel next one. Good event, too much lag to really be effective but it was still an enjoyable couple hours. Thanks again to Shadow for setting this up.

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Uh, no. Imperials won every engagement hands down. The only reason we didn't own the Pub base and begin cloner camping was because of the 10+ 350khp guards. We noted that every time we pushed into the base and got engaged by the guards, we started dropping. We tested and held just outside their aggro range and never lost a single person while raking in kills by the score.


Not really being biased here, as stated I was going with whatever side was going to be lacking in manpower. Imperials owned this event, so I'll probably be on my Sentinel next one. Good event, too much lag to really be effective but it was still an enjoyable couple hours. Thanks again to Shadow for setting this up.

I would hardly say "every engagement". There were a couple of times where we actually broke the siege line and had the imps running. Besides, according to OP this event was based on objectives of capturing the base, not kills. Last event was a kinda draw because I told the ops group to head to Dorn, sacking the drift hills outpost on our way, eventually devastating the main imp ops group in their main base while the recon imp group killed the guards at Aurek.
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First off I want to thank everyone for coming out last night! I believe I speak for all Drunk Tanks when I say we had a ton of fun. If you want to go back and re-watch any of the event you can check out my logged livestream. I plan on cropping out some highlights over the next week.


Secondly, I will be hosting another open world PvP event in November, more details to come as we get closer to the date I have in mind. Also I want to announce that we will also be hosting our second dueling tournament at the beginning of November!


I'll post more detailed description in a new thread shortly but basically it will be the same as the first (if you missed the first here is the thread). The only major changes will be a 50k buy-in that will increase the prizes as we get more people, and registration will be in-game an hour before the event, as opposed to the old system.




Oh yeah one more thing; we would really like to keep the Oricon PvP going to help get titles for people. If you would be interested in continuing this please let me know. That being said Oricon will not be the target of the next Open PvP Event.

Edited by DarkDecimator
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First off I want to thank everyone for coming out last night! I believe I speak for all Drunk Tanks when I say we had a ton of fun. If you want to go back and re-watch any of the event you can check out my logged livestream. I plan on cropping out some highlights over the next week.


Secondly, I will be hosting another open world PvP event in November, more details to come as we get closer to the date I have in mind. Also I want to announce that we will also be hosting our second dueling tournament at the beginning of November!


I'll post more detailed description in a new thread shortly but basically it will be the same as the first (if you missed the first here is the thread). The only major changes will be a 50k buy-in that will increase the prizes as we get more people, and registration will be in-game an hour before the event, as opposed to the old system.




Oh yeah one more thing; we would really like to keep the Oricon PvP going to help get titles for people. If you would be interested in continuing this please let me know. That being said Oricon will not be the target of the next Open PvP Event.


Thanks for hosting the event it was a load of fun! I can't wait till the next one!

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