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How do i know if im bad?


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This is mostly a pvp question, and it seems that the instant i hit lvl 30 i just start getting absolutely demolished in war-zones... Now for a while i thought it was because of the bracket change (being in there with lvl 54s...) but then i hear all sorts of people Claiming to get top dps on lvl 30 alts and so ive been forced to wonder.... am i just bad at this game?


Now to be clear, i dont expect to be topping the charts every single time, but i seem to go from doing decently well in the sub 30 bracket to being a total bottom-weight in 30>

Is this kind of thing normal or has my experience under lvl 30 just been somehow disguising my badness......


Maybe im just un-lucky in playing and having this experience with a juggernaut and a sniper.... honestly i dont know

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This is mostly a pvp question, and it seems that the instant i hit lvl 30 i just start getting absolutely demolished in war-zones... Now for a while i thought it was because of the bracket change (being in there with lvl 54s...) but then i hear all sorts of people Claiming to get top dps on lvl 30 alts and so ive been forced to wonder.... am i just bad at this game?


Now to be clear, i dont expect to be topping the charts every single time, but i seem to go from doing decently well in the sub 30 bracket to being a total bottom-weight in 30>

Is this kind of thing normal or has my experience under lvl 30 just been somehow disguising my badness......


Maybe im just un-lucky in playing and having this experience with a juggernaut and a sniper.... honestly i dont know


Something to consider is reputation (not the in-game mechanic). This comes in two parts:


1) class and spec - certain classes and specs get focused on because they perceived to be (true or not) over powered. So when an opposing team sees your sniper you might be getting the lion's share of damage dealt because they know that snipers can be deadly if not dealt with quickly.


2) your ability - if you frequent PvP at the same time each day chances are you encounter the same players over and over on both sides. If you are really good at your role, you tend to get a reputation for being so. Your opposition recognizes this and again focuses on you. Put your jugg and another side-by-side and you are the one who gets attacked first because you have a reputation for playing your jugg well.


I PvP on a sawbones scoundrel and you would be amazed at how many times six enemies attack ME and ignore everyone else just to make sure I die fast. Usually I can handle it. Oh don't get me wrong, I still die a lot, but if my team gets an objective because the majority of the opposition focused on me, then I "took one for the team."


There is also the factor that different classes and specs get their abilities at different times. For example, it has been said that Sentinels/Marauders do not really come into their own in PvP until the low 40s because it is only at that point where ability synergies really take shape. Bolster only evens out stats, it is possible that your characters hit their peak early and now others are catching up.

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You shouldn't ask yourself the question whether you're bad or good. You should ask yourself the question whether you did all you could and look at how you can improve (even the people that are under the impression they're gods gift to the game should look at how they can improve.) It's all you can do.


Level always has something to do with it, where-as later gear will. A good level 30 will beat a bad level 54, sure. But assuming everyone is equally skilled you simply miss out on abilities and skilltree points. I also wouldn't worry about those people that can top damage in warzones at lower levels. I remember my Powertech and Vanguard non-stop topping the damage at level 10 before brackets were introduced. It's not because I contributed a lot to the warzone, it was because damage was all I could use my global cooldowns on. I couldn't AoE stun, I couldn't pull, I didn't have to focus on taunting the right targets, I would die in seconds solo-defending etc. All I had to do was 1 button and kill or interrupt node-capping people with damage. (Take the 1 button with a grain of salt.) It impressed people sure, but realisticly I didn't do much. (In before hate, it's great XP..)

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The eternal question: Am I getting focused in PvP because I am an easy kill, or because I pose a threat? Depends on who you're playing. I know I'm not an elite PvP-er (I'll never do ranked), but I know the maps and the goals, and I'm usually among the top damage dealers in my WZs, so I hope it's because I'm a threat.
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I'm currently in the same situation, I'm playing with my lvl 35 scoundrel healer (this is the very first character I try on PVP), and I don't know yet if I get focused always because: a) I'm rolling a scoundrel healer, b) I can be relatively annoying,c) because I'm a squishy 35 midbie or d) I'm a baddie.


Most of times, I tend to think is the d) one lol, oh well, someday I'll learn.

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