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Are these suggestions even read?

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The only people at BW that read the forums here are the community managers. Eric and Amber I think are the only two. So nothing here goes back to the dev team unless these two decide to do so. And I'm not sure if those two even read the messages...


If you want to play a game where the community managers care, go to WoW. Their community management team interacts with the players all the time.

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The only people at BW that read the forums here are the community managers. Eric and Amber I think are the only two. So nothing here goes back to the dev team unless these two decide to do so. And I'm not sure if those two even read the messages...


If you want to play a game where the community managers care, go to WoW. Their community management team interacts with the players all the time.


Eric and Amber are the only ones who post, I rather suspect others periodically browse the forums.

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What do you want them to say? Post "read" to each and every thread? What a waste of their time!


Most of the time, the answer will be:


a) that is a horrible idea, what kind of idiot are you?


b) that would be awesome, but we aren't gonna spend millions for the changes we'd need to implement it


c) that sounds cool, we might work on that and see if we can implement it in 6 months


d) we're already doing that, it's coming out soon


Now, answers A and B would just annoy people and lead to more whining. Answer C would just lead to people going "where is it, why haven't you done it yet??" and answer D would be bad for BW because they schedule their releases and promos when they feel it will have the most impact. We do occasionally get answers C and D sometimes anyway.


So aside from "we have read this thread", what answer do you expect to get that you honestly think wouldn't lead to more complaining from either you or other forum users?


tl;dr They read them, it's one of those four answers, they don't waste their time replying.

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What do you want them to say? Post "read" to each and every thread? What a waste of their time!


Most of the time, the answer will be:


a) that is a horrible idea, what kind of idiot are you?


b) that would be awesome, but we aren't gonna spend millions for the changes we'd need to implement it


c) that sounds cool, we might work on that and see if we can implement it in 6 months


d) we're already doing that, it's coming out soon


Now, answers A and B would just annoy people and lead to more whining. Answer C would just lead to people going "where is it, why haven't you done it yet??" and answer D would be bad for BW because they schedule their releases and promos when they feel it will have the most impact. We do occasionally get answers C and D sometimes anyway.


So aside from "we have read this thread", what answer do you expect to get that you honestly think wouldn't lead to more complaining from either you or other forum users?


tl;dr They read them, it's one of those four answers, they don't waste their time replying.


I don't know where you come from, but where I come from, if someone asks you a direct question, you should be polite and answer. A yes we read them in this thread would have sufficed. Do you see any reply though? This is the only thread where a direct yes or no was asked. No reply. Either they are, like you, bred with a lack of manners, or they do not read these.

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When dyes came out I begged for the White and Blue dye. to make republic troopers like on the fleet.


I say yes.



And keep in mind, they have said, they make shipments a shipment in advanced for planning. Shipment 3, was in construction after shipment 2 was released.

Edited by Magnusheart
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Actually, posting in the suggestions forums is the best way to let them know what it is that you want. While at the Cantina Tour in NYC, Damion Schubert told me that they take a serious look at these suggestions, especially Cartel Market ones. They want to sell you stuff, so if you suggest it here, chances are if there is enough support they will take it very seriously.
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The suggestions to get read. People wanted Sion's set. X amount of time later after it was requested it showed up finally. Some requests will most likely get put into the game as it was probably already on their agenda anyways. But in saying that, don't count on putting a suggestion up and someone form the fold at BW EA whatever to respond to you directly. All we can do is put it out their and hope for the best.
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