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bioware dismissed Sage/Sorc from pvp


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Everyone see it... After the patch in the first days of my arena adventures some ppl told me that its just coz I have 1920 expertise.. lol sure

But for now, they agree and recomend me to simply change class...

When I will get back my ranked and wz commendations BW? What I spent for gearing up the dismissed class?

I spent around 170-200 hours in wz to gather the coms for my Sage gear. I hope I will get this coms back **** fast!

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Sorcs are working fine from my point of view, played with good and bad ones so far. They are not that much harder to protect compared to Op healers, in fact sometimes guarding Sorcs is easier than guarding OPs because of force speed, combined with Chilling scream makes kitting much easier, if the Sorc knows how to play their class. Edited by carlosg
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STHU, you can heal to full.


Oh realy? When after the Arena match or befor it? Coz not if I'm the N1 target with the weakest defense and get stooned in the first sec by a stealth player 100% of the time if I play arena..

By the way, roll a Sage a heal up your char to full! Its OP you should try it man, what are you waiting for?

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Oh realy? When after the Arena match or befor it? Coz not if I'm the N1 target with the weakest defense and get stooned in the first sec by a stealth player 100% of the time if I play arena..

By the way, roll a Sage a heal up your char to full! Its OP you should try it man, what are you waiting for?


If you're getting stunned and your tank is not on top of the DPS stunning them all, force shocking, backhand, force push etc. You're just playing with fail tanks. Being a healer when the tank in your team is bad is very frustrating, specially for sorcs which are more easily interrupted and therefore easier to burst down. But really if you're working with a good tank he won't let people blow you up at the start, and then from that point on good positioning and skill will keep you and your team mates alive even if their DPS "tunnel vision" your ***.


OP healers are more self sufficient it seems, they rely less on the tank to survive but in comparison their group and burst heals are worse. I think sorc healers are totally viable in arenas, the problem is when you don't get good teamates then sorc is more vulnerable.

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If you're getting stunned and your tank is not on top of the DPS stunning them all, force shocking, backhand, force push etc. You're just playing with fail tanks. Being a healer when the tank in your team is bad is very frustrating, specially for sorcs which are more easily interrupted and therefore easier to burst down. But really if you're working with a good tank he won't let people blow you up at the start, and then from that point on good positioning and skill will keep you and your team mates alive even if their DPS "tunnel vision" your ***.


OP healers are more self sufficient it seems, they rely less on the tank to survive but in comparison their group and burst heals are worse. I think sorc healers are totally viable in arenas, the problem is when you don't get good teamates then sorc is more vulnerable.


LIES!!! sorc can H2F and make everyone pay!!!


seriously though, unless you get a very good team that can babysit you and you play against a mediocre to crappy team, you will not be viable as a sorc. The problem is (contrary to what many say) not the sorc's low defense or lack of DCs, it's that plus the fact that he is easy to shut down as almost all of his heals require cast time or channel time. The only heal that doesn't is garbage and has a pretty long CD for what it gives you. With the over abundance of CC, KB and interrupt a good team can stop a sorc from getting any heals off before he is killed. As it stands the sorc is a glass turret with a very big and easy to push "off" switch.


Sorcs need some kind of better DC and more mobility for their heals in order to be viable. Hell a DC and making the CD on resurgence 3 seconds would make them more viable to be honest.

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This is a perception issue. You need to heal to full, LoS and then make them pay for trying to kill you.


Problem is sometimes people miss one of those steps, only heal to full and LoS but forget that very important last step. Definitely an L2P issue.


Pardon me but what tree you mentioning? The full seer + full balance+ full tk? How you make them pay to attacking you when you are on healing tree, so can heal up, by the way, try to cast force med+ rejuvenate + healing trance +(if you lucky with your rotation your ht clicks 3 crit) + (if 3 crit ht) insta salvation.. so this toration till 4 ppl focus on you and try to stun you non-stop! Ah by the way, lets say you made it(lol what a nonsens joke!!: D), you are on full hp resisted all 4 players stun (god knows what hack it is..) and then with what skill you make them pay? With an epic TK or with a great project? : D

Yes, its definitely an L2P issue : D

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Pardon me but what tree you mentioning? The full seer + full balance+ full tk? How you make them pay to attacking you when you are on healing tree, so can heal up, by the way, try to cast force med+ rejuvenate + healing trance +(if you lucky with your rotation your ht clicks 3 crit) + (if 3 crit ht) insta salvation.. so this toration till 4 ppl focus on you and try to stun you non-stop! Ah by the way, lets say you made it(lol what a nonsens joke!!: D), you are on full hp resisted all 4 players stun (god knows what hack it is..) and then with what skill you make them pay? With an epic TK or with a great project? : D

Yes, its definitely an L2P issue : D


It's your fault since you are not healing to full the right way. Are you sure you are LoSing and making them pay? Sorcs are OP; unlike marauders sorcs can heal to full. You need to utilize LoS and then make them pay for trying to kill you.



Let's see how long it takes him to figure it out :)


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If you're getting stunned and your tank is not on top of the DPS stunning them all, force shocking, backhand, force push etc. You're just playing with fail tanks. Being a healer when the tank in your team is bad is very frustrating, specially for sorcs which are more easily interrupted and therefore easier to burst down. But really if you're working with a good tank he won't let people blow you up at the start, and then from that point on good positioning and skill will keep you and your team mates alive even if their DPS "tunnel vision" your ***.


OP healers are more self sufficient it seems, they rely less on the tank to survive but in comparison their group and burst heals are worse. I think sorc healers are totally viable in arenas, the problem is when you don't get good teamates then sorc is more vulnerable.


Thanks for your advice, but belive me, if that 4 player focus on you, and they will, they will ignore the tank in there back : / (they don't have to take atention) From the reason, that everyone who played this game more then 2 hours know, that Sage/Sorc will go down extra fast if they land a stun on him (the first stun he dismiss, but then comes the 2. and dead.... and its aproximatelly takes 2 sec. Maybe I never played with a good tank, but I can't imagine a senario, when he can rescue me.


The only scenario what I can imagine:

- 3 trooper casting stealth scan around the sage non-stop

-sage cast healing trans to them non-stop to make the 3 crit ticks for salvation

-when the ops team jumps on sage (they can't do it from hide, coz of non-stop scan from troopers), the sage dropes the insta salvation (coz of gathering the 3 crit healing trance points and then after made a force will (if can) immidiatelly cast force barrier, so troopers get the salvation, they dps and befor the salvation ends, they stun the ops team(lets say it makes a pause, but if any of them has stun free left then not so), then sage leave barrier and cast another salvation, then sprint to position.

But the mentioned game should be called: "Lets save the Sage online" not swtor pvp and in this case I dont wanna be the Sage lol. But how I mentioned it, I bought sage pvp gear coz sage was fine in wz (in a way for healer, not that great like scoundrel, and in the end for dps but playable) But in Arena its not playable! Ok vs a very, very crap team he is, but come on...

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It's your fault since you are not healing to full the right way. Are you sure you are LoSing and making them pay? Sorcs are OP; unlike marauders sorcs can heal to full. You need to utilize LoS and then make them pay for trying to kill you.



Please stop trolling the OP. As I am sure you are aware, Sorcerers and Sages are a easy to play, hard to master class. Not everyone can H2F correctly. And even less know how to make them pay for trying to kill you. Personally, I process my payments through AMEX. :jawa_tongue:

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Not only is sage fine in arenas, but 4 of them are OP!





Yes everyone saw this vid very nice.. issue solved..

Do you see how the oposit team react? Are they pro? (I bet its not even ranked) do you know, that dots can be clear by an insta cast on extra low cd?

Just an example : what would do this 4 Sage if they face 4 shadow/assasin and they 1v1 them from hide?

Every class can be exploit if they play vs a random team and have vent on. The vid is funny, if you like this kind of vids, I can make some how I gank outnumbered players in pve gearl in open word till I use full expertise... and vids like that.

By the way, its nice that this guys had fun, but its nothing to do with this issue and I'm 100% sure, that after 20 matches with this setup, they stoped it, coz it seems boring and I can't even call it pvp. Its - drinking a bear or two, having fun in vent, till taking down random teams with a game exploit (and its an exploit just vs new players who don't immidiatelly clean the dots)

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Please stop trolling the OP. As I am sure you are aware, Sorcerers and Sages are a easy to play, hard to master class. Not everyone can H2F correctly. And even less know how to make them pay for trying to kill you. Personally, I process my payments through AMEX. :jawa_tongue:


True. I think the art of healing to full, utilizing LoS and especially making them pay for trying to kill you, really is hard to master while the class itself is easy to play. The OP needs to start by just healing to full and utilizing LoS. When he masters that he can start learning how to make them pay for trying to kill him. It definitely requires a lot more skill than most players are comfortable with. I keep forgetting that.

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Guys, all you need is a tank to guard you. Seriously.


I have my buddy guard me and not only does it allow me to top the list in DPS per match, but it catapults him to the top of the protection board (200K+ every match). Nothing more amusing than watching an entire team pull their hair out trying to kill the sorc.


"Why isn't he dying!?!?!"



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This sort of topic is useless because the only thing it does is to attract all the maras/jugs/sentinels/guardians + scouperative healers who never played a sorc, but believe that they know exactly how it should be played.

They will give valuable hints like "don't be a baddie", "use force barrier", "stop facetanking" etc.

They are all great players (they think) and therefore, they feel entitled to tell people who have been playing sorc since release how to do it better.

They don't realise that the reason why they're doing good in the arenas themselves is that they're being carried by their class/specc. These fellows really believe that they would do extremely good on a sorc. Scary, so much ignorance.

Edited by Cretinus
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This sort of topic is useless because the only thing it does is to attract all the maras/jugs/sentinels/guardians + scouperative healers who never played a sorc, but believe that they know exactly how it should be played.

They will give valuable hints like "don't be a baddie", "use force barrier", "stop facetanking" etc.

They are all great players (they think) and therefore, they feel entitled to tell people who have been playing sorc since release how to do it better.

They don't realise that the reason why they're doing good in the arenas themselves is that they're being carried by their class/specc. These fellows really believe that they would do extremely good on a sorc. Scary, so much ignorance.

Aside from the OP, 99% of the posts in this thread are sarcasm.


FYI: The people saying H2F are trolling. Everyone knows Sages/Sorcs are gimped. This is not a new topic. The H2F thing is from the atrocious dev responses regarding Sages/Sorcs....and this:

Edited by Vecte
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Aside from the OP, 99% of the posts in this thread are sarcasm.


FYI: The people saying H2F are trolling. Everyone knows Sages/Sorcs are gimped. This is not a new topic. The H2F thing is from the atrocious dev responses regarding Sages/Sorcs....and this:


omg I didn't saw this : D I was just thinking on what could be this H2F : )

Its funny, that back in the days we had a song about

It seems players should give a serenade. to begg for balance : p


But honestly, the company should patch out this issue, grinding 200hours for a gear then p2p for queue 10 minutes - standing in the entrance of arena 2 minutes - pvp 2 sec - dieing queue - and again.... some classes has advantage here and there its ok, pvp in an mmo never will be perfectly balanced, its ok as well, but the sinario what I mentioned is more then a bad joke.

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omg I didn't saw this : D I was just thinking on what could be this H2F : )

Its funny, that back in the days we had a song about

It seems players should give a serenade. to begg for balance : p


But honestly, the company should patch out this issue, grinding 200hours for a gear then p2p for queue 10 minutes - standing in the entrance of arena 2 minutes - pvp 2 sec - dieing queue - and again.... some classes has advantage here and there its ok, pvp in an mmo never will be perfectly balanced, its ok as well, but the sinario what I mentioned is more then a bad joke.


Darn I was hoping to troll a little more.


But yes every single thing you are saying has been said for a while now and biowares only answer was FU L2P: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=674291


So far they haven't mentioned any changes to the sorc class, only the assassin.

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Darn I was hoping to troll a little more.


But yes every single thing you are saying has been said for a while now and biowares only answer was FU L2P: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=674291


So far they haven't mentioned any changes to the sorc class, only the assassin.


I just read it.... Lets just forget about this class : P So actually, they wanna nerf the class by lowering the force cost of there armor + lowering the dmg mitigation. I think they need a doctor, but a good one!

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Playing a sage is not like other classes I find it exciting and frustrating at the same time

You have to play flawlessly to succeed and I find other classes a lot more forgiving in recovering from mistakes And sloppy play


For dps sage I'd like them to increase the healing from dots and forcewave (talented)

Remove the cooldown from force slow And change telekinetic throw to heal a percentage of damage done

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